Scariest Movie Posters/Covers


What are some movie posters or cover arts that used to scare you as a kid? I'm sure a lot of us have memories of a certain poster or cover artwork that scared us, especially those of us back in the day who remember the days of video stores and going to the Horror section and being scared to look at what was there.

One I remember scaring me as a kid was the VHS poster art for A Nightmare On Elm Street 2. This was the only time I was ever scared of Freddy Krueger as a kid. I remember every time I'd see that cover as a kid it would scare me. Not sure why, it might just be the way Freddy's face looks on it and the glare in his eyes, something about it just unnerved me as a kid.

Also not exactly a film per say, but anything that had the Crypt Keeper from HBO's Tales From The Crypt always terrified me. He was my absolute worst childhood fear and the mere image of him was all it took to petrify me back then. I know back in the day some of the episodes were released onto VHS (I feel old remembering VHS), and any time I'd see him on a cover of anything it immediately freaked me out.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
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"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Not the Communion (1989) film poster necessarily as the face is quite obscured, but representations of the Greys used to scare me. Thankfully I wasn't in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere .

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Nothing's scarier than the original Jaws poster imo. The one with the naked female (assuming gender) and the giant male (assuming gender) shark (assuming species) head (assuming anatomy).

Never been scared of a movie poster as a kid or adult. I've always found this creepy for whatever reason though, haven't seen the film:

Edit: That's the soundtrack but it's the exact same as the film poster, i originally had the film poster but the one i used was way too big so i changed it to that.

When "The Version that you've never seen" was released in 2000 or 2001 I watched in VHS.
Didn't care much for the poster. I was 7 and the film scared the **** out of me.
Since that day, the poster was enought to fright me up.
This was the exactly cover released in 2000 here in my country. I have this version on DVD now of course.


This might just do nobody any good.
The poster for Apocalypse Now used to creep me out when I was 6 or 7.

I didn't see the movie until I was 10 or so, so just image of Brando's giant (I thought bleeding) head and the lines "The horror. The horror." were enough to get my mind running.

Slightly off topic but I'd suggest checking out Jay Shaw's prints. Some are probably scarier than the actual movies -

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The AHS promo with the spider crawling out from underneath a woman's eyelids. I cant even post it.

I'm at work at that link has been blocked due to 'Adult Content'.

Your job may not allow links from the source site to be viewed, I found the image through a Google Images search. Are you able to view it from home?