Cobpyth's Top 101 Favorite Feature Films

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65. Blade Runner (1982)

The reason why this famous cult film is one of my favorite movies of all time is mainly because it portrays one of the most imaginative and amazingly executed Sci-Fi worlds in cinema history. It looks absolutely STUNNING!
Most of you already know that I'm a big fan of film noir and that's also a reason why I love this film so much. This is probably the only Sci-Fi film that truly captivates the essence of the noir genre (or at least for me) and is also able to satisfy on a science fiction level.

Apart from all the brilliant visual stuff, this film also has a very philosophical, existential and piercing plot. I have to admit, though, that after my first viewing of this film, I did not really know what to make of it all. I was about 16 and my father showed it to me because it's one of his favorite films of all time, but while I appreciated the beauty of the film, the story kind of left me in the dark. It was only after a second and a third viewing that I truly started to love this film. Blade Runner is one of those very rewatchable cinematic art pieces that always makes you discover new details and layers with each new viewing.

Blade Runner is one of those films that makes it so easy for me to love cinema. I watch many new movies at this point of my life, as I'm still very much in the 'exploring phase' of my development as a true cinephile and I do it all to discover films like this, films that I can revisit again and again and that keep me smiling and thinking for weeks after I've seen it. I wouldn't be surprised if Blade Runner is one of those films that will climb on my list as time goes on, rather than fall. With every single new viewing, I love and admire it a little bit more...

P.S. I'm used to the director's cut, as that is the DVD version I own.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Finished here. It's been fun.
Cobpyth you are awesome! Blade Runner is my all-time favorite film, and I don't see any film ever surpassing it.

I have to admit, though, that after my first viewing of this film, I did not really know what to make of it all . . .while I appreciated the beauty of the film, the story kind of left me in the dark. It was only after a second and a third viewing that I truly started to love this film.
I've only seen the film once, and although I admired it on an aesthetic level, I didn't exactly love it. Hopefully it will grow on me with repeated viewings as it did you.

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It took me 3 viewings and 30 years, but I finally enjoyed Blade Runner. It will never be a favorite of mine but I can easily understand why it is to others.

Yep, I agree with you about Blade Runner. The first time I watched it I found it overrated and didn't liked it. After a second viewing I start to really enjoy it, and I'm sure I'll love it the third time I'll watch it
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Didn't enjoy Blade Runner at all.
--I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing.

64. Blue Velvet (1986)

This is my favorite Lynch film from what I've seen from him so far. It has that typical Lynchian atmosphere and it portrays a mystery plot about suburbian paranoia and the darkness of the human soul in a surreal, neo-noir and still very meaningful and amenable manner.

What I like most about this film is its fluent, stylish and dark atmosphere. There are many weird and even absurd moments, but the film never seems shattered or 'random' because of its overarching mood. There's a lot of crazy stuff going on, but it's all very engaging and because of the beautiful cinematography, the brilliant use of colors and Lynch's skillful directing, the film always has a sort of 'sophisticated' feeling to it, even when it shows really vulgar stuff.

Blue Velvet is a memorable and dreamy psychosexual trip full of cinematically wonderful, but strange sequences. I personally love it and I know many people on this forum do too. A must watch!


Finished here. It's been fun.
Blue Velvet?

The Lynchmeister approves of your choice.

One of the greatest choices on this list thus far, a true masterpiece from the genius of surrealism. From the opening scene you know you're in for a ride.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

63. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)

This is the first Spaghetti western and also the first Sergio Leone (who is one of my favorite directors of all time) film I've ever watched. I instantly fell in love with it. The coolness, the underlying emotions, the poetic display of the wild west, the gorgeous music by Ennio Morricone (this film has some of the best film music of all time, in my opinion), the brilliant directing style, ... It was absolutely perfect! Because I was so impressed with this film, I saw the Dollar Trilogy in the next three days that followed. Needless to say, I also loved all of those. One of them is even going to appear a little bit further on my list.

