You're listening to MOFO 97.1 FM Radio.


You're listening to MOFO 97.1 FM Radio.

Here's Tracy Chapman with FAST CAR.

Oh, and I dedicate this to Donniedarko who was just in his first car accident.

Master of My Domain
The boss wants this Radio gotten rid of by next week- a poor DJ and low ratings are the cause...

Just joking, but I'm sure if this was a real radio program the ending won't be so happy and we'll have SC's leaves stuck in our hair every day

Here's a little something:

Edit- Wtf URL isn't working...

There aren't any leaves around anymore. Miss Vicky's been very good at maintaining the leaves with her blower.

You're listening to MOFO 97.1 FM Radio and this is




You're listening to MOFO 97.1 FM Radio.

This is BOBBY BROWN with "ON OUR OWN" from Ghostbusters II.

Obviously my mention of Bobby Brown's theme for Ghostbusters II inspired SC to post it here and now he in turn has remiinded me of my favourite Bobby Brown song, so...

You're listening to MOFO 97.1 FM Radio and this is

Bobby Brown and My Perogative

I spent months trying to get this, as it hadn't been released over here. In the end I think I got a copy about 4 months later. I don't think it was released for about a year over here. And, for those who appreciate humans of a female persuasion, the sax player is gorgeous.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Continuing the Bobby Brown thing....


"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
You're listening to MoFo 97.1 FM Radio. Thank you for choosing us to fulfil your listening needs. I am your new DJ from the shores of Scotland, I am JD the DJ. Do you see what I did there?

Well we've got some great music coming up for --- Wait, what?!!! Apparently we're getting some complaints about my accent being incomprehensible! Ya racist b*stards ye! Here's your f*cking song, you know where to stick it

I'm terribly sorry, listeners. I understand we've been flooded with complaints about the noise emanating from this station. This appears to be down to a severe case of Scotchitis. We hope to bring our normal programming as soon as possible. In the meantime, this is MoFo 97.1 FM Radio.

Master of My Domain
You are listening to MoFo 97.1 FM Radio. Hurry up and shove this music up your pie-holes so that I can go home early.

Edit: URL is not working again!

It's MoFo 97.1 FM and we give you something to chill!

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.