The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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With most of these aggregated lists, more esoteric picks tend to get weeded out by virtue of the process, but I liken these countdowns to watching a sporting event. It's nice to see your picks do well, and a good commentator (host) like we have here certainly helps. I don't actually watch sports, so please adjust my analogy as required. I assume Raul is the streaker.

@Mr Minio

One of the main issues I have with your statements is that you assume that everybody's at the same point in their cinephile journey, or on an "even keel" in terms of movie-watching aspirations and goals.

Another main issue is the contradiction of saying you're not interested in the "social aspect" of the forum or the countdown, but then arguing that a list "riddled with uninteresting choices" could "mercifully... be saved by write-ups with details on why they find these films personal". Which makes me wonder if you've been reading the thread because every reveal is followed with people sharing their thoughts, reviews, and opinions.

I see that you list Werckmeister Harmonies as one of your favorites, and yet you didn't come in here when it made the list to share your thoughts, insight, etc. Why did you find this film personal? Why not share alternatives from your personal favorites, "if you liked this, you might like this", so people can discover them as well?

Instead, you're basically arguing about the issues of the list, but not making any of the things you claim would make it "better" or "more interesting". You didn't vote, don't comment, don't offer any insight, or share anything, but rather just come out of the shadows and throw out adjectives like "rote", "insipid", "worst", "oblivious", which instantly make most people scoff at you.

So why not share some of the 2000s films you'd like people to discover, and why?
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
With most of these aggregated lists, more esoteric picks tend to get weeded out by virtue of the process, but I liken these countdowns to watching a sporting event. It's nice to see your picks do well, and a good commentator (host) like we have here certainly helps. I don't actually watch sports, so please adjust my analogy as required. I assume Raul is the streaker.

You adjust your OWN analogy, thank you very much. This is a public forum!!

You adjust your OWN analogy, thank you very much. This is a public forum!!

Fine, I will be the streaker.

*takes off pants*

Ever watch Lust in the Dust?

*grabs scissors*

Fine, fine, I'll put my pants back on.

*leaves them unzipped*

*points at Wyldesyde19*

The trick is not minding
Fine, fine, I'll put my pants back on.

*leaves them unzipped*

*points at Wyldesyde19*
Well, let no one say you’re not afraid to show off your short comings.

*I’d like to thank David Niven for the assist*

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I have been pitifully vacant from participating in this wonderful Countdown so I won't bore folks with the HUUUGE list of films of catch up and simply go with the ones that made my list since I last posted at #37.

Firstly, I do need to correct one that I had thought wasn't on my list, actually was. Quills DID make my list at #23

The Incredibles (#8) Watched over and over and over it is in the top ranking of favorite go-to animations for our household.

Downfall (#22) Caught this near the deadline of the Voting and SO GLAD I finally saw this and how obvious a fit it became.

Memories of Murder (#13) I have seen a number of Director Bong Joon Ho and they continually engage and amaze me.

Ratatouille (#3) This ranked the highest of my animation entries because of how endeared it is to my heart. Beautiful, touching, and pretty d#mn funny.

Oldboy (#24) One of the first South Korean films I encountered in the genesis of my discovery and one that stays with me.

O Brother, Where Art Thou? (#2) One of my all-time favorites when it comes to the comedic side of the Coen Brothers.

The Departed (#18) Boston Mob and Police agencies, both with moles, both with treachery and twists preventing them from doing what they intend to.

Amélie (#1) The silliness, the beauty, the fantastical pursuit of love. . . I remain enamored from the first and every single time I have watched this.

WALL·E (#11) Another of my animations of countless rewatches and deep love.

In the Mood for Love (#21) Unrequited love and some of the most beautiful compositions that have ever caused me to sigh.

Memento (#20) My initiation into Christopher Nolan and you always cherish your first time.

Films Watched 65 out of 90 (72.22%)
1. Amélie (#16)
2. O Brother, Where Art Thou? (#21)
3. Ratatouille (#23)

5. Gladiator (#40)
8. The Incredibles (#36)
9. V for Vendetta (#58)
11. WALL·E (#13)
13. Memories of Murder (#27)

14. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (#76)
17. Mother (#96)
18. The Departed (#19)
20. Memento (#11)
21. In the Mood for Love
22. Downfall (#28)
23. Quills (#67)
24. Oldboy (#22)

25. A Bittersweet Life (One Pointer)

One Pointers: 10 out of 38 (26.31%)
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Well, let no one say you’re not afraid to show off your short comings.

*I’d like to thank David Niven for the assist*
Thank you, David.


In the Mood for Love

Did you know that...
  • Maggie Cheung wears a different cheongsam dress in each scene?
  • Wong Kar-Wai started working on a story since the 90s and even secured Tony Leung and Cheung's participation before having a clear story?
  • Alejandro G. Iñárritu and his wife saw the film at Cannes in 2000, and they've shared how moved they were after watching it to the point of "crying inconsolably" and being "speechless" because of it?



