The MoFo Top 100 Foreign Language Film Countdown

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Nothing yet from me

I've only seen two Buñuel films, but that's not one of them. Haven't seen anything from Resnais.
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Let the night air cool you off
Big fan of The Exterminating Angel, I probably should have voted for it, but I didn't.

Still haven't seen Marienbad, should probably change that.

The trick is not minding
Both are great films, The Exterminating Angel especially, but they didn't make my ballot. I hope to see more Resnais and Bunuel on this list though.
I have three Bunuel films represented, but I think only two will make the countdown.

I have three Bunuel films represented, but I think only two will make the countdown.
I don't have any of his films on my list, but I'd say that The Young and the Damned is my favorite of his films. It hurt to leave so many great films off of my list, but there's just too many great films out there.

Three solid classics in a row. That's cool. Seen them all, nothing from my list yet.

I like Mark's hot take on Marienbad there.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I don't have any of his films on my list, but I'd say that The Young and the Damned is my favorite of his films. It hurt to leave so many great films off of my list, but there's just too many great films out there.
I don’t have any in mine either but I do like the 4 or 5 I have seen. Belle Du Jour probably would have been my choice if It had picked one of his.

Los Olvidados and Belle de jour are the top tier Bunuel.
Just slap Viridiana around some more, why don't ya?

The trick is not minding
I don't have any of his films on my list, but I'd say that The Young and the Damned is my favorite of his films. It hurt to leave so many great films off of my list, but there's just too many great films out there.
Yes, it really is! Strangely, it ain’t spoken of with the same reverence as his older films.

I have Diary of a Chambermaid and Robinson Crusoe saved on Amazon prime to stream soon. Looking forward to that

I wasn't crazy about either but I've only seen each once when I first started watching foreign films. That was back when I was prepping for the 60's countdown. I liked The Exterminating Angel more and Bunuel generally agrees with me.

Two more films I haven't seen yet...two more I'm adding on the list.

I agree that looking at Marienbad through a horror lens can add a lot to the experience of it. While not being a film that would likely appeal to the average meat and potatoes horror fan, its construction and execution lend itself to making it feel like something that should frighten us. It's a great great movie, and one that I probably could have included, but didn't.

The Exterminating Angel was on my list, and frankly, is one I find equally eerie and disquieting as I do Marienbad. Bunuel forces us to live inside the madness of the films concept, one which makes no sense to describe, and yet which we are forced to take seriously because of the sweaty hysteria it wrings out of its characters, each of whom will scratch and scratch and scratch hopelessly away at its absence of logic. As if at some point it might eventually all make sense when it can never possibly make any sense. It's a true nightmare with the strange distinction of not even having any clear villain. Other than Bunuel, at least.

Tbf though, I didn't watch The Godfather till, like, last month, so you're good My biggest cinematic blindspot is now The Graduate.
Ha! Seen that. Gotcha!

The List:

(101. Porco Rosso)

100. Paprika
99. Kiki's Delivery Service
98. The Return
97. Nights of Cabiria
96. Last Year at Marienbad
95. The Exterminating Angel
If I could make one suggestion for this post, could you include links to where those films were mentioned in this thread?