Thoughts on remakes


I'm still having a fit over Charles. I like Sly good enough, and no one else should do Rocky, or First Blood, but the same goes for him trying to be a vigilante. Nothing about this idea sounds good. This may kill me.

Has anyone ever even seen a decent film to film remake? Please please I dare some one to name 3... I’m trying very hard to think of one which was good.... my head is just bombarded with all the very bad bad ones... Worst all being the wicker man! Who ever green light that should be castrated. An insult to the horror genre and lowest point of Nicholas Cage’s LIFE. A worse decision that Lisa Marie. Any bad ones out there that can beat that? What saddens me is the Hollywood trend of remaking great and successful international films... (although I’m keen to see the American funny games, thats gunna freak you all out) ... instead of distributors championing the originals.... I guess it could happen the other way round but I’ve never seen it. Anyway, is it too much to expect your audience to be able to educate them selves enough to be able to view a narrative through the traditions and values of the culture’s context it is set in??????... grrr. Saying that I liked the 1997 Anna Karenina as opposed to the 40's Greta Garbo one, but that’s a Sean Bean thing *lustful grin and wipes chin*….

Originally Posted by bettyblue
[color=black]Has anyone ever even seen a decent film to film remake? Please please I dare some one to name 3... I’m trying very hard to think of one which was good....
Mark just gave you three good ones, and referring back to my post on the very first page of this thread, here are a few more...

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
Oh man, not too happy about some of the films on that list. People need to NOT remake Hitchcock films, period. I am also still stunned that so many people like the ham-fisted and poorly written Battle Royale. One of the most overrated pieces of crap ever, IMO.

Near Dark is one of my favorite vampire films, and certainly doesn't need a remake. The Thing? Even with Ron Moore, who I like a whole helluva lot, behind the scenes, this film doesn't need a remake. The effects in Clash of the Titans could sure use an update, but still...

Meh, nothing new under the sun, I guess.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Has anyone ever even seen a decent film to film remake? Please please I dare some one to name 3...
As much as I hate remakes in general, I also named a few that I love . . .

Cape Fear
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
twice. I haven't seen the fourth one yet.
The Blob
The Fly
The Thing from Another Plant ~ The Thing

Then again, maybe you hate remakes even more-so than we do, and you hate these as well?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Has anyone ever even seen a decent film to film remake?
I love both the 1954 and 1976 version of A Star is Born.(There is a 1937 one as well, but I have not seen that one.)I would be hard pressed to say which one I liked better, and I certainly see no reason while there should only be one.

I am also very glad The Thing was remade. It is one of my favorite movies.

The Thing and the Fly yes, Oceans 11 maybe, King Kong & Solaris big No No No! and was traffic a remake ? Cape Fear i forgot about but Robert Mitchum is twice the villain Robert De Niro ever wanted to be... God you came up with those three quick enough... never seen any versions of A star is born, the Judy Garland (RIP) one is on my to watch list... so will get back to you on that...

Also anyone know whats happeining with the remake of Barbarella? last i read Drew Barrymore was attached, then Robert Rodriguez with Rose Mcgown to lead, then fall out with studio over choice of Mcgowen... here is the last article i found on it....

"Spencer Morgan - The New York Observer

Sin City director Robert Rodriguez is letting his heart get in the way of his better judgment with his forthcoming big-budget remake of Barbarella, a source with knowledge of the production told the Transom.

Universal Studios has backed out of backing the movie, whose budget the source pegged at nearly $100 million, because Mr. Rodriguez has insisted on casting his new fiancé, Rose McGowan, in the lead role, famously played by Jane Fonda in the 1968 original directed by Ms. Fonda’s then-husband, Roger Vadim.

The movie depicts a futuristic astronaut who travels the galaxy, seductively conquering everything in her path. More famous names floated for the part included Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry and Jessica Alba.

“It’s sort of embarrassing for everyone involved,” the source said. “No one thinks Rose can carry the movie, but Robert won’t listen.”

The film’s executive producer, Dino De Laurentiis, an Academy Award winner who produced Mr. Vadim’s Barbarella, is keeping mum on the matter, the source said. “He’s technically independent but has a strong connection to Universal. He wants to back Robert and his vision. But Robert’s vision is blurred by Rose.”

Universal’s initial excitement about the project had prompted reports that the movie would be fast-tracked for release in 2008. Indeed, the studio was so excited about the film that upon discovering Mr. Rodriguez’s nepotistic casting preference it came back with a second offer to fund Barbarella with an amount significantly below the original—in the double-digit millions, said the source. Apparently many of those involved have unsuccessfully tried to persuade Mr. Rodriguez to see his way beyond his curvaceous fiancée, best known for her role in the TV series Charmed.

