Rate The Last Movie You Saw


The trick is not minding
Yeah, and she's great in it. It's a movie that causes me a little bit of sadness because she makes me think of all the actors out there who are good that just don't quite make it.
Yeah….which is it though????


Inquiring minds needs to know!!!

And I’m too lazy to google

Yeah, I’ve been meaning to rewatch Kiss Kiss for quite a few years. I remember RDJ and Kilmer being especially funny in it. Who was the actress? Michelle Moynohan? Monoghan? Something like that.
Michelle Monaghan and she is hilarious. And good grief WHY can I not find a gif of her saying "He looked sad!"?!

This saddens me a bit as both were films that were much better than I expected. In fact, by the end of each I felt like my expectations had been redefined and I was watching really damn good movies.
I fully believe they are good films. I just . . . always find myself hovering over them and then watching an episode of a baking show instead. Maybe because they seem like they might be downers? I don't know.

Yeah, and she's great in it. It's a movie that causes me a little bit of sadness because she makes me think of all the actors out there who are good that just don't quite make it.
I don't think I'd say she didn't make it.

She's in the Mission Impossible franchise. She was in Gone Baby Gone and Source Code.

She might not be top-tier A-list, but she's been in really solid, big-deal stuff.

I don't think I'd say she didn't make it.

She's in the Mission Impossible franchise. She was in Gone Baby Gone and Source Code.

She might not be top-tier A-list, but she's been in really solid, big-deal stuff.
Don't forget, she was also in the first season of True Detective!:

I forgot the opening line.

Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3908057

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg - (1964)

This film took me to some painful places, but oh man it did it in a colourful and musical way. In a daring move, Jacques Demy has his characters sing every line, and brings it off to near-perfection. There are two young lovers, Geneviève (Catherine Deneuve) and Guy (Nino Castelnuovo) - when Guy has to leave for his military service in Algiers, Geneviève is left with her mother and another suitor, Roland (Marc Michel) comes into her life. Something about the music really weaves those emotions straight into your heart, and at the same time pastel and other varied colours are everywhere making the whole world look like a vibrant flower bed. It's easy to fall in love with this film, behind it's simplicity is a real artist with an appreciation for sight, sound and meaning. Another rich addition from the Foreign Language Countdown - one that touched me deeply. One I'll watch multiple times.


Foreign Language Countdown films seen : 52/100

By Impawards.com, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19369730

Splinter - (2008)

Pretty run of the mill horror here. A new lifeform which animates dead tissue, and very aggressive and hungry, traps three people in a gas station, and they have to really nut out a way to escape as other potential rescuers are killed by the spiky zombie-like entities. During horrific scenes the camera is shaken to such an extent that you really can't make out what's going on, and by the end I really felt like I'd seen all of this before hundreds of times already. Adds nothing new.


By http://www.impawards.com/tv/into_the_storm.html, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=23050491

Into the Storm - (2009)

Takes a look at Churchill both at the start of his time as prime minister and end. Even if you only have a passing knowledge of the material, this film won't give you much. It's pretty uninspired and perfunctory. This has the misfortune to appear to me at a time when many much more significant and enjoyable films about Churchill are available. Average - but Brendan Gleeson does do a good Churchill, and most other performances are rather good.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I don't think I'd say she didn't make it.

She's in the Mission Impossible franchise. She was in Gone Baby Gone and Source Code.

She might not be top-tier A-list, but she's been in really solid, big-deal stuff.
Don't forget, she was also in the first season of True Detective!:

And Source Code. She was also a lead in The Path for three seasons (2016-2018), which I haven't seen, but it was a steady job.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I forgot the opening line.
Splinter - (2008)

This, on the other hand, makes me quite sad
I know. I know. I'm sorry...stop it now, you'll get me started...

I don't know what's happened to my usual love of horror films these days. I don't know if I've seen one I've really liked in the past year...

Victim of The Night
Michelle Monaghan and she is hilarious. And good grief WHY can I not find a gif of her saying "He looked sad!"?!

I fully believe they are good films. I just . . . always find myself hovering over them and then watching an episode of a baking show instead. Maybe because they seem like they might be downers? I don't know.
Wind River is kind of a downer but Sicario is such self-assured filmmaking, IMO, that the movie itself lifts the downer of its story.

I know. I know. I'm sorry...stop it now, you'll get me started...

I don't know what's happened to my usual love of horror films these days. I don't know if I've seen one I've really liked in the past year...
For what it's worth, I wasn't a fan of the shaky cam either. I did enjoy the practical effects and the suspense in the film though, so overall, I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I forgot the opening line.
For what it's worth, I wasn't a fan of the shaky cam either. I did enjoy the practical effects and the suspense in the film though, so overall, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Might have just been my mood at the time. And that inexplicable loss of what was once a great enjoyment for the genre. It was the same story when it came to The Head Hunter - I think I gave that 5/10 as well - and it was something I would have been right behind not so long back.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
That's really interesting, gbg, especially since I've never seen the original.

I thought the courtroom scene and the end scene were two of the best - I couldn't imagine it without the courtroom because that seemed the conclusion to Ponyboy's fate & the resolution to the crux of the story.

The music is really interesting - what kind of music was in the original version?

I did dig the soundtrack - although a couple of the songs seemed a bit out of place simply for the scenes they were used in. Overall the music in this version contributed greatly to the feel and the era the film was set in. (During the rumble scene I said to my brother, "This movie reminds me of a Stray Cats song!")

The original music was mostly a dramatic score written by Carmine Coppola. Some of it worked well in the movie, but some parts didn't. The new music is more like the music that the characters in the movie would most likely have listened to in their time.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

By http://www.impawards.com/2008/wall_e_ver3.html, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34074540

WALL-E - (2008)

Jeez, kids get it good these days - but that's no reason for me not to enjoy these films also. Caught this is preparation for the 2000s Countdown because animated films often score quite well, and this is one of the best. Imaginative, and stays the course pretty well considering it runs for over 90 minutes with a couple of characters who only speak a few words the entire time.


I absolutely love WALL-E. It will definitely be on my 2000s list.