The mafo's MoFo 100 List

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I think I went through this before, but I didn't rep anything, so maybe not. Maybe you're just that predictable . A few of these did surprise me though I must say. Can't go through everything Right now, but most sets had a few films I liked. I believe Rosemarys Baby is my favorite of the whole list, and I don't think I gave any
Films under a
, and even those were a bit harsh. Have you read The Wanderers? I have the book on my shelf ready to read, so I'll probably watch the film after. Also I want to see The Celebration even more now, I bet Lars Von Trier loved it. Great list Mark! Finally went through the whole thing.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I give the original FC 7.5/10 - it takes awhile to get going. II I give 8/10.
Sounds good Mark, yeh I agree that you could say it takes a while to get going, apart from Hackman's character there's quite little in the way of character dialogue or development at all, and most of the film I would say focusses on style over substance, but I loved it like this and thought throughout Friedkin managed to create suspense and keep me interested, the 'chase scene' is obviously great, but a lot of other scenes I felt were less obvious 'chase scenes' that worked slower but still effectively, I loved the whole train sequence with Hackman and Rey. Will try and watch the sequel soon

Okay, so this morning (last night I was half asleep) I have gone through your list once again, the films I have seen are:

The Iron Giant
The Empire Strikes back
The Bridge on the River Kwai
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
The Wizard of Oz
Full Metal Jacket - seen twice, your analysis
2001: A Space Odyssey
Planet of the Apes
The Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
L.A. Confidential
A Clockwork Orange
Rosemary's Baby
Beauty and the Beast
An American Werewolf in London
Mary Poppins
Pulp Fiction
Paths of Glory
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Back to the Future
The Godfather
Schindler's List
The Incredibles
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Dr. Strangelove
The Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Pan's Labyrinth
Easy Rider
King Kong

One thing I have noticed is a few of these films are favourites from my childhood that I grew up with my parents getting me to watch, I'm talking about Dumbo, Pinocchio, Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast, The Wizard of Oz and then The Iron Giant and Gremlins, I will admit I can not remember much of these films right now (except Oz), but growing up I thought they were great.

I don't think there's a film on your list that I can say I really dislike, I've mentioned before how I am unsure about Forrest Gump, I didn't particularly like it when I first saw it, but it needs a re watch.

I have noticed a lot of the films you like seem to be similar, at least to me, in the way the tell the story, they are films that present a story in a certain way that makes it enjoyable for a lot of viewers, most of them are accessible to a lot of audiences as well, it's hard to put it into words what I am trying to say here, but I think a lot of Spielberg films do what I am describing, and from your list/posts I know you love his films

I like the inclusion of a few Kubrick films too, and really like what you wrote about Full Metal Jacket, it's a film that I was also unsure about when I first saw it but after repeat viewings I have grown to love it, I agree with your comments about three parts, and now watching it I think they fit together much much better than how I original saw them, as two disjointed pieces.

Also as you know already there's a few films I have recorded because of your list/posts, like The Outlaw Josey Wales, Elmer Gantry and Sunset Blvd.

which place did Forrest Gump take in the list?

I don't have time to check out all the thread at the moment but I like seeing Jaws as #1 and Mark is one of the few people who prefer original Star Wars to Empire Strikes Back.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
In the original 100, I placed it at 49. It's very entertaining, an impressive technical achievement and well acted by Hanks and Sinise. As far as some other themes it touches (women's lib, AIDS), it's not particularly successful but at least it addresses them. I prefer it as an offbeat comedy more than a serious drama or a weepie. I've said before that it's basically a Cliffs Notes version of the second half of 20th century American history. You should study the real thing rather than take it from Forrest Gump. (***** happens )

I perceive this film differently.Yes,I can watch it both as a comedy and as a drama but it's not the point how many themes it addresses.I don't think it is even about history.It's about people who are affected by history.Many people in real life do not notice this and that's why Forest Gump may seem too unrealistic or over the top - R.Zemeckis stresses the importance of cultural/historical background.Add history's importance with characters' personal past experiences and there you get a film about life being compared with a box of chocolates since you never know what you gonna get.

anyway,considering that you've seen tons of films,I'm glad to see this film being 49. ) It may not be the best film but it seems so accurate.

