Hilariously Bad Acting


mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
And besides, the acting in Cube isn't bad at all. They all give perfectly good performances, some like Maurice Dean Wint, Nicole DeBoer and Andrew Miller being particular standouts. I can name you plenty of horror movies with worse performances.

And besides, the acting in Cube isn't bad at all. They all give perfectly give good performances, some like Maurice Dean Wint, Nicole DeBoer and Andrew Miller being particular standouts. I can name you plenty of horror movies with worse performances.
cube from 1997?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked the Cube and the acting too... thought it was good and I don't like horror. Like I said a lot of people relate bad acting with a movie they don't like, which is different than true bad acting.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I'm different in that sense then, since I can tell when the acting is good but the script isn't. Margot At The Wedding (Sounding like a broken record again) obviously has Nicole Kidman giving her all to the role, but I will never be able to fully appreciate her performance since I hate the writing and directing so much.
While in something like The Son Of No One the whole thing is a waste of time except for when Al Pacino is onscreen.

this movie has alot of bad acting
This looks like awesome bad fun! I need to seek this out on a night when I'm feeling particularly masochistic!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
My friend said he can't stand El Mariachi, cause he felt that acting was aweful, but I like the movie and was it really that bad, acting wise?

Val Kilmer in "The Doors" trying to play a character (Jim Morrison) but ends up being a caricature.

"Cube" - everyone stunk!
Couldn't disagree more...I thought Kilmer was brilliant in The Doors

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Couldn't disagree more...I thought Kilmer was brilliant in The Doors
I think it was the writing and directing that made the character over the top and Kilmer was just doing as asked of him.

This looks like awesome bad fun! I need to seek this out on a night when I'm feeling particularly masochistic!
Looks better than its predecessor (provided they didn't fill it up with "chick-flick" fluff)!

As always; anyone who wants to see the real story of the Titanic put to film, watch A Night to Remember (1958).

Titanic is your 12 Angry Men!
Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't mind if they remade A Night to Remember with updated effects (and called it "Titanic") but I like historical films to be historical and not filled with fake characters & stories that didn't exist, especially when the real story is so tremendous it does not need embellishment.

I know the arguments: there are tons of fictional stories SET during historical events and many are great! But my counter argument is: if you're going to title a movie "Titanic" (or "Pearl Harbor" for that matter) then tell those actual stories - otherwise the title becomes misleading if facts are replaced or omitted by fiction.

I loved A Night to Remember though I haven't seen it in quite a while. I remember it being the first film I saw actor Kenneth More in and I liked him. I've since seen him in Sink the Bismark! and Scrooge (the one with Albert Finney), but that's all I can think of right off hand. But, yes, a tremendous movie.

Looking at the clips posted ^^
Yeah, there's something about Neil Breen and Tommy Wiseau, they're a bit like Uwe Boll... they genuinely think they're fantastic where they're clearly not, and that's just screaming for some kind of counselling.

Some movies are so bad, and acting so terrible, it's funny... but those 3 in particular I actually find it kinda sad.

well u can watch it online if its not on dvd cause i know its a low budget movie!
Yes! I can be a glutton for punishment. I actually watched Sharktopus for the second time ever the other night, on purpose! Certain cheapies I just can't resist. I even have a Sharktopus t-shirt. No joke. Now, the movie has horribly bad acting but the movie is bad also (though I love it) so I guess it doesn't count in this thread.

Yes! I can be a glutton for punishment. I actually watched Sharktopus for the second time ever the other night, on purpose! Certain cheapies I just can't resist. I even have a Sharktopus t-shirt. No joke. Now, the movie has horribly bad acting but the movie is bad also (though I love it) so I guess it doesn't count in this thread.
wait theres a movie called sharktopus lol 😱 gonna check the trailer of it lol. im going to watch it and let u know what i think
of lol