Unpopular pirate movie


Pirate Vacation (TV Movie 2006) - Die Pirateninsel - Familie über Bord is very similar, but I didn't find any video to confirm my assumption.

It is movie from 90's or 2000's, perhaps German. I remember "strong" colours and I remember only foggy scene: main villain (probably pirate) hangs fragment of boat or ship, because vessel was destroyed. He shouts: "I am still alive!". Other pirates are dead. Then, sea monster attacks and kill main villain and he pulled him in the water. It is very quick scene and one from final scenes.

I think that it was battle between a family and pirates.

I checked and rejected:
Pirates (1986)
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)
Shipwrecked (1990)
Matusalem (1993)
Cutthroat Island (1995)

Yeah, that's probably it. There aren't a ton of pirate movies around then and Cutthroat Island was, notoriously, one of the worst bombs in history.

Cutthroat Island?
It's similar to "Cutthroat Island", but it isn't. It is something less popular. But thank for your guess.

Cutthroat Island doesn't have any supernatural elements or monsters. It's just really bad and boring.
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"The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" is very good guess, but it isn't. I think that it's movie from 2000-2010 rather or mid 90's, perhaps German adventure movie.

I added new information, because I think that it was something low-budget, but connected with family and pirates as enemies.

Ok, just throwing out titles according to Wikipedia and IMDb...

Pirates of the Plain (1999) - listed as adventure/family/fantasy.

Störtebeker (2006) - TV adventure film from Spain and Germany

12 Paces Without a Head (2009) - Adventure comedy from Germany

"Swiss Family Robsinson" is very similar. I will check it and other suggestions.

Refresh. It was something similar to "Swiss Family Robinson", but perhaps it's my mistake. It is level hard, one from the most difficult riddles.