Movies That Could Help Cope With Anxiety


The COVID-19 Pandemic has presented us all with new challenges and it can be a really tough time. you may experience stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and loneliness. And mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, can worsen. Can you suggest movies that could help cope with anxiety and loneliness?

Trouble with a capital "T"
The COVID-19 Pandemic has presented us all with new challenges and it can be a really tough time. you may experience stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and loneliness. And mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, can worsen. Can you suggest movies that could help cope with anxiety and loneliness?
I suppose movies that makes someone feel happier could be the ticket. But that would depend on what a person likes in the first place. Are you looking for recommendations for yourself? If so what kind of movies do you like? I looked at your profile but you haven't added any movies to your top 10.

I’ve been considering re-watching It’s a Wonderful Life. Seen it many times, but it might be just the right movie to cheer me up. Today being the first day of winter is profoundly depressing to me.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I’ve been considering re-watching It’s a Wonderful Life. Seen it many times, but it might be just the right movie to cheer me up. Today being the first day of winter is profoundly depressing to me.
Also, A Shop Around the Corner is a great feel-good Christmas movie.

Also, A Shop Around the Corner is a great feel-good Christmas movie.
Everyone says this, but I think I once bailed out of this movie.

My Darth Star is in for a service
I find a good comedy makes me feel better.

Bad Grandpa with Johnny Knoxville is my current favourite.

I also have a collection of funny clips on YT like this one

When I feel down or just feel bad for whatever reason, I watch films that I truly enjoy. The Mummy with Rachel Weisz and Brendan Fraser is one. I love Ancient Egypt and the process of Mummification so I enjoy that one.

Also, Agora with Rachel is a go to a movie for me as well.

This is going to sound wishy-washy, but I honestly think that different people cope with anxiety in different ways.

For example, sometimes when I get freaked out at night I will watch these borderline garbage thrillers about home invasions. But I find it weirdly cathartic to see my own anxiety mirrored in such an extreme way. I posted in a different thread about how one of my responses early in the COVID days was to watch the movie Outbreak.

On the flip side, sometimes I really need something escapist, and I'll watch Predators or Hot Fuzz or Dredd or Kung Fu Hustle or something else action-y or over the top.

And then other times, if I'm really down, I will turn to movies/shows that are very low stakes. Like cooking shows or a concert documentary. I recently really enjoyed the film of David Byrne's American Utopia.

Honestly, the best thing I've done for my own mental health in movie watching over the last few months is (1) unabashedly use things like the Parents Guide on IMDb to check for elements I would find too upsetting (like sexual assault or animal violence or child abuse) so that I can be very informed about what I'm going to see and (2) reading more details about a plot (even including the ending) if a narrative is making me anxious. With about 12 minutes to go, I spoiled the ending of Calibre for myself because the dramatic tension was beginning to slip over into something negative, despite the fact that I was enjoying the film.

I posted in a different thread about how one of my responses early in the COVID days was to watch the movie Outbreak
The first week of the virus I searched in my house for my dvd of Contagion. Loved my re-watch for some unknown reason.

I think the member mentioning that they watch escapist movies is on point. In other words a whole different world to take you out of this one, therefore I’d go with sci-fi/heavily non fiction movies for me.

The Oz trilogy so the classic, return to Oz and Oz the great and the powerful 3 other worldly movies. The Lord of the rings trilogy is a great one too and makes dealing with Covid seem like a breeze.

If I had to choose a single movie I’d probably go with blade runner, the music and sound effects and visuals are so calming for me it helps me escape it really does. There are no character definitives in the movie or the book for that matter which is why I love it so much.

I’ve been considering re-watching It’s a Wonderful Life. Seen it many times, but it might be just the right movie to cheer me up. Today being the first day of winter is profoundly depressing to me.
Beat me to it, Stirch (that's the first one that popped into my mind).

Another that reminds me a lot of It's a Wonderful Life is The Family Man (2000) with Nic Cage & Tea Leoni.

I find that the movies that help with anxiety are the ones that illustrate how things could be much worse. Watching a giant reptile stomp Tokyo or an arctic outpost being disassembled by an extraterrestrial shape shifter make me realize how much better it is to be locked down in my relatively safe house. I probably won't be squashed or freeze to death.

I’ve been considering re-watching It’s a Wonderful Life. Seen it many times, but it might be just the right movie to cheer me up. Today being the first day of winter is profoundly depressing to me.
I love that one. Great flick. I'll have to pull that disk off the rack.

Thanks everyone. I guess I'll start with It's a Wonderful Life, then A Shop Around the Corner. I'll check out the movies some of you listed here.

Silver Linings Playbook. But pretty much all movies help me lol
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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