10 Cloverfield Lane


I'm not old, you're just 12.
That looks cool. I like the music choice and the sense of escalating dread in the trailer. It's awesome that they managed to get this made without anyone ever knowing about it. I'm all in.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Maybe the Cloverfield Movie Forums will start up again and I can leave this place.

I'm having a hard time computing John Goodman with Cloverfield.

Is Roseanne the new monster?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Interesting they are continuing the story and taking a different approach with it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
On a second note - I wrote a script back in college titled The Survivor. Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the cabin of a man who says he's saved her life from a world overrun by a zombie epidemic.

I read the synopsis for this, it reads familiar. Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he's saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable.

Damn you Hollywood.

I see what you are doing JJ, distracting us with Star Wars, only to drop this little cherry out afterwards without anybody seeing it coming. Cloverfield is one of those found footage movies I really liked so I'm all for this. The tension in this movie looks fantastic.

Guess I need to see Cloverfield, then again...

This looks good. What's her name always looks scruffy on film, but in real life.

The rumor on the street is that Paramount took an awful flop that nobody wanted from a couple of years ago and rewrote it last March to include references to Cloverfield.Supposedly it's barely related to the first one. I hope that's not true, because I want this to be good.

Looks good, regardless of any connection it may or may not have to Cloverfield. Always good to see John Goodman in something.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
The rumor on the street is that Paramount took an awful flop that nobody wanted from a couple of years ago and rewrote it last March to include references to Cloverfield.Supposedly it's barely related to the first one. I hope that's not true, because I want this to be good.
I think its connected a little more than Barely. JJ Abrams had this to say about the movie --

“The idea came up a long time ago during production,” producer JJ Abrams said in a statement. “We wanted to make it a blood relative of Cloverfield. The idea was developed over time. We wanted to hold back the title for as long as possible.”
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

My wife was wondering what I was jumping up and down about when this landed in my news feed. Cloverfield is one of the best modern monster movies.