Arthouse Mafia


That's right! Let's make a ballyhoo and use JayDee's weapon against him!

Hereby, I officially claim The Arthouse Mafia opened! The elite, the patricians, the exclusive place only for art house lovers!

In order to become a honorable member of The Arhouse Mafia you must fill the form. Before you do this, check if you are eligible by looking at points 1 to 4.

You are eligible if:
1. You have at least five art house films in your TOP 10 of all time. If you are uncertain whether or not a film is art house send me a private message.
2. You watch art house cinema on daily basis. It doesn't necessarily mean watching art cinema every day, though. Just make sure there's a considerable chunk of art in stuff you watch.
3. You seek new experience, metaphysical sensation and catharsis and believe these can be achieved by watching cinema.
4. You are not afraid to broaden your horizons and step out of your movie comfort zone.

If you don't satisfy two or more of these conditions you are not worthy to apply for Arthouse Mafia membership. Go watch some mainstream, plebs.

If you are worthy, then fill the form below and post it as an application in this thread. (comments in <>)

Nickname: <Just simply put your forum name here. Nothing too fancy.>
Reason: <You must have a reason to apply for such a refined group Arthouse Mafia is. What is it?>
about: <Tell me something about yourself. Not about your personal life, dummy. What I wanna know is your movie taste and preferences. How did you get into art house? What do you seek in cinema? What can you give Arthouse Mafia? Elaborate.>
Boolean: <Do you think your taste is refined? Answer YES or NO.>
If: <Is film art, entertainment, both?>
Other: <Do you have something to add?>

If your application is rejected and your taste
discarded you can apply for Arthouse Mafia again, but not sooner than one month after rejection. This should give you enough time to catch up with what we call 'pure, real, true cinema'.

If you try to trick us, cheat, deceive or simply lie, e.g. about films you have seen, you will be eternally banned from the halls of Arthouse Mafia. Don't think you can make up your top or bypass any other condition. The Arthouse Gods will know you are not honest and shall punish you.

If your application
is accepted the only thing left to do is to take the oath that can be found below:

I, <put your nickname here>,
Bow before the almighty Arthouse Gods and the members of Arthouse Mafia and vow to obey the rules of the organization. I swear to always stand by true, legit and good art cinema. Always condemn the unworthy and mainstream films. Never betray my brothers and sisters. Be honest to them and above all to myself. Always follow the path of enlightment on the way to catharsis. Share my discoveries and likes with other members. Step out my comfort zone and look for new experience in the world of film. Spread the truth and get other people fascinated by cinema.
So do I, <your nick here>.

You don't have to type it manually. You can copy and paste it, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't read it aloud with your right hand raised and really believe in these words.

Once you have been accepted and taken the oath, you are officially a member of Arthouse Mafia. If you have some guilty pleasures don't hide them! Let all of us know about them. It's OK to like mainstream and well-known films as well. Just make sure you still seek the obscure.

Member list:
1. Mr Minio
2. Proximity
3. neiba
4. Simseboy
5. Zotis
6. MovieGal
7. Swan
8. Senso_68
9. Edo Dillon
10. bluedeed
11. Nemanja
12. Diehl40

In my top 10 I think that the least arthouse movies in it would be Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa. But these two are described as beautiful works of art by many even though they follow more classical hollywood storytelling structure. PMMM also follows classic storytelling structure but deconstructs a genre and features some obviously unconventional direction. Among the animated films Totoro is the most arthouse, as it is at the surface a movie for 4 year olds but deep down it is a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated philosophical study of childhood.

Ikiru is a conventional drama film but it's 60 years old, black and white and Japanse, hence, arthouse. While Tokyo Story is less conventional drama movie ("like still waters with strong currents underneath", quoting Kurosawa), black and white, Japanese and 60 years old, hence arthouse. While Blade Runner, 2001 and Apocalypse Now are hollywood blockbusters but also regarded as cult movies by many, though none of them are very conventional, Apocalypse Now is a deconstruction of the war movie genre, Blade Runner minimalistic plot serves only as the backdrop for the atmosphere created by the film.

Stalker is "the most" arthouse movie in my list. So by super strict definition, I have 1 arthouse movie on my list, by loose definition I have 8 or 10.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Ahahaha! I'm laughing so hard with this thread! Sooo much potential here!

I might apply, but I am still discovering art house! It's all very recent!

I think I belong to this Arthouse Mafia... I do watch many "arthouse" films... and well my top ten.... are arthouse or foreign or both..

You're eligible, Guap. Just swear you're not gonna watch pedophile anime no more!

Nobody wants to belong to the most prestige organization in the world?
Shame on you.

Ahahaha! I'm laughing so hard with this thread! Sooo much potential here!
When we get more members we will create an Arthouse Mafia Movie List with obscure & arthouse films! We will be a movie sharing community, too!

I think I belong to this Arthouse Mafia... I do watch many "arthouse" films... and well my top ten.... are arthouse or foreign or both..
You don't belong to it yet! But with your open-mindness and diversity I can't see how your application coulda been rejected.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You don't belong to it yet! But with your open-mindness and diversity I can't see how your application coulda been rejected.
I dont think Im going to join... here is my reasoning... who is to say what is art house material? The films on my list would be considered "art house" here in the United States because they are all foreign films. However, in their own country, they may not be considered "art house". We have a Cine'arts theatre here... and it showed "12 Years A Slave". Im sure many would say that its not an "art house" film. Its a case that can be argued. So, I dont want someone dictating what is art house and what is not. I will stick to myself and watch whatever film is enjoyable. Have fun Minio, I cant be part of it.

Edit: and you cant consider "criterion films" to be art house... because remember all the Michael Bay films that are "criterions".. they are definitely not "Art House".

This arthouse club is too mainstream. I'm making a new one!
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

This arthouse club is too mainstream. I'm making a new one!
And my same argument... who will be determining what is Art House and what is not?

In this case the president of the club will always have the last word.

Besides, it's a very prosaic thing compared to our goals!

And my same argument... who will be determining what is Art House and what is not?
Ask bluedeed, I'm sure it will have something to say
"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
First of all, I'm not an it, I have a gender and am cis, so therefore I prefer a gendered pronoun. Second of all, no, I don't really have anything to say on that matter. The word seemingly derives from the places in which they are shown (or were originally shown in the 60s and 70s when the term came about), but I don't think we have a clean, extensive definition of art house

First of all, I'm not an it, I have a gender and am cis, so therefore I prefer a gendered pronoun. Second of all, no, I don't really have anything to say on that matter. The word seemingly derives from the places in which they are shown (or were originally shown in the 60s and 70s when the term came about), but I don't think we have a clean, extensive definition of art house

I agree... and like I stated earlier..... what I enjoy is foreign films... and here in the States, there are very few major name cinema houses that play them. Most of them are shown in art house theatres.... but in their own country, they are common every day films. So who is to say, a film from Poland, is art house or not. Here it would be art house material but not in Poland.