28th Hall of Fame


Young Man with a Horn (1950)

It's a sad state of affairs when this is likely my number #2 film right now. Young Man with a Horn is kinda a mess of film. It's basically three different films told in three different acts...it starts off as a Citizen Kane ripoff moves into musical/romance territory and closes out as a noir. It's like you are watching something that doesn't know what it wants to be. Kurt Douglas plays a horn player who starts to court Doris Day. This is early Doris Day she's playing a Judy Garland style role here where she's the virtuous girl as opposed to Lauren Bacall's darker character.

The problem is in a film like this you kinda strip away the sex and drugs and left with drinking and ennui. It's not really enough for a third act of a story. Amy just isn't written well enough at this point to be a good enough antagonist and the romance and conflict with Jo is simply to hurried. Had the film simply tried to be a musical it could have been much greater rather than being simply good.

The music is the strongest part of the film and the thing that carries it along. This is the part where Doris Day shines...the fact that you get orchestra style music to go with the lounge act keeps things from becoming tedious. It's the first two acts which helps lift it ahead of some of junk nominated in this hall.


Young Man with a Horn (Michael Curtiz, 1950)

I'll admit that, even though I do tend to end up liking films of this ilk/era, they don't inherently appeal to me and it took me a couple tries to get past the first 10 minutes with this one lol. The second it looks like I'm having to watch someone's whole-ass life story I lose interest hard but we do eventually settle in to a groove here and while its is pretty by the numbers for this type of film (I am no expert on the genre mind you) in its story beats and presentation, I do very much like the music and there's a shit ton of it. I find a lot of films that focus in on a special interest (sports, music, etc.) don't give you enough of it but no here I'm pretty satisfied. Its certainly nothing special, riding all the tropes I like and dislike of the style, but how can I dislike a film that's bopping this hard all the way through?

Damn y’all… Hall of Fame turning into Hall of Shame real quick!
Yeah I know it's crazy it's almost like people nominating movies with bestiality, feces, rape, pedophilia and animal torture would put you in a bad mood.

It's even better when someone decides to rehash the issue weeks later. Especially when that person was busted for giving false information about a film they "allegedly" watched.

Yeah I know it's crazy it's almost like people nominating movies with bestiality, feces, rape, pedophilia and animal torture would put you in a bad mood.

It's even better when someone decides to rehash the issue weeks later. Especially when that person was busted for giving false information about a film they "allegedly" watched.
Obviously I can’t comment on what’s been going on in this thread the past weeks, so admittedly it’s not very constructive or needed that I even comment here.

But I was just surprised, cause I like to check into these Hall of Fame threads once in a while - even if I’m not in it - to see what’s up and what people write and say.

But I didn’t exactly expect to to run head first into something like this 😧

It's even better when someone decides to rehash the issue weeks later. Especially when that person was busted for giving false information about a film they "allegedly" watched.
you can resolve the issue whenever you wish

I don't think anyone is trolling the hall or acting in bad faith. Even for films I didn't like, I do believe that the person who nominated them did so sincerely and genuinely felt that their film was a worthy nomination. I don't see any reason why someone would lie and pretend they had watched a film if they had not.

Okay, I hadn't seen any of this until just now, or else I would've intervened sooner. I've deleted a few posts, and I'd like to make a few things clear:

1) No personally attacking people. Period. There might be a handful of situations where someone is being provocative enough that it can be overlooked (though not exactly condoned), but being accused of things like nominating something incendiary or not watching a film is not anywhere close to sufficient for that.

2) It is entirely reasonable not to want to watch something you find deeply disturbing. I would hope people would take that kind of thing into account when nominating, and be upfront about it. Similarly, if people don't want to watch something for such a reason, I'd hope they'd be upfront about it, too. Seems like a pretty easy thing for someone to say "sorry this would bother me too much" and for another person to say "fair enough, it's not for everyone," if that is indeed what's happened.

3) Ultimately, all decisions are made by the person running the thing. If there's a dispute that doesn't fall under basic site rules, please defer to them.

4) When someone IS being attacked or harassed, I expect someone to report it to a mod, whether they agree with the position or not. Don't assume we see everything, because there's a lot to keep track of. Please report things, we will never be upset about receiving a report for something we already know about.

To help everyone get along, I decided to buy you all a cake:

Uh, pardon the message. This was all I could find at the store.

The Travelling Players


The film follows a troupe of performers across Greece before, during, and after WW2. It shows the friendship, love, and animosity of a large group, some of the characters were related, as they travel. At times they came upon the miliatry of the countries involved during their time in Greece. Also, this film is filled with atrocities of war. This film was long and had a lot taking place during it. I enjoyed scenes of poetic words including during the rehearsal and even in other scenes as well. I enjoyed some of the self-dialog as a few spoke directly to the camera.

I knew nothing about Greece's position during WW2. I was a bit confused at the beginning of the timeline. I asked Spelingerror when the film was to take place because to me, some of the costuming seems to be more from the early 70s than WW2. Overall, I enjoyed the film and will add it to my list of films about WW2 that I have seen.

@Citizen Rules

WARNING: "my view of your question" spoilers below
The scene where you asked about the woman crying after she viewed the two having sex, the scene of the one narrator being shot by the firing squad, and the two actors being shot and killed onstage during the play are all related.

The Travelling Players


The film follows a troupe of performers across Greece before, during, and after WW2. It shows the friendship, love, and animosity of a large group, some of the characters were related, as they travel. At times they came upon the miliatry of the countries involved during their time in Greece. Also, this film is filled with atrocities of war. This film was long and had a lot taking place during it. I enjoyed scenes of poetic words including during the rehearsal and even in other scenes as well. I enjoyed some of the self-dialog as a few spoke directly to the camera.

I knew nothing about Greece's position during WW2. I was a bit confused at the beginning of the timeline. I asked Spelingerror when the film was to take place because to me, some of the costuming seems to be more from the early 70s than WW2. Overall, I enjoyed the film and will add it to my list of films about WW2 that I have seen.

@Citizen Rules

WARNING: "my view of your question" spoilers below
The scene where you asked about the woman crying after she viewed the two having sex, the scene of the one narrator being shot by the firing squad, and the two actors being shot and killed onstage during the play are all related.
Glad you enjoyed it! I'll probably make my nomination under 90 minutes to make up for this one

Glad you enjoyed it! I'll probably make my nomination under 90 minutes to make up for this one
Please do! I will probably bring a light hearted one next.


It was beautifully shot as well. I enjoyed some of the camera angels and shot locations.

It was beautifully shot as well. I enjoyed some of the camera angels and shot locations.
I especially loved the gunfight between the Nazi and Communist patrols in an alleyway which was shown through the spaces between two buildings, in particular. That scene is nothing short of perfect.

I predict that Miracle Mile or Young Man With a Horn will win this Hall.
I know where mine will be and I accept that. I respect several participants' opinions on cinema so hey I understand.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have no idea where any of the noms will land...and I have the voting list too! (I don't use a spreadsheet and haven't really looked much at the list, so don't really know anymore than you guys do).