Did you know that...
  • Brad Pitt, Alec Baldwin, Aaron Eckhart, Charlie Sheen, and Thomas Jane were considered for the role of Lenny?
  • Guy Pearce improvised most of Leonard's voiceovers?
  • Lenny's camera is a Polaroid 690?
  • Lenny using a different handwriting on Natalie's photo was suggested by Guy Pearce?

I forgot the opening line.
First time both reveals are from my list...

12. In the Mood for Love : For a moment there I thought this wasn't going to show, and I'm mighty glad it did. I watched this for the first time recently, in preparation for this countdown, and it's the only film so far that's made my list via being a new discovery. In the Mood for Love left me feeling so many different things, and brought to the surface what the essence of love is for me personally. I can't remember any other film that has done that in recent times. Visually, it's wonderful to watch and differs from the norm in ways that enhance it's emotional appeal. From the claustrophobic confines of an apartment in Hong Kong to the rain-swept streets, it tells us a love story from a removed perspective and teases our imagination, removing certainty in a way that mirrors how love really feels. I was entranced by this unusual film - it felt like a dream, and I'm really happy that it nearly made the top 10 of the decade. In the Mood for Love was #12 on my list and a new favourite of mine that's up there with the all-time best. Do I get a prize for my #12 being the list's #12?

11. Memento : I was crazy about Memento the first time I saw it, and I guess I still am. For a film told in reverse to have not only such a smooth narrative flow, but also have us watching each scene in eager anticipation just defies all logic. It is still, to this date, the finest film Guy Pearce has ever been in, and features his finest performance. It's longevity has proven, I think, it's deserving status as a classic, and it's still my favourite Christopher Nolan movie. We really get inside the mind of Leonard, a character who simply can't make new memories - leaving him at odds with everyone he meets in his quest to find his wife's killer. At any point in the film, Leonard won't know what has just happened, and with the reverse flow of the film neither do we, meaning that we constantly identify with him. Nolan has many surprises for us up his sleeve in this dark and gritty thriller that I always enjoy watching - and an absolutely fantastic ending. Memento was my #5.


Films I've seen : 77
Films that have been on my radar : 7
Films I've never even heard of : 6

Films from my list : 14 (+2)

#11 - My #5 - Memento (2000)
#12 - My #12 - In the Mood for Love (2000)
#32 - My #7 - Lost in Translation (2003)
#39 - My #17 - Sideways (2004)
#43 - My #2 - Adaptation (2002)
#49 - My #8 - Dancer in the Dark (2000)
#51 - My #6 - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
#56 - My #20 - In Bruges (2008)
#59 - My #16 - The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
#66 - My #9 - A Serious Man (2009)
#71 - My #23 - Snatch (2000)
#78 - My #13 - The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2005)
#84 - My #21 - The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
One pointer - World's Greatest Dad (2009)
#102 - My #10 - Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
#109 - My #19 - Michael Clayton (2007)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I watched In the Mood for Love for the Foreign Language Countdown, and I liked it so much that I considered it for my list for that countdown, but it didn't make my list for either that countdown or this one.

I watched Memento for this countdown, and it was probably the most interesting movie that I watched for this countdown because of the gimmick. It worked well for the movie. I know that there's a chronological version of the movie also, but I think this movie benefits from the reverse order because it helps the viewer see things from his point of view. It didn't make my list only because it's not the type of movie that I would rewatch, but it probably should be because I think it's the type of movie that would get better with each rewatch.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

In the Mood for Love was one of four movies on my list that made it despite having only watched it once. It was my #21.

It’s not too long ago that I watched it and despite having high expectations it totally lived up to them. The only reason it’s not higher is probably because I didn’t want to put it too high for a first time watch nor above other favorites that I have seen many times. But perhaps in the future it will become a favorite. I definitely really liked it.

As for Memento I like it, but it’s not a favorite from Nolan’s filmography. There are movies of his I enjoy more and perhaps voted for. Who knows…….

movies can be okay...
My list so far...
1. In Bruges (2008) placed at #56
6. Amores Perros (2000) placed at #81
9. Dancer in the Dark (2000) placed at #49
11. Donnie Darko (2001) placed at #24
12. Punch-Drunk Love (2002) placed at #73
13. Mother (2009) placed at #96
15. Requiem for a Dream (2000) placed at #26
17. The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) placed at #59
18. Caché (2005) placed at #85
22. Almost Famous (2000) placed at #90
23. Let the Right One In (2008) placed at #29
24. Adaptation. (2002) placed at #43

Other than my #21, there's no chance for the rest of the films in my ballot to ever make it. Overall, seen 53/90

My guess for the top ten:
1. There Will Be Blood
2. The Dark Knight
3. Fellowship of the Ring
4. Spirited Away
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
6. Pan's Labyrinth
7. Mulholland Drive
8. Return of the King
9. No Country for Old Men
10. Zodiac
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Good morning, people. We're walking blind today, no hints, no clues. Any guesses on what will be #10?