
Chappie doesn't like the real world
My kids are in soccer right now. Trying to steer them that way over football. They are loving it and it is super fun to watch them.
I firmly believe that it is immensely beneficial for kids to be involved in sports or some sort of activity where they have to practice learn skills and achieve goals.

I firmly believe that it is immensely beneficial for kids to be involved in sports or some sort of activity where they have to practice learn skills and achieve goals.
I agree with this actually.

The only "sport" I have any interest in is bowling and I suck at it. I enjoy playing, but I'm terrible. My personal best was 204 and that was almost a year ago. I average only like 110-120. It's pretty bad.

Sports are boring as hell to watch. Except maybe equestrian show jumping, but that hardly counts and I usually just sit there chanting "refuse, refuse" in hopes that a rider will get thrown into a jump. Because I find that amusing. Especially when it's a water jump. Is that wrong of me?

I think the most boring "sport" of all though is NASCAR. My mom and my brother are obsessed with it and go to at least one race every year. My mom made the mistake of dragging me to a race one year when I was in high school. I spent the time reading a book and working on my homework because that was way more interesting than watching cars drive in circles.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
We went to the Indianapolis 500 one year when I was a kid and it was so loud. I hated it.

I was in a few thing sports when I was a kid. I wasn't super athletic but I did ok.

I do kind of regret giving up dancing but that's such a tough life and waaaayy more dancers than there are jobs. Plus, I'm 5'8" .I wouldn't get jobs just because I'm a good dealer taller than the average.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Football is very fun to watch. So is college basketball.
I don't mind basketball so much but I understand all the rules. Football is gibberish. I know one team is trying to get the ball to one end and the opposing team the other. That's it. That's all I know. And if that's the ultimate goal then soccer seems like a much more sensible way to go about it.

I can't fathom any man not liking football.

Miss Vicky is understandable, Swan on the other hand....
I don't understand why people like sports. It confuses my brain.

I mean, I understand if you get enjoyment out of a game, but some people are way too f*cking serious about it. Crying over football, what the hell?

I say that as the son of a man who cried when the Broncos won the Super Bowl. I love the dude, but I'll never understand his passion for football.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Football is very fun to watch. So is college basketball.

Football is boring. When you watch a football game, as soon as the ball is released, start counting. Usually you can count to 3, and then everybody falls down. If the ball actually makes it into the air, then you can usually count to 5 before everybody falls down.

I got thrown out of Super Bowl party once because I proved that this was true, and nobody enjoyed the game after that because they were too busy counting.

Let the night air cool you off
I don't understand why people like sports. It confuses my brain.

I mean, I understand if you get enjoyment out of a game, but some people are way too f*cking serious about it. Crying over football, what the hell?
People cry over things less trivial than football. All the time.