True Life Stories that should be movies


The life story of Errol Flynn
There was a TV-movie made in 1985, based on Flynn's autobiography, "My Wicked, Wicked Ways." I only saw the last half of it, much of which dealt with his trial for statutory rape. I can't really recall much more than that, but the guy who played Flynn, Duncan Regehr, seemed to do a good job. Regehr was mostly known for playing Count Dracula in The Monster Squad (1987) and a Zorro TV-series (1990).

I would like to see a big-screen story about the Tunguska explosion, which occurred in Siberia, Russia in 1908, It was a major cataclysmic event that still defies an official explanation. It is said to be the largest impact event on or near Earth in recorded history. Here's the Wikipedia link:

Of course there's been a horror movie made about it, which I have not seen. But I'm hoping for a movie that approaches it from a dramatic and scientific point-of-view. It would have to be fiction since the truth remains elusive, but it could still be interesting as there are so many theories about it. I know Wikipedia is known to be iffy on certain facts, but the read on this page is really fascinating. Funnily (or sadly) enough, my first knowledge of the event was a mention by Agent Mulder on The X-Files.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

H.H Holmes

Hotel owner who murdered a bunch of people in his establishment because he designed and built the place with a secret floor.
He was so well planned for his sick fantasy, that he actually hired different contractors to build the place in stages so he could then capture people on the secret floor, of which only he knew the full layout, and murder them knowing nobody would find out what he was up to.
He also built the place with secret chutes to the basement so he could dump the bodies and then burn them in two specially built furnaces.

The Dyatlov Pass

9 skiers went up to the Ural Mountains in Russia and never returned.

A search party went up to find them and found the camp the skiers had set up had been smashed up and their tents were in shreds

A little way away from the camp, the search party found 5 of the 9 skiers frozen in the snow. What was strange, is that they were almost totally naked.

The other 4 skiers were found later in the year when the weather warmed and the snow melted.
They too were almost naked and were covered in brutal injuries that resembled injuries from a high speed car crash.

Nobody knows what happened or why.

Overtoun Bridge in Dumbarton Scotland.

Unknown why, there have been a number of dogs jump from the bridge and fall to their deaths.
The dogs are always of the same breed too.

This area of the world is synonymous with the gates of hell. Overtoun is Gallic for "The Thin Place", meaning there is a thin border between this world and the world of the dead.

The Dyatlov Pass

9 skiers went up to the Ural Mountains in Russia and never returned.

A search party went up to find them and found the camp the skiers had set up had been smashed up and their tents were in shreds

A little way away from the camp, the search party found 5 of the 9 skiers frozen in the snow. What was strange, is that they were almost totally naked.

The other 4 skiers were found later in the year when the weather warmed and the snow melted.
They too were almost naked and were covered in brutal injuries that resembled injuries from a high speed car crash.

Nobody knows what happened or why.
It's been done, but it's crap.

Bella and the Wych Elm.

In Hagley, not far from Birmingham England in 1943, during the height of WWII... 4 young poachers, only boys, climbed a tree hoping to get a better look at the surrounding area for their poaching.

They stumbled across the body of a woman known only as Bella, or Belladonna, who lived nearby.
Her body had been jammed into a crevice in the trunk that could only be found by climbing the tree, so her body was dropped through a hole that was in the top of the tree-trunk.

She was fully clothed and no reason for her death could be found in autopsy.

The strangest thing, was that her hand had been cut off and had been buried a little way away in the field and her mouth had a piece of silk in it.

In 1944, about a year later, writing appeared in Birmingham on a wall, about 30 miles away from Bagley saying "Who put Bella in the Wych Elm - Bagley Wood?"
This graffiti has appeared in several places all the way up to as recently as 1999.

The current location of Bella's body/resting place is completely unknown.

The disappearance of flight MH370.
I'm surprised that Hollywood isn't already at work on that one. Not being flip at all---it's just that it seems like something they would jump on quickly.

Here's another I thought would be interesting, although a lot of people may already have had their fill of his story. It would probably be better as a TV-movie:

I don't know if I'd like them, but I heard Ron Howard and Russell Crowe were in talks to make a movie about Bill Hicks. Nobody could imitate Bill, but the upside of it would be that people who saw the film in a theater would go to youtube and check out the real thing.

