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The 40-year old virgin

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_fearandloathing_'s Avatar
Registered User
I haven't seen any threads about it so I thought I'd start one. I haven't seen this movie but I was hoping there were people that have that good give there opinion on it. It seems really funny, and it seems to have gotten pretty good reviews.
We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case ofbeer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.

I think you'll find comments from a few members in the "What have you seen lately?" and "What was the last movie you saw in the theater?" threads. But I guess to transfer thoughts here for a thread all of its own is cool too.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005 - Judd Apatow)

Carell is terrific and brilliant playing a more nuanced and less over-the-top character than he has before, this guy Andy is a real person and not just a cartoon (though he does that great too, as eveidenced in Anchorman). Cathy Keener is sexy and loveable, one of my favorite actors and I'm glad to see her in what is going to turn out to be a pretty high-profile role (she was terrific in The Ballad of Jack & Rose earlier this year, but only about seventy-three people saw it). And the entire supporting cast is hysterical, especially Seth Rogen, who was so great on "Freaks & Geeks" - this should be a springboard for him now.

About four dozen explosive laughs throughout. Good times in this, now that we've truly arrived at the Age of Aquarius. A one joke movie, sure, but executed so very well. Like The Wedding Crashers earlier this summer, a great adult comedy that is actually made for adults and not sixteen-year-old boys who like gross-out gags about pie fu*king and cum mistaken for hair care products. I hope this trend continues. The boxoffice that these two films have generated has proven to the Studio suits that there is an audience for it.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
My friend saw it and said he hasn't laughed that hard since Shaun of the Dead
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

so u guys are saying we should go see it, is it as funny as wedding crashers or more?

Originally Posted by inibriated
so u guys are saying we should go see it, is it as funny as wedding crashers or more?
Well, you've (sorry, that should read "u've") cut through my buried subtext where I was hiding my true feelings and somehow gotten to the crux of my review there, Sport. I admit was being all coy and cutesy, but you managed to see the recommendation underneath all that anyway. Bravo, sir.

YES it is a funny movie.


Whether they let you in or not is another question. It's rated R for reason.

I'll tell you this though, it's friggin' hilarious in spots and plain ol' funny in others.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

_fearandloathing_'s Avatar
Registered User
Im not old enough to see it

Sounds good, i'll be off to see that
Peter: Excuse me, is your refrigerator running?
Because if it is, it probably runs like you - very homosexually.

Registered User
saw the trailer already. it was so funny! i'll watch it.

I walked out of this movie after the 11th sordidly weak, disgusting thing happened within the first hour. (was trying to give it a chance)

This movie...was a complete and absolute waste of time and $.

i generally like movies such as Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, Meet the Parents et cetera.

To this movie, i went with my fiance, who respects women in general, his own sexuality and mine, and he laughed only at the part when Carell gets his hair waxed.

This movie..was created for the adolescent with a dillhole, feebleminded, underdeveloped, witless, obtuse "sense of humor". The 'champion brilliance' of Carell only added to the worthless waste and poo-poo stinking up hollywood and the rest of the world. Thanks a lot, for nothing!

Yeah, i really hated this movie! and for good reason.

I can't believe I even sat through this movie for as long as I did without throwing a big nasty rotten tomato at the screen. But alas that would have proven futile in my attempts to express any honest disapproval.

I went to this movie because I thought it would be witty and clever, considering how the title is something different, a concept nobody has really worked with before.

But it was just stupid. They ruined it with the downward spiral of excess perversion.

For the most part, I heard all the guys laughing, looked around and saw a few disgusted expressions on the girls.

Any girl who can laugh through this movie and believe she still has any self-esteem or self-respect is kidding herself. And if your boyfriend/husband really liked this movie, I would sincerely ask why...

Because if a big box of porn, f***ing a donkey, excessive and profane adjectives about something as sacred and passionate as sex is hilariously 'funny' to him, it means that he has no problem with it. So then, what precious thing does he take seriously and strive to protect and commit to?
Why have limits? Why not make a "funny" movie about pedophiles next, Steve?

Disappointed in Honolulu

Originally Posted by cerulean

Because if a big box of porn, f***ing a donkey, excessive and profane adjectives about something as sacred and passionate as sex is hilariously 'funny' to him, it means that he has no problem with it. So then, what precious thing does he take seriously and strive to protect and commit to? Why have limits? Why not make a "funny" movie about pedophiles next, Steve?

Disappointed in Honolulu
Unintentionally. Funniest. Post. Ever.

The righteous indignation of Disappointed makes me want to see The 40-Year-Old Virgin all over again. BTW, my sister went to see it earlier this week. Her all-time favorites are things like The Princess Bride, Young Frankenstein and When Harry Met Sally.... She thought Virgin was the funniest movie she's seen in years. She liked The Wedding Crashers, but loved 40-Year-Old.

One of my favorite quotes in a review I read on 40 year old virgin was something along the lines of "Any 18 year old who just sucked back a 6 pack of beer probably thinks its the funniest thing they ever saw" Because my sister had just recently told my parents it was the funniest movie she ever saw.

I'm 18 years old, I don't drink, and that movie certainly wasn't the funniest movie I ever saw, not even close. I'm not saying it was bad because it wasn't, there was definitly some funny stuff in it, but as with Wedding crashers there were long boring sections that didnt have a laugh for 20 some minutes, and there was alot of toilet humor and not enough originality that I saw with movies like Harold and Kumar, and even Wedding Crashers at least tried to be original not just with the idea. I'm not saying this was a bad movie, I guess i just didn't find it as funny as mostly everybody else did.

Originally Posted by labonte18
I'm not saying it was bad because it wasn't, there was definitly some funny stuff in it, but as with Wedding crashers there were long boring sections that didnt have a laugh for 20 some minutes, and there was alot of toilet humor and not enough originality that I saw with movies like Harold and Kumar, and even Wedding Crashers at least tried to be original not just with the idea.
Well, we can agree on this point: The 40-Year-Old Virgin is no Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. I, however, do not see that as a negative.

I love THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN...a very clever comedy on a fresh subject for the movies that could have been extremely smarmy, but the screenplay always takes the high road and Carrell and Catherine Keener are vibrant and intelligent leads.