The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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98 points, 9 lists

M. Night Shyamalan, 2000


Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Robin Wright, Spencer Treat Clark


99 points, 11 lists
Spider-Man 2

Sam Raimi, 2004


Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Alfred Molina


Ok, when I come back, I'll do the pit stop and the usual "extracurricular" information. Merry Christmas to everybody!

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My Ballots So Far
#9 - Spider Man 2 (2004)
One Pointer - #25 - Anger Management (2003)

Have seen so far: 12 - Spider Man 2 - A fun and exciting superhero movie to watch.
Have not seen so far: 32
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Ok, when I come back, I'll do the pit stop and the usual "extracurricular" information. Merry Christmas to everybody!

Merry Christmas to you too, Grinch oops I mean Thief

Pretty sure I've seen both Unbreakable and Spider-Man 2 but as I recall next to nothing about either of them I'll just take two festive doughnuts with a glass of water, self-flagellate with a worn-out copy of Empire from the 2000s and mark them down as 'unseen'.

Seen: 24/40 (Own: 18/40)
My ballot:  

Faildictions (millennial edition v1.01):
60. Das Leben der Anderen [The Lives Of Others] (2006)
59. Darbareye Elly [About Elly] (2009)

Merry Chrimbo Thief!

The trick is not minding
Both films are far better than one might expect. Spiderman 2 is the best of the franchise by far. Peter trying to balance his two lives out of guilt and responsibility is the kind of deep dive into the superhero psyche that really, only Nolan has achieved with his Batman Trilogy.

Unbreakable is Shyamalan’s last great film. One that demystify’s the superhero myth.

Both were considered, although ultimately neither made my final ballot.

Welcome to the human race...
No votes. As much as I want to appreciate his idiosyncrasy, Shyamalan has always been a director where his work has never really gone any higher than "fine" in my estimation - that being said, Unbreakable is probably the closest I have to a favourite film by him. I re-watched Spider-Man 2 the other day and it definitely holds up as one of the better straight superhero films out there (which is definitely going to make it sting when that other big superhero sequel from the 2000s inevitably cracks the list at a much higher spot).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Neither made my ballot, but both films are really solid.

Unbreakable: Its purpose is to be a grounded superhero film which doesn't contain long and flashy cgi fight sequences. If you begin to suspect you had super powers, you wouldn't instantly go off and start fighting crime. More likely, you'd experiment on yourself to test that. This was shown in the film by how Dunn lifted dangerously high amounts of weights, how he would follow and question passengers he believed were criminals, and how he'd follow a man he suspected as a murderer home instead of detaining right on the spot. While the movie contains little to no action, there's a strong sense of personal discovery throughout it which makes this film so unique as a superhero film. Granted, I'm not sure whether the ending helped or harmed the film, but another viewing may get me to like it more.

Spider-Man 2: Not the biggest superhero film fan, but this one is easily one of the very best and among the only ones I could see myself revisiting in the future. Parker's character arc in the film is compelling, action is never used in excess, the villain is pretty memorable (many superhero films struggle with this, imo), and the final act proves to be surprisingly affecting. It's definitely the best [i]Spider-Man[/I} film I've seen.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Nice surprise to see Spider Man 2 make this list, I had written it off after the last couple of entries, just like I wrote off Mystic then it showed. I had it at number 20 as a pretty recent rewatch made me want to include it on my list.

If Unbreakable was Signs making the list it would have been a great combo. Unbreakable is decent but I prefer Signs by quite a margin. That will eliminate any shot of that one making the list though.

My List
2. Mystic River
8. Iron Man
20. Spider Man 2

Unbreakable is probably M. Night’s best. Spider-Man 2 is probably the best of the Raimi trilogy. Both bests that I like but don’t love.

I haven't seen either of these.

I watched the first Spiderman and didn't like it so never bothered with the sequel. I don't really have much interest in anything Shyamalan that doesn't star Joaquin Phoenix.

Seen: 23/40

Trouble with a capital "T"
Unbreakable & Spider-Man 2...Haven't seen them and haven't wanted too. So the only thing I can say about today's movies are:Thanks Thief for working on Christmas! Now take a break and have some figgy pudding, whatever that is!

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The packed crowd I watched Unbreakable with, on opening day, booed and yelled at the screen at the ending as they got up to leave the theatre. Of course, as always, Brenda and I watched the credits straight through to the end, but the crowd which was expecting The Sixth Sense II was really violently opposed to what they got. On the other hand, at the ending of Signs, I don't recall any hisses or boos. Signs was the last Night flick I saw at the theatre. Almost everybody and their evil twin seemed to love The Sixth Sense at the time of its release.

My fave scene in Unbreakable is the one where Willis finds a family held hostage, apparently in their own home, with the parents seemingly murdered. Willis makes his way up to a second story bedroom, and there is an awesome fight scene, with incredible music, where the combatants are each trying to break the other's back, and it all culminates in a surrealistic scene in a swimming pool with a cover. That scene was totally whack and unbelievable! I also like the ending and the way the film tried to recreate the imagery (including the borders [framing] of a comic book), but it was incredibly slow-paced. Night does move his films along rather slowly.

I've been watching all these recently with Sarah so I guess I agree Spider-Man 2 is the best of the Raimi ones but not by much. It does have the best action and character interaction so that puts it on top. Very entertaining, but still not on my ballot.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Marks 4 for me

13. Cast Away (2000) - 69th
20. Unbreakable (2000) - 62nd
22. Watchmen (2009) - 87th
23. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - 63rd

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
• I've seen Pirates of the Caribbean Pt 1 back then in the theater and couple more times through the years as well as all other parts since they are also often on the national TV channels here. I even obtained part II at some DVD sale for about $3.
As most users here have said, it is not bad entertaining movie with colorful characters. I'm a bit surprised it made top 100 at that high position.

• Never heard Paprika.

• I've never seen whatever Spider-Man movie and don't feel any interest.

• No interest towards Unbreakable too. It was #24 on our MoFo 2000 Film Chart so it is another surprise it made top 100 of the 2000's that high.


Seen 20/40.
My list:
#4. Snatch [#71.]
#9. Amores perros [#81.]
#14. The Man Who Wasn't There [#84.]

(seen one pointers 3/38)

Not on my ballot Top 100 movies I'd support:  
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

I rewatched Unbreakable a little while ago with my room mate (I think just before Glass came out) and it was nowhere near as good as I remembered it being...and I had only remembered it being okay at best. It actually turned me off rewatching The Sixth Sense (which I had planned on doing as well), in case that was also worse than I recalled it being. For some reason I keep watching Shyamalan's films even though I've only liked two of them haha.

For the longest time, Spider-man 2 was the best comic book adaptation, and arguably one of the best film sequels as well. I don't even like the first Tobey Maguire Spider-man, but I really enjoy 2. Alfred Molina was great, and the practical effects used for his arms (which were actually puppets) were fantastically done. That said, it didn't make the cut for my list.

Seen: 21/40

My List:
08. Mother (2009) - #96
10. Iron Man (2008) - #83
11. Paprika (2006) - #64
16. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - #76
25. Bon Cop, Bad Cop (2006) - 1-pointer

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Haven’t seen Spider-Man 2 since the theater. Love the first one, the second not as much so I never went back to it. Deserves a second look.

I finally gave Unbrekable a second look a couple years ago. I loved it. Creative and fun but it didn’t make my list.

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