But the director is sticking by his number-one chica, the source said, and with Ms. McGowan billed to fill Fonda’s thigh-high boots, the studio is afraid the box office simply wouldn’t stand up to the investment.

Mr. Rodriguez denied this, claiming the issue was simply one of budget. “Universal had initially signed on for $60 million,” he told the Transom, “but then when we were done with the script it wound up at closer to $82 million, and they had just financed a Will Ferrell movie that was a $130 million and they even cut that down to $100.”

He said Universal would still be happy to fund the picture for $60 million, but that he was shopping it around to other studios in the hopes of getting more money. Mr. Rodriguez is known for his ability to make movies cheaply, but believes it will be difficult with Barbarella since much of the film takes place in outer space, and “we don’t want the movie to look like the original,” he said.

The director alleges that the people at Universal were in fact thrilled with Ms. McGowan’s screen test, “blown over,” as he put it. “They said, ‘What are we looking at?’” Mr. Rodriguez said. “She looks fantastic in the role. … She was perfect for this part. She just has that daring look, a sort of classic sexiness that is also kind of futuristic.”

His bodacious Barbarella vision came to him while flipping through the trades one morning with his fiancée at his side. “I asked Rose, I said, ‘Would you be interested in doing this?’ And she said, ‘Oh, we’d rock that **** so hard.’” Mr. Rodriguez said. “And I said, ‘Well, that sounds like a lot of fun.’”

Reps for Mr. De Laurentiis and Universal had no comment."

A system of cells interlinked
Solaris is a GREAT sci-fi film. Top notch stuff on pretty much every level. I love both versions, with the original just eeking out the higher rating from me. Sorry, but Scorsese NAILED Cape Fear. Great film, as well. I will agree on Mitchum, though. King King remake was really well done, save a couple of extraneous scenes that I feel need to be pulled.

The Thing and the Fly yes, Oceans 11 maybe, King Kong & Solaris big No No No! and was traffic a remake ? Cape Fear i forgot about but Robert Mitchum is twice the villain Robert De Niro ever wanted to be... God you came up with those three quick enough...
The Thing and The Fly, yes, they are great. Again, many were listed before you ever asked.

I've listed these three times now. Invasion of the Body Snatchers times four versions. Have you seen any of them?

Sure, Mitchum is better than DeNiro, but it is still a very good remake.

Narrow Margin is a decent remake. The Lady Killers is very good. The Man Who Knew Too Much is rather boring the second time around, yet the same man remade it.

Scan the thread better, and I'm sure you'll see even more.

Also, I edited my last post. It sounded like I hated the remakes that I listed. Those, I happen to love.

Goodness me, I’m all perplexed and have some what of a head rush from all the titles dropped and discussed… give me a second and I’ll commence..

Ok firstly; Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I’ve only seen 2 of the 4. The 70s version with Sutherland Senior and the early 90s Body Snatchers remake with the oh so sexy Christine Elise (why why why was she not in the other Child’s Play sequels???). Given I’ve not seen the original I can’t really hold up to my “hate on remake point”… What I can remember of the two I have seen is sparse. Although the remake was kind of alright, it had a military base and from what I remember a rather disturbing full frontal female nude shot. I think the thing with these two movies was the first was very 70s and the latter was very 90s so it connected and worked with the audience. Ultimately it’s the story in a “ghost tale/Chinese whisper” kind of way which is the real star of the films. It would have to be pretty awful to mess up. The recent one did alright, didn’t it? It didn’t bomb? I think the problem with it is because as story is the star it didn’t really work with James bond and that Tom Cruse’s ex bird. I guess having said that there’s loads of room to take different angels and twist for a contemporary audience, a bit like Cloverfield/Blair Witch did with the whole digital documentation era... but then again look what a new format did to an old story with the ill fated Diary of the Dead…

I’ve seen neither of the two Narrow Margin films. Are they worth checking out?

LOL I’ve also seen neither of the two The Lady Killers films. Which is bad actually as in Britain the original Lady killers is often regarded as one of the greatest British films of all time. Anyway given the quality of films Pinewood were producing in the 50s and the fact is stared Sir Alec Guinness leaves little doubt that with the Coen brothers recent spate of god awful movies plus LOL Tom Hanks, that it truly would be nothing but inferior and silly. There was also a TV remake in the 80s which I know little of.

