Rate The Last Movie You Saw


A few films i watched recently. I'll post my thoughts later in the Movie Tab when i can be bothered.

The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover - 8/10

American Splendor - 7.5/10

It Happened One Night (rewatch) - 8.5/10

Man of the Year - 3/10

Rollerball - 6/10

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I have Rollerball in the pile of films to watch
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Delicatessen (1991)
It was quite boring and overrated movie.
A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

I admit period pieces about stuffy upper class rules about what and whom is not proper are not my thing. Just ask me about Age Of Innocence. And that was Scorsese! But this was as good movie. Due in large part to Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, and Alan "Hans" Rickman. So that should say something.

I have Rollerball in the pile of films to watch
That version or the crappy remake?

Yep, Sense & Sensibility is a wonderful film. It's one of the few I'd recommend to people, such as yourself GS, who don't care for period dramas. I still wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't liked it, but it's such a likeable film that I wouldn't have felt I'd put you through anything.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Lynch fans should be thrilled. I need more than score and angst to create atmosphere. Gyllenhaal is good.

That version or the crappy remake?

Yep, Sense & Sensibility is a wonderful film. It's one of the few I'd recommend to people, such as yourself GS, who don't care for period dramas. I still wouldn't be surprised if you hadn't liked it, but it's such a likeable film that I wouldn't have felt I'd put you through anything.
I agree. Part of what I did not like about Age of Innocence was I didn't give a crap about the characters let alone their aristocratic rules. Here I still did not care about the rules, but I cared for the characters quite a bit. So that helped.

Watched the Directors Cut. Was a lot better then my last attempts to watch the movie. I will also watch the theatrical cut as well as The Final Cut in the days to come.
Honeykid comment in 3... 2... 1...

The Final Cut is the only one I saw and I saw it twice!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

A really great crime drama, which is something we don't get enough of. I have no idea why I have not heard a peep about this movie. I happened to catch a trailer last week and thought it looked right up my alley and it was. The story may be conventional but that doesn't matter when you have great characters. Well written, good soundtrack, and looks great.

I admit period pieces about stuffy upper class rules about what and whom is not proper are not my thing. Just ask me about Age Of Innocence. And that was Scorsese! But this was as good movie. Due in large part to Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, and Alan "Hans" Rickman. So that should say something.

Glad to see you liked it Gunslinger. Like you i usually hate period pieces, the only type of movie i like less are musicals. Yet Sense and Sensibility, pleasantly surprised me.

Fitzcarraldo (1982)

I feel like I'm underrating this a little, because when it comes to my all time favorites, I want something that's extremely entertaining, or something that hits me emotionally. Fitzcarraldo is not that kind of movie, but it's extremely impressive nonetheless. I've seen a few Herzog movies before this, and I've become a fan, but I feel that this is perhaps the best so far. The pairing of him and Klaus Kinski has been dynamite. The funny thing is that Kinski wasn't even supposed to be in this; it was supposed to star Jason Robards and Mick Jagger. Thankfully it ended up being Kinski because he's perfect in the title role. There's something about movies that are made in exotic locations; it's just awe inspiring to watch. I read a little about the making of the movie and that's an amazing story on it's own. There's a documentary about it that I'd like to see.

Long been a movie that's intrigued me for obvious reasons, a little surprised it didn't make the 80s list at the time.
I've yet to see it but i will soon, after watching and loving both Aguirre and My Best Friend.

The Purge: Anarchy (2014) ~ 6.5 (overall but 7.5 for Violence)

I liked the film overall, very entertaining for those who enjoy gore and extreme violence.

What bothered me overall about my movie experience was someone had the nerve to bring their 7 year old child to see this film.... with as much violence as was shown, it should have been a restriction on that... Yes its rated R but that does not stop some parents bringing their younger children.