MoFo Best Picture: 1960, And The Nominees Are...


Let the night air cool you off

The Apartment directed by Billy Wilder

L'Avventura directed by Michelangelo Antonioni

Breathless directed by Jean-Luc Godard

La Dolce Vita directed by Federico Fellini

Elmer Gantry directed by Richard Brooks

Peeping Tom directed by Michael Powell

Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock

Spartacus directed by Stanley Kubrick

The Time Machine directed by George Pal

The Virgin Spring directed by Ingmar Bergman

You should just go ahead and declare Psycho the winner. That way we can save time and get an early start on 1961.

Let the night air cool you off
I want to give other movies a fair shot, even if it seems as if Psycho will run away with it. I am going to PM everybody who voted to give us the nominees, but we have until the 23rd to watch any nominees that we haven't seen yet. They don't have to see any of them if they don't want to though. You can vote now if you'd like. Just send in a top 5 (or less) in ranked order and only include the films you think deserve it.

I'm tempted to submit a list, but I should watch Elmer Gantry and Spartacus first.

I had it on my list, but I've always preferred the Guy Pearce version..
...I hope you're joking...

Is that a good "Holy crap!", or a bad "Holy crap!"?

I'm glad it made it. I love The Time Machine.
Great holy crap! I absolutely love The Time Machine too. It's one of my favorites.

I think you're joking. There's no way anyone can prefer that piece of crap to the brilliant 60's classic.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I started to watch La Dolce Vita the other night for this 1960 list. It did indeed look like an amazing art+cinema+creative movie....BUT I couldn't focus on reading the subtitles and watching the film at the same time.

I either read the subtitles and missed looking at the actors faces OR looked at the actors and missed some of the subtitles. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm guessing not because there's lots of foreign films in the nominee list.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I started to watch La Dolce Vita the other night for this 1960 list. It did indeed look like an amazing art+cinema+creative movie....BUT I couldn't focus on reading the subtitles and watching the film at the same time.

I either read the subtitles and missed looking at the actors faces OR looked at the actors and missed some of the subtitles. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm guessing not because there's lots of foreign films in the nominee list.

I have the same problem with subtitles. I've tried watching several foreign films, but I think I miss quite a bit of the movie while reading the subtitles. Plus, I have a tendency to do other things while watching movies sometimes, so I have a habit of looking away from the screen during the movie, so that doesn't help either.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I started to watch La Dolce Vita the other night for this 1960 list. It did indeed look like an amazing art+cinema+creative movie....BUT I couldn't focus on reading the subtitles and watching the film at the same time.

I either read the subtitles and missed looking at the actors faces OR looked at the actors and missed some of the subtitles. Does anybody else have this problem? I'm guessing not because there's lots of foreign films in the nominee list.

After you watch enough subtitled films it stops being this way. At a certain point it becomes automatic and you are able to take everything in all at once.

I'd like to participate even if I hadn't nominated anything.

In still have 5 films to watch, if I manage to watch them in time I'll send my winner.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Trouble with a capital "T"
I understand what you're saying, Godoggo...and I have watched and enjoyed films with subtitles. In La Dolce Vita, there was lots of fast spoken Italian dialog and I couldn't keep up with reading the subtitles. I've seen Chinese and German made films where I could keep up. Maybe I will try one day again?