They made the movie "Lenny" when they should have made a movie on Mort Sahl, whose life is very cinematic - started modern standup comedy in 1953, first entertainer to attack Joe McCarthy, JFK's father called Mort to write for JFK during 1960, and caught heat for continuing to attack the incumbent, saw a loss of work, then after JFK was killed, Mort joined Jim Garrison in New Orleans, etc etc..

I think they only made a movie on Lenny because he died.. He wasn't funny or profound. But there's a lot of sex and drugs and swearing, which shows the low taste, how that becomes a substitute for content.
Ew, I love Bill Hicks, but I don't think I want to see a film version of his life. I can't imagine anyone in Hollywood who could play him...

It could be a good film, but he's just so cool in my eyes I can't imagine a good version of that film. Then again, I love Andy Kaufman and I don't hate Man on the Moon.

H.H Holmes

Hotel owner who murdered a bunch of people in his establishment because he designed and built the place with a secret floor.
He was so well planned for his sick fantasy, that he actually hired different contractors to build the place in stages so he could then capture people on the secret floor, of which only he knew the full layout, and murder them knowing nobody would find out what he was up to.
He also built the place with secret chutes to the basement so he could dump the bodies and then burn them in two specially built furnaces.
Very cool. I forgot about him! That would be a great horror/thriller/true crime. Another one for Fincher maybe? David Fincher would love this thread. LOL!

So many cool ideas. Thanks everybody!

Registered User
Slow Bela-tarrian film with him waiting for his target in disguise, eating, cleaning his gun. All in snowy landscapes. That would be beautiful.
Gandalf's idea would work here; the film could include footage from the Russian soldiers' POV.

I agree that if the film were just about the guy sitting around in the snow waiting for targets, it'd probably be boring.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
My life.

People would praise the sh*t out of such movie. I'm the most interesting person in the world. Period.
Do you drink Dos Equis

Welcome to the human race...
Ew, I love Bill Hicks, but I don't think I want to see a film version of his life. I can't imagine anyone in Hollywood who could play him...

It could be a good film, but he's just so cool in my eyes I can't imagine a good version of that film. Then again, I love Andy Kaufman and I don't hate Man on the Moon.
Given how young Hicks was when he died, I'm sure they'd probably have to settle on an unknown or something. Certainly none of the current under-30 comedy actors I know about at the moment. Maybe even someone from outside America - he did have quite the reputation in the UK, after all.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I am the Watcher in the Night
Copts in Egypt, Jews and even Muslims themselves in India and Burma.
and "even" the Muslims, how nice of you

I'd really like to see a movie about a black boxer for once...considering they dominated the sport for the better part of half a century.

Names like Tyson, Robinson, Leonard, Hagler, Holyfield....they'd all make for more exciting and accomplished life stories than Micky Ward.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

and "even" the Muslims, how nice of you

I'd really like to see a movie about a black boxer for once...considering they dominated the sport for the better part of half a century.

Names like Tyson, Robinson, Leonard, Hagler, Holyfield....they'd all make for more exciting and accomplished life stories than Micky Ward.
Is Will Smith too white for your taste?

Is there a decent film about Mata Hari, the spy woman?
I never really checked but her story always seemed interesting to me. If there isn't a movie about her, then it defo should
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

The Dyatlov Pass

9 skiers went up to the Ural Mountains in Russia and never returned.

A search party went up to find them and found the camp the skiers had set up had been smashed up and their tents were in shreds

A little way away from the camp, the search party found 5 of the 9 skiers frozen in the snow. What was strange, is that they were almost totally naked.

The other 4 skiers were found later in the year when the weather warmed and the snow melted.
They too were almost naked and were covered in brutal injuries that resembled injuries from a high speed car crash.

Nobody knows what happened or why.
I read up on it last night and it had me very interested. If done properly I would definitely watch it.
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

There's a number of theories over Dyatlov...

I've just found out that Renny Harlin made a direct-to-DVD-film about it 18 months ago called Devil's Pass.
It was labelled as an unintentionally funny Blair Witch.