Summer Tentpole Predictions


Cool Link, check me out first.

I'm surprised he put Spider-man so high. I'm getting a vibe of Spider-man fatigue from both reviews and people I know in real life (all 3 of them).

I pretty much agree with the rest of the list, though. It seems like a pretty safe set of numbers.

I agree, it all looks fairly predictable, though I've been slightly surprised by just how big an opening Godzilla has Stateside. I don't think saying Jupiter Ascending won't hit big is pushing out the boat. Neither was predicting the disappointments of last year. I'm slightly surprised that Blended has even made the list. However, maybe I'm underestimating the pull of Sandler in the US? Lastly, will A Million Ways To Die In The West really do $150? I know that Ted went huge, but a Western comedy? It's going to have to be piss yer pants funny to do that kind of money, IMO.

Hope you're coming back to stay, BB.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Looking at this least the only film I am interested in is "a million ways", the other films hold no interest to me. They seem to only be sequels or remakes - not sure why I am surprised, this may be why I avoid the cinema in the summer.
twitter: @ginock
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Box Office Mojo predicts X-men to hit $100 million this weekend. Will this put it a bit over the $250 prediction?

Just posted in DOFP thread for this one.

4th biggest Pre-screen Thursday of 2014 goes to DOFP... behind Spidey 2, Winter Soldier and Godzilla.

Predictions are breaking The Wolverine's record of 108m seeing as it has earned twice The Wolverine's Thursday record.

DOFP is gonna be in the Top 3 2014 earners. The buzz going around for it, including from myself, is gonna bring in the crowds over the next few weeks for sure, then DVD sales come August are gonna kill the competition.

X-men won't overtake Winter Soldier or The Lego Movie.

So far Doug's predictions suck. Big time.

He predicted much higher for Blended, Edge of Tomorrow, 22 Jump Street, A Million Ways to Die in the West, X-Men and Spider-man and much lower for Maleficent. I can't imagine anyone is going to be signing this guy praises next year.

I also predict that Transformers comes in a tad bit under his prediction. I expect $275-300 million for Transformers.

Never thought Blended or A Million Ways To Die would hit big, but I don't think anyone can blame him for the Lego movie. No one saw that being the hit is has been. Even if you thought it'd do well, I doubt anyone thought it'd do as well as it has.

I don't think Transformers will do what the last sequel did, which is a shame, because it's my only hope in the box office challenge.

I have a feeling Guardians will have a modest (in these terms) opening around 70-80 mil. What I'm counting on though, is for it to have long legs. My hunch says the 80's nostalgia will be a big draw to the uninitiated after opening word of mouth. Whether its true or not (a real marketing angle or my perception), the music and pop culture refs seem steered to draw the 30-40s into this.