Ned Starks Top 500 Films All Time.


The only ones I've seen are Karate Kid and Blood Diamond.

The first is not very good, the second quite touching
I have seen quite a few of these and that is how I'd describe most of this

Thumbs up for Con Air, The Day After Tomorrow, and The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Even though I haven't seen the latter, if it's got Burt Reynolds and Dolly, I like it.

Been meaning to see Blood Diamond forever.

443 Secondhand Lions

442 The Mummy Returns

441 Gorillas In The Mist.

440 Blood Alley

I fixed it. Or do you need glasses
I have glasses and it's still not fixed. Unless somehow the rules have changed and 241 goes between 442 and 440 when put in numerical order.

I simply have no words to describe this thread.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Do you like anything. Bare in mind with a 500 movie list you wont get into the best films really until under 300 id say. Why choose 500 well its quite fun too remember films i liked but have not seen in ages. As you well know some movies have not made it to dvd or are in what they call the studio vault.

Do you like anything?
Obviously, just not most of what you've listed so far.

Also you can't post a list like this - especially one that's 500 titles long - and expect not to get any negative feedback about some of the content.

I say kudos to Ned for making a list of what he likes and not listing what he expects everyone else to like. Most of these films I've enjoyed...the ones I've seen that is. Except for The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. I hated that movie, except for Charles Durning. He was awesome. There are two main reasons I hated the movie, the first being Dolly Parton. The only movie I've ever liked her in was Nine to Five. But in TBLWiT, she was totally grating. The second reason I hated it was her singing "I Will Always Love You,"---man, do I hate that song! And then Whitney Houston had to go and sing it and make a hit of her remake and it was everywhere and STILL pops up. It's why I only halfway like The Bodyguard, because she sings that damn song in it. Anyway, I've totally gone wheels-off here.

Bottom line: fun stuff for the most part here, Ned. Looking forward to see what you list next.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Love The Mummy Returns !!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

435 The Bear

This movie is based on the view point of two bears and there chance meeting do to one hunters bad aim. The Bear is a nice movie if your rooting for the animal type of person will love this one. Most know the male Kodiak bear from the movie The Edge.

434 Robin Hood Men In Tights

I should hate this movie since was a fan of The Prince Of Thieves movie more so for freeman and rickmans performances. However still Mel brooks gets spoof comedy just too bad this and Blazing Saddles is only two really good ones he tried too do.

433 Tall In The Saddle.