The Movie Forums Top 100 Comedies Countdown

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No votes. The Great Dictator is solid enough as far as Chaplin goes. Singin' in the Rain is about as much of a masterpiece as musicals can get, but it still didn't make my list.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

What exactly is so funny about Singin in the rain? Sorry if I missed it
What exactly is so delicious about chocolate ice cream? Sorry, I just don't like it. I know it's supposedly great and popular, but I simply don't like it. Can you please describe what is so good about it? Maybe after your written explanation I will suddenly change my taste?

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
What exactly is so delicious about chocolate ice cream? Sorry, I just don't like it. I know it's supposedly great and popular, but I simply don't like it. Can you please describe what is so good about it? Maybe after your written explanation I will suddenly change my taste?

I prefer Mint chocolate chip

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I love vanilla, so I’m thinking I should really like Singing In The Rain much more than I do.

118 points, 7 lists

Jacques Tati, 1967


Jacques Tati, Barbara Dennek, Rita Maiden, France Rumilly


119 points, 7 lists

Terry Gilliam, 1985


Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm


Seen both, voted for neither. I own both Playtime and Brazil on Criterion blu ray. Playtime is pretty good, but not a favourite of mine. I find Brazil to be a little overrated. Honestly, I never thought of Brazil as a comedy and I'm a little surprised it made this list.

I've seen both a while ago, but neither film made my ballot. I remember struggling with Playtime when I first watched it, but now that I've seen more of Tati's films, I have a feeling I'd appreciate the deliberate repetition of the film more. Brazil is an inventive and bizarre comedy which packs all kinds of fun, yet also feels simultaneously hopeless and despairing. Probably Gilliam's best film (I also love Twelve Monkeys though).

Honestly, I never thought of Brazil as a comedy and I'm a little surprised it made this list.
What about this scene?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I am so proud of mofo today. I really thought Playtime was a no show. It was my #5. I think it’s one of the most inventive movies I have ever seen. Hulot rivals the tramp for the most charming characters in film. So unassuming. I just adore watching him navigate the creative maze of Paris. I think the restaurant sequence is my fave, but that could definitely change next viewing. Good job mofo, happy day.

Have seen Brazil since becoming a mofo, and liked it, but don’t have a good enough memory to have a strong opinion.

What about this scene?

Sure, it is a humorous scene, but I still can't think of the entire film as a comedy. Lots of films have some humorous moments, but aren't comedies.

Trivia: Universal was in the midst of a shakeup when Brazil was in production. While the old studio heads were okay with Gilliam's version the new studio heads considered it a disaster. They refused to release it in it's original form and eventually released it for television after editing it to the point that it was truly nonsensical. (See the Ctitereon version to see Universals version). In the meantime Terry was asked to speak to a film class at the University of Southern California, He brought the entire uncut version of the film as a visual aid. Universal tried to stop the viewing, but Gilliam played it anyway. he also continued to show it in several private screening for nearly two weeks. During one of these screenings the Los Angeles film critics saw it, and awarded it the best movie of the year. Only then did Universal decided to release the movie as Gilliam originally filmed it. The critereon edition also has a documentary about the troubles Gilliam had with Universal.

I forgot the opening line.
I gotta say, I'm getting so many shocks at reveal time that I'm getting scared about what the top 50 will look like (ie - not full of my personal picks) and it continues tonight. Playtime is one out of 11 or so foreign language movies left before I finish the top 100 mofo list relating to that, and that was starting at 65 or so, so I've chopped around 50 off, but unfortunately haven't got to Playtime. Obviously, I will sooner rather than later.

Brazil is like a real "huh?" one - another where it just never occurred to me to include it amongst a list of comedies. I was thinking strict, obvious comedies, and Brazil is a lot more than that. I love it, and if I'm not mistaken it got a full 10/10 from me when I reviewed it late last year. Brilliant, and still has me enthralled - this was Terry Gilliam's breakout masterpiece. Discovering this in my late teens was one of those moments where I started to understand what cinema was really capable of, because apart from it's funniness, it made my heart cry and sing at the same time. Mad invention at it's finest, and a perfect metaphor for the darkness that exists at the heart of that thing we call 'society' - a monster that heeds no man, or logic.

Seen 41/54 - Okay, I'm getting scared for my picks now...
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Sure, it is a humorous scene, but I still can't think of the entire film as a comedy. Lots of films have some humorous moments, but aren't comedies.
Sure, that's fair. I was being pretty broad when I made my list, tbh.

Sure, that's fair. I was being pretty broad when I made my list, tbh.
That's acceptable. I will allow it...this time.

Oooh a double dip for me.

Playtime was my #6. Great use of colour schemes and visual props.

Brazil was my #14. It's Gilliam's masterpiece and holds up after repeat viewings. Also superb image wise.

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