Finally checked through all the list,didn't read all the comments as there are tons of films which I haven't seen but still some opinion:

I didn't like The Bridge on The River Kwai and Patton for the same reasons,although these films aren't very alike.I felt like I don't get the mood of both films.This tends to happen with a lot of Hollywood films,maybe it's because of the different cultural background.

Glad to see 2001,A Clockwork Orange(fan of Kubrick?),The Godafther Part II,Goodfellas,Full Metal Jacket.Especially I like that you like One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest,Schindler's List,Forrest Gump and The Godfather is at #13.However,I can't believe you placed The Incredibles so high,do you think it's really that special?

Gone With The Wind is a great epic,whoever wrote it is a genius.

I was really amazed to see Se7en,LOTR and Saving Private Ryan,didn't think that you like those films.

However,I not a fan of Casablanca and Treasure Of Sierra Madre but I enjoyed them.
My least favorite here are The Manchurian Candidate and Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?,

I'd like to watch War and Peace since I liked Waterloo and I like Dostojevsky which is considered to be similar to Tolstoy on whose book the films is based.
I'll also see Midnight Cowboy sooner or later.
And it's not on your list but I'm interested in The Best Years Of Our Lives,will I like it?

Oh,by the way,where's Tarantino?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You should like Best Years but it's very post-WW II America. It should teach you a lot if you don't know the time and place. Of course, I'd hope the emotions of it and all my Top Films are universal.

Mark, I watched both Vincent and the original Frankenweenie as part of the short films tournament and liked them both. But I prefer last years' Frankenweenie remake which is pretty much the same except made out of clay with stop-motion, and has a lot of extra stuff in the middle, so I was wondering if you'd seen it and if so did you like it?

Recently I have also seen Night and Fog, Sunset Boulevard and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, all great films but the last one I found particularly enjoyable

great great list I got many suggestions from it !

Being from Montreal I'm glad to see jesus of Montreal on a list from someone who is from somewhere else
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Wow, mark f, I love and hate you at the same time. I love you, because this has a lot of text to dig into and since I saw many of these films it should make for an interesting read. I hate you, because it's 4 AM and I discovered this thread and I'm reading it instead of sleeping. I know this top may be a little bit out of date when it comes to order, but these write-ups are pretty cool. To think this thread was made in 2008, when I could hardly speak English.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Back in 2008 my favorite movie was American (don't quite remember if it was 2001 or There Will be Blood) and I even claimed 90% of the good movies were American. This list has 6 non-English films and 96 English films, would have similar proportions to a list I would have done 8 years ago (its not lIke there are a lot of good Portuguese language movies). However, since 2008 I got something called broadband Internet which changed things a little bit.

its not lIke there are a lot of good Portuguese language movies
What do you think about Manoel de Oliveira, Pedro Costa and João César Monteiro? What do you think about Brazilian director Glauber Rocha?

Epitome of filmmaking right here. One of the greatest scenes of all-time.

Originally Posted by mark f;402411

83. Romeo and Juliet (Franco Zefirrelli, 1968)[/b]

Another authentic-looking film with very good performances; probably the most entertaining Shakespeare film ever.

82. The Three Musketeers (1973)/The Four Musketeers (1974) (Richard Lester)

THE Swashbuckler par excellence.

Love these movies.

50. The Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont, 1994)

This is one of those films that always makes me cry and feel good. Sure, it's obvious that it's manipulative, but I'd rather be manipulated by Morgan Freeman's voice than just about anybody's. Plus Tim Robbins' performance ain't too shabby either.
I'm of the opinion that this film is pretty much flawless.

I'm of the opinion that this film is pretty much flawless.
Improper sentence structure.
Here is an alternative sentence:

I personally think that this film is ok, and has lots of flaws.

Your Welcome,