The Buffy Re-Watch Club


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
It's so hard not to say "just you wait" to every (mostly totally fair, IMO) criticism, but JUST YOU WAIT. There, had to say it once.

I agree about the dialogue for new actors being awkward. That has to do, in part I think, with the fact that Whedon's own cadence was a new thing for us all to hear at the time. He does speak awkwardly and not everyone had it in their ear yet. Now, he's had so much influence that it's just how a ton of people speak. He also talks about the fact that they tried a hardcore SoCal dialect in the first few episodes that they quickly decided didn't work, thereby reducing the cheese factor by a good 15%.

I think the intro of new characters is also weirdly way too subtle in the first season. Jenny, the kid who becomes the Anointed One, the FBI guys (never once did I ever remember when they show up at the end that we've seen them once before in the schoolyard) just seem to come out of nowhere.

As for the stakes... there's been a stake in almost every episode; don't know what you're talking about.

It's worth noting that the first season was all shot all at once and with no idea at the outset if there'd be a season two. This had to be pretty limiting as far as keeping the stories contained and complete-able in 13 episodes. The budget was so limited that that entire school interior is all one short hallway. They just keep changing the posters. And our fearless director was used to big budget films, so this was a BIG adjustment (or millions of little adjustments, if you prefer) for him.

Oh, and count me in on the Cordy love and the happy that we have a newbie in the group.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Tomorrow we start season two!! It was fun to revisit season 1 but there is so much good stuff coming up.

If you missed out on season one or just didn't want to watch it again, you can still join us for season two.

I did watch Out of Sight; Out of Mind and Prophecy Girl. I've been doing so much stuff all day and don't really feel like a major write-up, but I still like Out of Sight a lot. Prophecy Girl is sad and a nice conclusion to the first season, but I'm not much for beginnings and endings; I always like the stuff in the middle the best.

I think The Puppet Show is now my favorite first season Buffy episode. I don't know that I would have said that before, but I really enjoyed it even more than I remembered.

So now the Scooby Gang are going to be a little bit older and a little bit wiser and we have
some of my favorite characters yet to meet this season.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
BTW meant to ask. Did they start calling tgem the Scoobies after Buffy wore that shirt in the finale or did that start sooner?

Tomorrow we start season two!! It was fun to revisit season 1 but there is so much good stuff coming up.

If you missed out on season one or just didn't want to watch it again, you can still join us for season two.

I did watch Out of Sight; Out of Mind and Prophecy Girl. I've been doing so much stuff all day and don't really feel like a major write-up, but I still like Out of Sight a lot. Prophecy Girl is sad and a nice conclusion to the first season, but I'm not much for beginnings and endings; I always like the stuff in the middle the best.

I think The Puppet Show is now my favorite first season Buffy episode. I don't know that I would have said that before, but I really enjoyed it even more than I remembered.

So now the Scooby Gang are going to be a little bit older and a little bit wiser and we have
some of my favorite characters yet to meet this season.
Sorry for not keeping up guys , that's if you even noticed i was gone . Is it ok if i give a short paragraph on each Buffy episode i missed then rejoin on Season 2:ep1 Godoggo?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Sure. And I did notice you were gone. Especially, since there are only really five of us. Ours is a very exclusive club.

It's fine if people miss an episode or two here and there since most of us are on are third, fourth or fifth watching. Seanc must watch everything.

Sure. And I did notice you were gone. Especially, since there are only really five of us. Ours is a very exclusive club.

It's fine if people miss an episode or two here and there since most of us are on are third, fourth or fifth watching. Seanc must watch everything.
I wish this thread was on MUBI ,so we could call ourselves the Moobies or the Mooby club , Moofies sounds too much like roofies . Agreed with Seanc, he is doing homework and i'm happy with his progress so far; but i think he could improve in loving the show he gets a b- there

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'll go first since I was finishing up When She Was Bad while you were posting that. All right Buffy fans it is the moment you have been waiting for. I loved this episode. From the opening scene I was hooked. The little breaking of the fourth wall moment was great. I love that kind of stuff. Then Giles delivering some genuinely funny lines. There was real tension in this episode and I choked up a little in the last scene when Xander and Willow welcome Buffy back to the fold. Not a moment I didn't enjoy. Best episode so far by a mile. I hope this is a sign of things to come for me with this show. I am just worried it is because we got damaged bad ass Buffy and it will fall back for me next episode. We will see, I am going to start episode 2 now. i must leave you with my favorite exchange from this episode first.

Principal: I smell trouble on her, it is my sixth sense.
Giles. That is one of the five actually.

Not had a great week, but I'll try to catch up over the weekend.

Glad to hear such a positive response, Sean. Honestly, it gets better.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I've seen both When She was Bad and Some Assembly Required but I'm with company so I have to be brief for the moment. When She Was Bad is a great kick-off to the season. It's the first episode that really feels dark to me in terms of the main characters. It also is when Buffy starts to dig deeper, I think.

Some Assembly goes back to the lighter fair, but it's well-written and better than most of the season one episodes. ( but not all)

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Some Assembly goes back to the lighter fair, but it's well-written and better than most of the season one episodes. ( but not all)
Forgot to write about the episode so I will just quote this because it is exactly how I felt. Would have been my second favorite season 1 episode, only topped by Nightmares, so that is saying something.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah, once again for people dropping by; this thread is an episodic discussion and talking past whatever current episode we are on is not allowed. Feel free to talk about season 1 in it's entirety.

Today we should be on School Hard. I don't remember which one that is so I get to be surprised a bit.

Camo, I hope you're still with us. I can stay on this episode until next Monday if anyone needs a chance to catch up.

Yeah, once again for people dropping by; this thread is an episodic discussion and talking past whatever current episode we are on is not allowed. Feel free to talk about season 1 in it's entirety.

Today we should be on School Hard. I don't remember which one that is so I get to be surprised a bit.

Camo, I hope you're still with us. I can stay on this episode until next Monday if anyone needs a chance to catch up.
I am honestly. I watched I Robot You Jane and The Puppet Show yesterday, i'll try to watch the rest of season 1 either today or tomorrow and write someting on each episode before catching up on season 2.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
School Hard is one of my early favorites. The intro of Spike and Drusilla really kicks things into high gear. Love the setting in the school and that Buffy's mom is in the mix, clonks Spike herself, and sees her daughter with new eyes. Spike is one of my total favorite characters, and I love that he was intended as a single episode character, but was too good to let go.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
School Hard really is great. Not only do we get a wicked introduction to fan favourite Spike, but we get a glimpse into the relationship between him and Angel.

Classic episode and very memorable in my opinion.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews