Subjects Film Never Seems To Cover


I think the vietnam war is very much untouched...for good reason. My father was a part of that. There was a book and movie that were good "Hamburger Hill"
Eh I mean Apocalypse Now is a top rated film of all time. I kinda get what you mean tho, not super frequently touched as a full subject tho like WW2 films are

This might just do nobody any good.
Full Metal Jacket, The Deer Hunter, Rescue Dawn and Platoon were all very well regarded last time I checked.

It's true! Then Octavia Spencer makes some comment about men being men like it's natural to have sex with The Creature From The Black Lagoon.
What – like "frogs and snails and puppy dogs' tails" ? I think that was quoted in relation to Alien once too.

When's the last time you saw a film about a person in a wheelchair. I'm not talking about the My Left Foot type of movies, I'm talking about those people in wheelchairs you always see in kids posters trying to be diverse.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
When's the last time you saw a film about a person in a wheelchair. I'm not talking about the My Left Foot type of movies, I'm talking about those people in wheelchairs you always see in kids posters trying to be diverse.

Or a wheelie walker. I have to use a wheelie walker at the moment so Wyatt the wheelie and I notice them not being used; the only time I've seen one was in cocknies -v- zombies (and back when I saw it it was freaking hilarious. Now that I'm using one googling Cocknies -v- zombies gifs

is still freaking hilarious!

I'm not in usa as you know so I dont know what posters you're talking about. Are they about being older generation aware or generally about handicapped people and being aware, like the special olympics? And dont get me started on the word cripple. Mr D and I laugh about me being a a crippie but not in public and not on the net. When did the word cripple become a slur word? It was used in the correct sense back when I was a kid, same with the word retard. And defect. Only medical professionals can use those words now or SJWs jump out of the cupboard and beat you to death. I think you can also blame teen twats along with the SJWs (disclaimer, not all teens are twats!) for that. They're the ones who generally come out with the infantile insults, like taking the word Gay and misusing it eg You Are So Gay when they're calling someone stupid. Thanks to the teen twats we now have to use a wheelbarrow full of letters. I've had chats to my gay friends about this and it pisses them off, so thank you SJWs and teentwats. Is the word handicapped still allowed? I noticed when I went to Sydney Symphony Orchestra playing the score to the movie A New Hope that the word for the handicapped area was different and I was actually in a wheelchair so noticed a different word being used (I'll think of it shortly). Something like mobility challenged LOL it wasnt that but something like it. That pissed me off. Soon we'll have to write an essay for stuff like that so someone isnt offended.

I think american horror story is the best thing I've seen this century for touching upon taboo topics and shoving them in your face. I love that!!!

OK so something you cant see in movies or tv now or people have an hysterical meltdown

those nasty nipples. Seriously, nipples must wear hijabs the way they freak people out, same withnmudity in general. I've even seen people on the net freaking out about an actor having his shirt off or showing his bare arse on screen - hollywood is shoving it's agenda down the throat as it goes, or even more pitiful, the red pillers sitting in a corner sucking their thumbs and crying about those nasty, man hating femo nazis ridiculing men.
And that's another thing, when did it become acceptable to tack nazi on to the end of an insult, or porn eg food porn, torture porn. Food cannot perform porn unless strange things happen in my fridge while I sleep.

Whinge over.

When's the last time you saw a film about a person in a wheelchair. I'm not talking about the My Left Foot type of movies, I'm talking about those people in wheelchairs you always see in kids posters trying to be diverse.
Notting Hill
Dr. Strangelove
Would What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? count? It is a bit bleak for kids posters.

When's the last time you saw a film about a person in a wheelchair. I'm not talking about the My Left Foot type of movies, I'm talking about those people in wheelchairs you always see in kids posters trying to be diverse.
What do you mean on kids posters trying to be diverse? Can you post an example of this i'm genuinely confused.

There's the French film The Intouchables which according to wiki is the third highest grossing film in France:

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Notting Hill
Dr. Strangelove
Would What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? count? It is a bit bleak for kids posters.
HA! said with Bette davis' voice. that is a great movie. I'm thinking more along the lines of this century.

the Intouchables is on my watch list and has been since before I needed assistance for walking so I didnt think about it until just now. Beautiful still!

I don't know if it takes a position, exactly, but Whiplash seems to be largely about that. The first sentence, I mean; not necessarily the editorial compacted into the second sentence.

A few comments on your comments:

Pancakes remark was the most hilarious line I 've read here. Can't match it, but would like to mention waffles. Waffles need love too.

Not a movie, but the old tv series Ironside had a strong main character in a wheelchair.

I think Hamburger Hill was an under rated movie that handled the plight of the men in Vietnam in a way that was realistic. You see 'ordinary men' thrust into service of country, and no matter what side of the Vietnam war debate you are on; you understand and empathize with how the soldiers get through it. A very young Dylan McDermott led the charge up the hill.

It wasn't a big movie about big characters; but a humane view of 'average' soldiers- which brings me to my comment about what doesn't seem to be in most films I see lately - films about people who are NOT bigger than life, are not superheroes or grandiose characters- just ordinary folks who make their way through life: films about the quiet heroes, the determined survivors.

I could be mistaken about this, and I know many mofos have seen a lot more current cinema than I, but. that s my take on it. For example, Walter Matthau played this type of unsung hero in The Taking Of Pelham 123. How long ago was Rainman? Where a prototypical car salesman goes through a transformation that makes him a better man?
Of course, there was Atticus Finch. For that matter, there was the doomed father in Life Is Beautiful who thinks of himself as a harmless funny man. And even Scarlette O hara , who would have been nothing more than a spoiled southern belle, had she not had to reinvent herself and serve her family. (albeit by hook and crook)

This is one if the reasons I was so disappointed in 3 Billboards, the characters could have been just regular, unrecognized but relatable folks, but to me, those characters became bloated and unreal, and that movie just jumped the shark.

Besides movies like Sully ( who despite his modesty was not an ordinary man) or Philomena (unarmed with anything special but a search for truth) I just don't see much of every day people - people who are not on reality shows but who are as real as we are - people who are moving through life while retaining strength, honesty and a quiet dignity.

I don't know if I missed some movies I should know about - and you experienced cinephiles are welcome to enlighten me, but I don't see much offered in the last decade or so that made me feel good about the 'neighbor next door.'. The type of characters I ' m thinking about were in movies like: Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, China Syndrome, even Murphy's Romance.

When's the last time you saw a film about a person in a wheelchair. I'm not talking about the My Left Foot type of movies, I'm talking about those people in wheelchairs you always see in kids posters trying to be diverse.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The fact that bullying can be a good thing. You can thank our soft, cowardly, estrogen-fueled victim culture.

If I'm wrong, let me know.
You're wrong....bullying is never a good thing. Interesting that you equate soft and cowardly with women (estrogen).

I'd like to see a movie about a misogynistic young man who after meeting a wonderful woman for the first time has his heart enlightened and begins to understand his past anger.

I'd like to see the following subjects/events covered in a film:

the Sixth Extinction
Scottish independence referendum (+ possible 2nd)
breaking of Harvey Weinstein scandal

the Glorious Revolution
the Thirty Years War
the Black Death
biopic of Brahms

unless they already have been filmed.

Animal breeding.

Tramuzgan's Avatar
Di je Karlo?
The fact that bullying can be a good thing. You can thank our soft, cowardly, estrogen-fueled victim culture.

If I'm wrong, let me know.
You're wrong....bullying is never a good thing. Interesting that you equate soft and cowardly with women (estrogen).

I'd like to see a movie about a misogynistic young man who after meeting a wonderful woman for the first time has his heart enlightened and begins to understand his past anger.
Bullying is a natural form of constructive criticism. This is coming from a guy who was bullied for most of his childhood so I know what I'm talking about when I say that many kids who get bullied deserve it. E.g. if the kid was a furry or a weeaboo or something like that.

And as for that other thing, you might wanna read a biology book.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Bullying is a natural form of constructive criticism. This is coming from a guy who was bullied for most of his childhood so I know what I'm talking about when I say that many kids who get bullied deserve it. E.g. if the kid was a furry or a weeaboo or something like that.

And as for that other thing, you might wanna read a biology book.
Bullying is done by the weak, in a vein attempt to make themselves feel better about their own low self esteem. No one deserves to be bullied. I suspect school bullying is one of the driving forces behind the rash of school shootings. So don't tell me it's a positive thing.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
A movie without conflict.. I'd love to see a movie with a lake in view, nature, quiet, besides some nice, easy talking.. Doesn't even have to be great, I just want to remember how it felt to be outside of the city.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You're wrong....bullying is never a good thing. Interesting that you equate soft and cowardly with women (estrogen).

I'd like to see a movie about a misogynistic young man who after meeting a wonderful woman for the first time has his heart enlightened and begins to understand his past anger.
I'm with you on this one,CR. I cant believe what I read. I'm guessing Tram is asian where bullying is still ok?

Tram, kids around the world are committing suicide because of bullying. There are major campaigns to promote anti bullying at the moment. Have you missed all that?

Edit for incorrect name. I am thoroughly mortified I did that so my humblest apologies to the mofo I incorrectly named and many thanks to the mofo who let me know.