

Now I get it. The Indianapolis IMAX theater is a 70mm theater. Very lucky. It’s one of 17 in the country.

The closest to NC is 4 hours away in the cinephile hotbed of Buford Georgia.
Are you closer to Nashville? Anyways I apparently waited too long for those tix tomorrow and every showing sold out.

Are you closer to Nashville? Anyways I apparently waited too long for those tix tomorrow and every showing sold out.

Nope. It's almost 7 hours from Winston-Salem. And that Nashville traffic can get gnarly. Usually depends on how many bachelorette parties that week

Nope. It's almost 7 hours from Winston-Salem. And that Nashville traffic can get gnarly. Usually depends on how many bachelorette parties that week

I'll need to process this for a few moments, but when Nolan makes a movie, for better or worse, it's undoubtedly a Chris Nolan movie.

Going to try and catch it this weekend at some point. Closest 70 mm IMAX is like in Fort Lauderdale I think and that's like 5 or 6 hours away. So I will just settle for a regular IMAX which is like 40 minutes away. I am a big Nolan mark so I will be excited. Tenet felt like a bit of a misfire to me. Loved the ambition but the cast felt weird and it was huge ideas like Inception just less accessible than it. But I haven't revisited it since I saw it in theaters maybe I will soon. Feels like this is a return to form. Been seeing a lot more praise than not...but that could be just first weekend excitement. We shall see.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Still processing, will definitely be seeing it again.

Should have been a giveaway when he cast Downey.

Saw it last night. You'll need time to process it and probably a rewatch to give it a true rating. A rewatch is almost required. Feels like a thick book at times that will slow down on a second watch I believe. Murphy will get nominated. He was incredible. Downey probably will too. Trinity test sequence lives up to the hype. Riddled me with anxiety.

Lots of reviews I've seen have called it emotional cold. But I feel like that's the point. Oppenheimer was emotional cold and scientific. You will leave the theater with alot to chew on.

Also Barbie is going win the box office. Tons of girls dressed in pink to see Barbie. Like a shocking amount.

I honestly hated it.

It’s just bad history.

…Trinity test sequence lives up to the hype. Riddled me with anxiety.

…Also Barbie is going win the box office.
I mean, naturally — I think it’s understandable that people will fluctuate towards the feel-good film.

So "Barbenheimer" is where people have bought tickets to see Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day. This sounds like a gravy sunday. Individually you could like both ingredients, but together you only remember the grease hardening in your mouth. Both will be oppressively excessive in either positive or negative energy. I honestly dont want to see either. Not even on Netflix. If youd like some gritty realism watch "The Killing Fields" docuseries.

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I honestly hated it.

It’s just bad history.

That's why I would never watch it, but I wonder how on Earth this has made so much.. a 3 hour movie, when most can't can't pay attention for 10 seconds without looking at a phone.

I can already envision the movie in my mind.. I'm sure they will leave a lot of the best stuff out, since real life is more interesting anyway.
I'm going to have to wait to see it until it becomes available for streaming. My wife refuses to see it due to Oppenheimer's shabby treatment of the great scientist, David Bohm, who is one of her favorite scientists.

A move about Oppenheimer is a tall order, even if they just hit the highlights (and lowlights). He was a Communist, a "fellow traveller", but he evidently was not a member of CPUSA, although both of his spouses were. There was a good deal of spying at the Manhattan Project, which resulted in the Soviets acquiring enough stolen information to build their own atomic weapon a few years later.

Although Oppenheimer was cleared of espionage charges, he became associated with communism. Despite his philosophy, the director of the Manhattan Project, Gen. Groves, waived the security clearance for Oppenheimer, convinced that he was the right man for the job due to his brilliance, scientific background, and the ability to grasp complex subjects. But by 1954 Oppenheimer's security clearance was revoked.

So it'll be interesting to see how Nolan has dealt with all of that. One thing that surprises me: I don't what they did to a biographical film about R. Oppenheimer to draw an "R" rating.

One thing that surprises me: I don't what they did to a biographical film about R. Oppenheimer to draw an "R" rating.
WARNING: "bleh" spoilers below
boobs and a few furious F bombs

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I'm going to have to wait to see it until it becomes available for streaming. My wife refuses to see it due to Oppenheimer's shabby treatment of the great scientist, David Bohm, who is one of her favorite scientists.

A move about Oppenheimer is a tall order, even if they just hit the highlights (and lowlights). He was a Communist, a "fellow traveller", but he evidently was not a member of CPUSA, although both of his spouses were. There was a good deal of spying at the Manhattan Project, which resulted in the Soviets acquiring enough stolen information to build their own atomic weapon a few years later.

Although Oppenheimer was cleared of espionage charges, he became associated with communism. Despite his philosophy, the director of the Manhattan Project, Gen. Groves, waived the security clearance for Oppenheimer, convinced that he was the right man for the job due to his brilliance, scientific background, and the ability to grasp complex subjects. But by 1954 Oppenheimer's security clearance was revoked.

So it'll be interesting to see how Nolan has dealt with all of that. One thing that surprises me: I don't what they did to a biographical film about R. Oppenheimer to draw an "R" rating.

Mort Sahl had a joke.. "Oppenheimer, you're through! Turn in your brain"

(and updated it for FOX.. "You're through at FOX! Turn in your dress!")

I can't think of a single biopic I love. "Serpico" was good. There might be another one. The rest were shit, despite accuracy being better than the corny fiction they come up with.

I mean, naturally — I think it’s understandable that people will fluctuate towards the feel-good film.
Yup. I really want to see both films, but in this moment I could use more of a pick-me-up.

I think it also makes a big difference that one film is far, far more fitting for taking a family/kids.