Marvel Studios flicks are soulless cash cows.


I prefer the amazing spider man

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
In your top ten of what? Avengers is one of your top ten favorite movies ever?
Yes, it is. I happen to think it's a great movie, and if you don't that's fine. There's no need to be snobby about movies.


Marvel Studios movies can be fun to pass the time, but they're absolutely soulless and trivial.
I agree with a previous comment about the first minutes of Guardians, Rocket lamenting his friend, the space rescue. They might be the exception, but I think they negate the blanket statement.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
(Prepare for a "stop liking what I don't like" diatribe)
Then why post something like this? People like different things, thus there is a variety of films to suit anyones tastes. If you don't like Marvel, don't see them. It does no good to rant that you don't like it, and nobody else should either. I don't like depressing "arthouse" films, but someone does, so they can enjoy those, and I can watch Captain America again.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Registered User
If they'd make a Marvel film that was Dark-Knight quality I would enjoy it - the crop of Marvel films in the 2000s and 2010s are pretty much generica - some are entertaining in small bursts but they're pretty forgettable "seen-it-all-before" affairs.

Maybe they could get Christopher Nolan to direct one of the films.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I so don't want Christopher Nolan making a Marvel film...the whole dark and brooding thing works for Batman, because that's who that character is. Nothing Marvel has ever created or possibly ever will create needs a darkness like that.

Then why post something like this? People like different things, thus there is a variety of films to suit anyones tastes. If you don't like Marvel, don't see them. It does no good to rant that you don't like it, and nobody else should either. I don't like depressing "arthouse" films, but someone does, so they can enjoy those, and I can watch Captain America again.
what's the point in talking about anything?

what's the point in talking about anything?

Distraction from the meaninglessness of life. Duh.

Registered User
I so don't want Christopher Nolan making a Marvel film...the whole dark and brooding thing works for Batman, because that's who that character is. Nothing Marvel has ever created or possibly ever will create needs a darkness like that.
A Punisher film that's actually decent?

Not to mention some of the X-Men characters have pretty dark elements

(Prepare for a "stop liking what I don't like" diatribe)

Marvel Studios movies can be fun to pass the time, but they're absolutely soulless and trivial. RDJ's the only one you ever care about, and I really think that just thanks to his charisma. He himself is entertaining and relatable. But i can't remember actually getting emotionally invested at any point. Plug a different actor in and that script doesn't hold it up.

I applaud the X-Men (and, as flawed as it is, even the new Spiderman series) movies for at least pushing me to feel something/giving their characters some complexity.
Actually, RDJ has gotten under my skin the last few movies. In the beginning he was great, but now? Maybe the character is a little overdone. I enjoy Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor and I LOVE Ruffalo's Hulk. I really enjoyed Guardians, it was different, same with Doctor Strange. I even enjoyed Ant-Man! I would not call them soulless though.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I feel like I care exceptionally about Captain America, which is a testament, because, at the start, I didn't care about him at all. Captain America: Winter Soldier and Civil War actually have legitimate things to say for themselves. Guardians of the Galaxy has a lot of charm and heart. And, lastly, Daredevil has its fair share of emotional depth.

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus

Man of Steel - 55% RT
BVS - 27% RT
Suicide Squad - 26% RT

You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

I've got a mate that is a right music snob. He decries all bands like Coldplay who churn out stadium driven rock in an attempt to make money at the expense of not properly expressing their creative selfs. I entirely agree with him, and like him, shy away from that type of music.

I then asked him what his favourite movies are. He said Avengers, Deadpool and Spiderman.

I laughed.

delage's Avatar
Registered User
I accompanied an 11 yo son of a friend of mine to the cinema to watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I got the same impression as the first film, decent but not that great, so you could say I got what I expected. What I couldn't stand was the very basic humour obviously aimed at teenagers who laughed all the way through, so whenever I saw a punchline coming I cringed.

I watched the opening credits for Guardians 2 in 3d, with root dancing around as tentacles and gunfire flowed around him in a blur of intagible cgi, and I cringed the entire time. I was so bored and appauled that any curiosity to see any more evaporated. Then I left to watch whatever movie I actually paid for.

I only made it a half hour through the first Guardians before I was bored half to death by the lame jokes. They are such boring movies. I get more enjoyment from b movies than that crap.

Then why post something like this? People like different things, thus there is a variety of films to suit anyones tastes. If you don't like Marvel, don't see them. It does no good to rant that you don't like it, and nobody else should either. I don't like depressing "arthouse" films, but someone does, so they can enjoy those, and I can watch Captain America again.
I just had to respond to this old post because the self-righteous hypocrasy is hilarious and the argument is completely invalid. Now, I don't agree with Mlaturno. I think the only redeemable quality the X-men movies have is the "so bad it's good" factor, but I would say the same about most Hollywood Blockbusters which are soulless cash cows.

But to critisice him for making this thread like that... absurd.

Let's use Monkeypunch's own logic against him.

People like making different threads. A good reason for this thread could be to blow off steam and release tension. There are a variety of threads to suit everyone's tastes, and if you don't like this thread you don't need to post in it. What good does it do to rant about other people ranting? You're blowing off steam in the exact same way, just about threads instead of movies. Which would be fine if you weren't condemning yourself in the process.