Movies Centered Around Single Outcast Women?


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I tend to love these movies. I just used the term "Outcast" as am umbrella. It could be a 35-yr old woman who's a virgin (Rachel, Rachel) or a woman who might be shy, overweight (Sugarbaby)... Especially movies where there might be characters, but they're in the background while we see her in public, but also in private, when she's all alone. She might be masturbating, eating, crying, watching TV, but they usually get the audience to emphasize with her, although that isn't the important thing. It is nice to "fall in love" with a woman on screen, because you can sorta be in the movie, vicariously, maybe placing yourself in a role, where your imagination can roam free with hers.

Anyway, I recommend those movies:
-Rachel, Rachel (1967)
-Sugarbaby (1985) - which is on Prime, but also on YouTube

Would this come into your category? I think so.

I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

First thing that came to mind was Anna Magnani in L'Amore (1948), particularly The Miracle segment.

My favourite film in this vein is Can You Ever Forgive Me?, though I can’t see the vicarious infatuation angle here.
That wasn’t a bad movie. Quite enjoyed it.

Yes. I've seen this, and would love a movie similar, but not as long or mundane.
“Long or mundane”? It’s one of my favorite movies.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Single White Female?
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

“Long or mundane”? It’s one of my favorite movies.
First Satantango, now Dielman. That feel when Stirchley turns out to have better taste than 90% people here.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Check out the early '00s thriller Cherish, which I think fits your description. Two words: Robin Tunney and Tim Blake Nelson (well, that's five words, but you get the idea).

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First Satantango, now Dielman. That feel when Stirchley turns out to have better taste than 90% people here.

She's inadvertently given me two 8/10 (so rare nowadays for me) movie choices (Forest For The Trees, Paradise: Love) because I happened to love the poster on a thread. Both German newer movies, too. Both centered around single women.

Check out the early '00s thriller Cherish, which I think fits your description. Two words: Robin Tunney and Tim Blake Nelson (well, that's five words, but you get the idea).

Thank you. "Paris, Texas" is a very good movie, too. And you saw "Best of Youth", too. I liked the first three hours; fourth and fifth hour started to .. recycle. Reminded me of Godfather III (Andy Garcia's character). If you haven't, I'd recommend Wim Wenders Road Trilogy (I'd almost consider "Paris, Texas" as the fourth installment, but it is the first one not in German).