Alabama abortion law


Normally I would welcome any measure that increases declining population of westerners , but the law does not allow even rape and incest victims to abort.

Normally I would welcome any measure that increases declining population of westerners
What’s that supposed to mean? Racist much?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

One of his pet issues is wanting western societies to have more children because he thinks they're going to get out-populated by various eastern societies (no points for guessing which ones).

That's not a topic I want us to relitigate in this thread, though. It's been repeated over and over and already dragged into mostly unrelated topics.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
What’s that supposed to mean? Racist much?
oh, it's his whole thing about white people not having enough kids and their race being compromised blah blah blah

but, yeah, this bill is beyond f**ked.

Anyway, most people believe (rightly, to my mind) that this is just to trigger a court challenge, and that there's no real intention of it actually becoming law in the interim.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Beyond the supreme court path, I'm kinda feeling it's a distraction for the evangelical right from the recent gas tax and run for a state lottery that will not fund education. But created a lot of uproar from all political spectrums. This will quiet most of the push back here taking front page appeasing a lot down here.

I fully believe this is legit. There has been a lot of applause this morning in FB. Even with the lack of rape or incest restrictions.


What’s that supposed to mean? Racist much?
Anybody who gets westernised has low birth rate , regardless of race . Even in my country westernised people have low birth rate . This will give advantage to people who believe in rolling back westernization , as generally they have more population growth rate . Especially in democracies where one person one vote is the norm .

Anyway I have promised cat sidhe that I won't bring up the population issue . Forgot that promise while starting the thread . So lets discuss the abortion issue rather .

Trouble with a capital "T"
Anyway I have promised cat sidhe that I won't bring up the population issue . Forgot that promise while starting the thread . So lets discuss the abortion issue rather .
Let's discuss movies instead Any good movies about the abortion issue? pro or con?

Let's discuss movies instead Any good movies about the abortion issue? pro or con?
read about six bollywood movies that mention abortion .

Seeing quite a few conservatives denounce this, by the way, for the reason alluded to above: that it's disingenuous and deliberately blunt because it's specifically designed to create a court challenge. Which seems like a reasonable response. I'm not sure it's the kind of thing someone would try to pass if they were being both earnest and clear-headed in their desire to reduce abortions.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
Seeing quite a few conservatives denounce this, by the way, for the reason alluded to above: that it's disingenuous and deliberately blunt because it's specifically designed to create a court challenge. Which seems like a reasonable response. I'm not sure it's the kind of thing someone would try to pass if they were being both earnest and clear-headed in their desire to reduce abortions.
what would be the point of that, though? you seem to be alluding to something else going on under the surface but i can't imagine what that would be in this scenario

what would be the point of that, though? you seem to be alluding to something else going on under the surface but i can't imagine what that would be in this scenario
The idea, as I understand it, is to deliberately craft an extreme law with none of the typical exceptions that courts have previously required of abortion laws, to ensure that someone will sue to prevent it, and that the case will eventually advance to the Supreme Court, where they hope various precedents will be overturned.

A lot of pro-lifers think this is a pretty dubious and cynical way of achieving pro-life goals (particularly in the long-term). It's very much a "just get it done however you need to" as opposed to "create a lasting consensus in the culture."

That said, even when abortion laws are well within the broad outlines of Roe v. Wade, they've still been struck down by the courts via definitions of health that effectively create no limiting principle at all. This is one of the things that's led a lot of activists to conclude that the higher courts aren't always ruling in good faith or within the bounds of Roe v. Wade as they were set at the time, which I imagine is why they're willing to resort to this.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Through my experience (what little there is down here in rural AL), I've never really put too much stock in our collective ability or desire to "create a lasting consensus in the culture." Here, Trump is a God-fearing, Christian man and Obama was an Islamic agent that wasn't even born in 'Merka. Everything seems to be either/or and navigating the gray area between is considered weak by some, treasonous by others.

I'm sorry for the hot button rhetoric. I do not mean to derail the topic. Instead, I only mean to show a level of perception that exists here. Few (here) are interested in what others think. Eager Cold dead hands attitude, I mean. And rare are those that are empathetic to counterpoints.

Are any of those conservative critics from the state?

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Alabama Governor, Kay Ivey, is getting negative posts in FB; however, local news pages are full of support, praise and blessings. It's surreal.

People saying more people should born from a given race, I say less people should born from all races. Like Mr. Miyagi says: "Balance Daniel San...". The planet doesn't produces enough resources to feed the ones that are already here. High population levels raise problems, one of the major ones, I've said it, other's might be higher competition between us, and that compromises unity, without unity we descent to all the forms of aggression. We are advancing too fast, in my opinion, people are not seeing that if you get from point A to point B faster that makes the two points the exact same thing, we start to see that with tourism and globalization for example, everything starts to be the exact same thing. My point is, we shouldn't force anything, we shouldn't fight nature, and the highest forms of nature is the only trued I know: we born and we will die, everything must have a balance and happen when it should happen.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
The idea, as I understand it, is to deliberately craft an extreme law with none of the typical exceptions that courts have previously required of abortion laws, to ensure that someone will sue to prevent it, and that the case will eventually advance to the Supreme Court, where they hope various precedents will be overturned.

A lot of pro-lifers think this is a pretty dubious and cynical way of achieving pro-life goals (particularly in the long-term). It's very much a "just get it done however you need to" as opposed to "create a lasting consensus in the culture."

That said, even when abortion laws are well within the broad outlines of Roe v. Wade, they've still been struck down by the courts via definitions of health that effectively create no limiting principle at all. This is one of the things that's led a lot of activists to conclude that the higher courts aren't always ruling in good faith or within the bounds of Roe v. Wade as they were set at the time, which I imagine is why they're willing to resort to this.

this is obviously enraging, but what's also equally enraging is Republicans constantly acting like they don't want government to have too much power and 'it should be up to each state'.... until it suits their purpose, then they find insidious ways to do basically the opposite of that to get what they want.

I'm not sure I follow how this is at odds with that particular belief ("it should be up to each state"). If the idea is to get Roe v. Wade overturned (or weakened, or broadened, or whatever), that's perfectly consistent with that belief. Since the Supreme Court imposed a nationwide standard to begin with, getting something like this sent to the Supreme Court is the only way to do away with that standard and allow states to make those kinds of decisions.

I have seen some conservatives basically "give up" on the ideology of states rights and start talking about federal policy the other way, in a "well we can't win this way so I guess we have to fight fire with fire" on some issues, which is questionable to say the least, but this isn't an example of that.