The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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No votes. I generally like Shane Black's work but somehow Kiss Kiss Bang Bang has never clicked with me no matter how many chances I give it. I've seen The Devil's Backbone once and never felt much like revisiting it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

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Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is ok but I don't think it belongs on a list like this.

Devil's Rejects is a film that I may or may not like. It's certainly one of them that I haven't seen that I may watch sooner rather than later.

Welcome to the human race...
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is ok but I don't think it belongs on a list like this.
Eh, I recognise that it has enough of a cult reputation that I could see it on the low end of a list like this. I'm not going to be surprised when Donnie Darko ends up in the top 25.

Seen The Devil's Backbone a couple of times and I like it quite a bit. I like how what could be an average story is elevated by staging it in a more unusual time and place.

Seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang once and didn't care for it.

Haven't seen either film, but I've been meaning to check them both out for a while. I chose a different Del Toro for my list.

I generally enjoy Shane Black's ridiculous buddycop writing but I didn't care much for KKBB when I watched it again at some point a year ago.

The Devil's Backbone on the other hand I did enjoy quite a bit and it found a spot on my list for this countdown. #15

3 days in a row a movie from my list made it. Love KKBB. Goofy, fun, endlessly rewatchable.

Devil’s Backbone is probably my favorite Del Toro and it’s a sin I forgot about it when making my list.

This is seriously the most goofy countdown ever

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Still just two from my list but not these.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is probably the best, funniest of Shane Black's comedy-mysteries. This is an example of why you will [or won't] like it.
The Devil's Backbone is a solid horror no matter what. I know people who think it's better than Pan's Labyrinth, but I'm not one of them.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Devil's BackBone is an exceptional del Torro film. I had seen this after Hellboy and was impressed by this slow-burning film where the tension permeates and lurks in your peripheral. Building it up instead of unrelentingly hitting you over the head.
It has been a while since seeing this and should get a revisit as is it's due.

And, yeah, @mark f Pan's Labyrinth IS better.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was #14 for me.

Who thought that scene-stealing Robert Downey Jr would be shown HOW it's done, and it's one of the many things I get an utter f@ckin delight for when he is paired up with Val Kilmer AND Michelle Monaghan, who rises above the trope of Love Intrest/Girl in Distress.
KKBB is a tongue-in-cheek poke, as well as a tip of the hat to the Sh#t Goes Sideways Crime Film with noir influences infused with a fast-paced smart-@ss comedy and a penchant for f@cking with the fourth wall.

Oh, and for @CosmicRunaway:

Films Watched 15 out of 26 (57.69%)
14. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (#76)

17. Mother (#96)
25. A Bittersweet Life (One Pointer)

One Pointers: 10 out of 38 (26.31%)
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

None of them were on my list, but both are really good. Thats all I have to say I guess.

So far this countdown feels so weird to me. Such a weird mix of movies thus far.

I don't really like Del Toro so I haven'T seen the Devil's Backbone.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of the film I most passionately hate. It is unfunny, boring, uninteresting. It tries to be subversive and meta, but it tries to hard and it makes me roll my eyes constantly. An absolute trash of a film if you ask me hahahaha.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Never heard neither #75 nor #76 and there is a small chance to conceive an interest...

Looking forward to see tomorrow's pair of films...


Seen 10/26.
My list:
#9. Amores perros [#81.]
#14. The Man Who Wasn't There [#84.]

(seen one pointers 3/38)

Not on my list Top 100 movies I recommend:  
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Have seen and loved both films. The Devil's Backbone was the first Del Toro I ever saw and I was immediately drawn into his world of, um, otherworldliness. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is an utter hoot and made my list. I'm surprised by how many from the 2000s I've seen that are actually making the list. Haven't had this much success on a list so soon in a long while, maybe since the 70s Countdown, although I'm going by memory and that's an iffy thing these days.

#20.Iron Man 83
#23.The Descent 80
#25.Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

I seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Val Kilmer was good in it and the colorfully zealous movie was a good fit for a colorfully zealous Robert Downey Jr....Didn't make my list but I did consider it.
Yeah, I thought KKBB was a cute comedy, and probably is as good a fit as any other for #76. I especially enjoyed Val Kilmer in his part.

I haven't seen The Devil's Backbone.

Heeey, here I am... I've seen these last two films. I remember liking The Devil's Backbone quite a bit, but I haven't seen it in a very long time. That's why I didn't considered it. I really wanted to rewatch it last month when I had a challenge to watch a Guillermo del Toro film, but went with Crimson Peak instead, which was pretty good also.

As for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, I didn't have it on my list, but I like it a lot. But since it begs the comparison, I kinda prefer The Nice Guys. @Takoma11 has said a few times that some people's preference might depend on which one you saw first, and I did see The Nice Guys first. Not sure if that's why I prefer it, but there's that, but KKBB is pretty good, and it does have one of my favorite quotes ever

WARNING: spoilers below

Perry: Jesus. Look up "idiot" in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?
Harry: A picture of me?
Perry: No! The definition of the word idiot, which you ****ing are!

Seen: 15/26

My ballot:  
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I forgot the opening line.
76. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang : After an eternity, and having remembered enjoying it, I rewatched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang early on in my preparation for this countdown. Quick-witted, it gives Val Kilmer another chance to show off a sense of humour he came to the acting profession well-equipped with, and although I don't like Robert Downey Jnr all that much he's excellent here and matches Kilmer, playing off of him quite well. A very loose and funny take on the adaptations of hardboiled crime novels of earlier times. I knew it wasn't quite enough to break into my list, but my fondness for it made me wish and hope that it would show up in the countdown and I'm pretty happy that it did. Shane Black would go on to make another even better version of this kind of film with Russel Crowe and Ryan Gosling - The Nice Guys. To all of those who voted for this : Thank you!

75. The Devil's Backbone : I'd watched a lot of Guillermo del Toro's stuff by the time I got around to this, and really liked it. Something about The Devil's Backbone simply didn't click with me though, and I've sat through it twice to be sure. I remember kids, the bomb, a supposed ghost - something to do with cruelty to the kids or one of the kids. It hasn't stuck with me really well, but if I were to watch it again it would all come flooding back. I watched the trailer, and while I still remember it, it didn't help bring back all of the plot details. It's been too long. There's another, better Guillermo del Toro film that's sure to crack this list much higher up. In the meantime I'll ponder whether I should give this film yet another go considering how it's held in such high regard.

Seen 17/26
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

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