The Man Who Knew Too Much. Interesting as like you said both were by Hitchcock. The difference being at very different stages in his career… The original being when he was less known/successful and was British…. From what I’ve read it’s generally considered to be much superior (something to do with atmosphere). I watched both recently, and to be honest I didn’t care much for either of them, neither were Hitchcock’s finest. Basically the 50s version was pointless… what did it add other than an American setting and Doris f***g Day (almost as miscast as Julie Andrews in the Iron Curtain). Que Sera Sera.. No no.. fairs fair, she was alright our Doris.

The only remake I’m actually curious and awaiting in anticipation is the English Language Funny Games which I already eluded too. The original director, Michael Haneke directed it, but this time taking it out of Austria and into the USA and stars none other than our remake queen Naomi Watts (the Ring, King Kong, Funny Games). If you think Larrs Von Trier is mean you should check his work out. The original caused most of the audience in Cannes to walk out within 20 minuets because the entire film is about torture, child killing and rape. To go back to my original “remakes are bad” point…. With out seeing it I’m already know I’m going to dislike it, because what’s the point.. Isn’t one film this nasty sufficient? Haneke claims he made it American because wanted to bring his film to a wider audience as well to be fair no one much saw the original. This is why I’m so curious, not so much to see the film to be see its reaction….. although I’ve just checked it out on IMDB and it appears to have failed to get a distributor (surprise surprise) playing at just the festivals…. Really what was the point; he didn’t even achieve his goal…
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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
OK, I totally disagree with Holden on Hitch's Knew Too Much. I find the original barely watchable, with Peter Lorre just about the only reason to take a peek. The remake, which, of course, casts Doris Day, who is actually a good actress, is much more overlong and a bit leaden, but it's not half as amateurish as the original. It has a couple of Hitch's classic subjective tracking shots, it's got Bernard Herrmann doing the Albert Hall scene, and it's got an admittedly flippant finale, but it does rate as the shortest wrapup of any Hitch flick, and for that I give it + rep.

The Coens' The Ladykillers is undoubtedly their worst film ever. Even though I kinda like Hanks' ridiculous accent and mouth movements, it could easily be one of his lousiest performances. He's 1000 times better in Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan.

Ok firstly; Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
I kind of love the remake from 1978, more-so than the original from 1956. Kevin McCarthy is the main actor in the original. If you remember the remake well enough, he is the man running down the street, while Donald and Brooke are in his car talking, waiting in traffic.
The third movie is good, but cheesy in comparison. I do like it a lot, though.
I haven't seen the latest version yet, but I will eventually. It will need to be cheap, though. The trailer didn't do much for me.

I’ve seen neither of the two Narrow Margin films. Are they worth checking out?
In all honesty, I haven't seen the original yet. Which is why I only mentioned the remake. I love the remake, but it isn't nearly as popular as the original, from what I've heard. The remake stars Gene Hackman, and Anne Archer, to name just a couple.

LOL I’ve also seen neither of the two The Lady Killers films. Which is bad actually as in Britain the original Lady killers is often regarded as one of the greatest British films of all time. Anyway given the quality of films Pinewood were producing in the 50s and the fact is stared Sir Alec Guinness leaves little doubt that with the Coen brothers recent spate of god awful movies plus LOL Tom Hanks, that it truly would be nothing but inferior and silly. There was also a TV remake in the 80s which I know little of.
I didn't know about the TV remake. I have yet to see the original to this film, but yes, it is said to be a lot better. Although people do like/love the remake. My only gripe with it is the loads of foul language. It is overkill in this film.

The only thing I can say about the next quote is . . . Ummm, I love Julie Andrews!

The only remake I’m actually curious and awaiting in anticipation is the English Language Funny Games
These I've not seen.

Thanks for the reply!

OK, I totally disagree with Holden on Hitch's Knew Too Much.

The Coens' The Ladykillers is ...
Are you sure you don't mean me? I've just mentioned both of those this evening.

A remake of 10 has been announced. Apparently producers are going to start a worldwide casting search for an actress to play Bo Derek's role.

I say "Bo Derek's role" because I can't remember the name of the character and, furthermore, I couldn't care. Does anyone remember the name of that character? Was there a name for her? Really, such an overrated film.

A remake of 10 has been announced. Apparently producers are going to start a worldwide casting search for an actress to play Bo Derek's role.

I say "Bo Derek's role" because I can't remember the name of the character and, furthermore, I couldn't care. Does anyone remember the name of that character? Was there a name for her? Really, such an overrated film.
I don't care either
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

A remake of 10 has been announced. Apparently producers are going to start a worldwide casting search for an actress to play Bo Derek's role.

I say "Bo Derek's role" because I can't remember the name of the character and, furthermore, I couldn't care. Does anyone remember the name of that character? Was there a name for her? Really, such an overrated film.

Her name was Jenny. Jenny Hanley.