While Once Upon a Time in the West has some very similar elements to the Dollar Trilogy, it does capture a certain different mood, in my opinion. While the film still features some very cool shooting sequences and while the 'main character' is still a quiet loner, this film feels less raw. There's more emotion and sophistication to the story, there's an allround sadness to it all, something tragic. While the Dollar Trilogy was more playful (even though they also often feature dramatic stories), Once Upon a Time in the West has a certain gravitas to it that is lacking in the Clint Eastwood features. This film is less focused on sheer entertainment and its purpose is to move the audience in a different manner. For me, this epic western definitely did that.

Let's also not forget the wonderful amount of characters that this film has. There is of course Henry Fonda's legendary villain, 'Frank'. He's so merciless and so full of evil that it's hard not to feel threatened by his appearance. Fonda really did a marvelous job playing him.
Then there is of course the wonderful Claudia Cardinale as Jill McBain. She's beautiful in this and perfectly captures the vulnerability and courage of her character.
Then there is Charles Bronson's Harmonica. He kind of is the 'man with no name' character in this film, but there's more to him than meets the eye at first. There's a reason why he is there.
Last but not least there is of course my favorite character of them all, Jason Robards' Cheyenne! He's not a typical good guy at all, but in this film, you can't help but absolutely adore him. He's cynical, tough, delightfully distasteful and obviously has done some bad things in his life, but there's still a certain kind of honor and loyalty to him. He may be rough, but he's undeniably good inside. There are many characters like that in cinema history of course, but Cheyenne is in my opinion one of the most effective of this kind.

Once Upon a Time in the West should be seen by every cinephile out there. It's one of the most impressive films of all time. It's grand in its ambition and it succeeds on all fronts. It captures the 'idea of the Wild West' perfectly and even transcends it.

It's a masterpiece.


Finished here. It's been fun.
Cobpyth you and your impeccable film taste just continues to impress. OUATITW is majestic.That godly Ennio Morricone score is pure ecstasy.

Two excellent movies that would rank even higher on my personal list, especially Once Upon a Time in the West, which is one of my top-three favorite movies of all time. The western is my favorite genre, and I think Once Upon a Time in the West is the cream of the crop. Nice write-up.

once upon a time in the west !!!! big like and big fan of the movie so nice
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

62. Mystery Train (1989)

I discovered recently that certain people on this forum actually strongly dislike this film, but by putting it on my list, I hope some people out there will check it out and love it as much as I do. From the six Jarmusch films I've seen, this is definitely the one that speaks to me the most and I'm definitely not the only one who has that opinion. At its time, it received a very warm reception from critics (in general) and Roger Ebert later even added it to his list of 'great movies'. It also won Jim Jarmusch the prize for 'Best Artistic Attribution' at Cannes.

I liked this film a lot after the first time I saw it, but I didn't immediately rank it amongst my absolute favorite films of all time. The film never really left my head, though, and I found myself thinking about it a lot and revisiting certain scenes. I decided to rewatch it and then I fell in love with it completely.

This film consists of three intertwined stories that all take place in a gritty Memphis hotel at the same time, but they are told one after another. The tight structure of the overall film and the scenes, the wonderful characters, the deadpan comedy and the extremely effective atmosphere that represents alienation, decay and coolness make this a very special film.

I'm a big fan of Elvis Presley and his music and I thought the three stories of this film insightfully analyzed certain aspects of the Elvis legend. His heritage and his 'ghost' are never faraway in this film. Jarmusch uses small things like portraits on the wall, pop references, music (Elvis' cover of the song Blue Moon is very effectively used in this film, for instance), urban legends and even his actual ghost to symbolize the immortality of Elvis and more so, the human problems the King of Rock'n Roll had to deal with, even with his fame and wealth. Elvis is more like a symbol in this film instead of a person that actually existed. The film seems haunted by the ideas and thoughts that are provoked by the legend and the ultimate fate of Elvis' persona.
All of the characters in this film have issues (even when they are not always explicitly expressed) and somehow I found meaning in all of their struggles and experiences.

Another reason why I love this film so much is because of the oddly comical moments between the night clerk and the bellboy at the Memphis hotel, played by Screamin' Jay Hawkins and Cinqué Lee. They are simply awesome!

If you're looking for a film with a classic plot and a typical conclusion, this is definitely not the film for you. If you're looking for an atmospheric experience that focuses on characters and small details and also has an interesting visual look, there's a fair chance you'll like this. Go see it and decide for yourself...


mark f dislikes it? Added to my watchlist.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.