Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The Way of the Wicked (2013)

Just another "meh" story of the Antichrist reborn... boring and well Christian Slater didn't have a huge role in the film, about 20 minutes of screen time. Oh yeah, not much gore to it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Way of the Wicked (2013)

Just another "meh" story of the Antichrist reborn... boring and well Christian Slater didn't have a huge role in the film, about 20 minutes of screen time. Oh yeah, not much gore to it.

Thanks for the info on this one. I was thinking about seeing it just because of Christian Slater, but if he's only in it for about 20 minutes, then it's probably not worth it. (If you had said that the movie was great, then I probably would have given it a chance, but it doesn't sound like you were too happy with it anyway.)

BTW, I hate when the companies do that with older movies. They find one person who had a small role in the movie back before they were famous, then they redo the DVD cover to feature that person, and they reissue the movie implying that that person is the star of the movie. IMO, that's false advertising.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Watched Battle Los Angeles two nights ago, I enjoyed it BUT the shaky cam really REALLY gets on my nerves so it ruined it for me.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

3 Women (1977)

This was not at all the kind of movie I expected. For quite a while, I wasn't even sure if this was some kind of horror film. I'm still not sure to be honest. I thought it was very creepy, tense, and even somewhat disturbing. It reminded me of something David Lynch might have directed, specifically Mulholland Dr. Both movies create a sort of hypnotic state, except that movie had 2 hot women instead of hideous. It was pretty much about 2 women, played expertly by Shelley Duvall and Sissy Spacek. They play two of the most fascinating characters I've seen. The third women seemed to me to be more of a symbol or omen rather than an actual character. It doesn't end with any resolutions leaving the viewer with more questions than answers. Sometimes than works for me, sometimes not. Here, it was the only way to end it properly. I thought it was a pretty masterful film and a big surprise. I look forward to seeing it again in a couple months with my wife.

happy you were able to find more you liked than you didn't. i think it's a good movie, yet at the same time i can understand not being too crazy about it. although just so you know (and you may already), your boy Scorsese put it in his Top 10 for the last Sight & Sound Poll

This is true. Which is why I watched it. Visually the movie is brilliant, but I think I need more info of the period to get into the story.

The Bib-iest of Nickels

I Sell the Dead: I'll have to write a big 'ol juicy review on this one down the line, but as of now, I haven't. I liked it from the cover, and it had a lot of what I expected. A certain silliness and charm to it that you don't see too often in films. Good stuff. It isn't a great film, but I enjoyed it.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/

I Sell the Dead: I'll have to write a big 'ol juicy review on this one down the line, but as of now, I haven't. I liked it from the cover, and it had a lot of what I expected. A certain silliness and charm to it that you don't see too often in films. Good stuff. It isn't a great film, but I enjoyed it.
This looks good, I will keep an eye open for it

The Dark Crystal (1982) 7/10.
Gotta love the characters in that film!

Finished here. It's been fun.

Ace in the Hole

In my eyes this is a film of monumental brilliance. A rough,cynical masterpiece about how far a man is willing to go to get a news story. The themes here are remarkably relevant, it seems Wilder was able to predict the rapid decay of moral decency and the media's effect over the common people. Basically, I'm saying that this is a film that is much ahead of it's time. The script is outstanding, the performances are extraordinary and the film is very riveting. My eyes were glued to the screen and I simply couldn't look away.

Brilliant,brilliant film.

Bad Neighbours - 4/10
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Her. 7/10

Hell Yeah !!! great movie
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Founder of DejaScene.com
Her 2/10 - had to turn it off.