Next Countdown Poll: Genre/Type


What kind of countdown should be next?
13 votes
13 votes
32 votes
Foreign Language
10 votes
12 votes
12 votes
52 votes. You may not vote on this poll

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
I think a decades one after this countdown is only fair to all those who wanted it this time around.
Yes. I was genre, but I'd go so far as to say we should all agree on this now.

Voted war and comedy and wish western was an option. If it ends up foreign, I will just be a spectator and take notes. From what I've seen, if posted, my favorites list may get me banned for ignorance.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Voted war and comedy and wish western was an option. If it ends up foreign, I will just be a spectator and take notes. From what I've seen, if posted, my favorites list may get me banned for ignorance.
You've must have just missed the Western Countdown we did, it was fun! I just looked at your Top 10, looks pretty darn good to me.

Comedy is stuck on 10 votes,

Comedy needs to stop that laughing and start catching up lol
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I haven't voted yet, but I don't like the idea of multiple votes. All that does is it allows people to vote for everything that they have even the slightest interest in, without having to make a choice. Some people will vote for only 1 or 2 options, while others might vote for as many as 4 or 5 options. That's not an even playing field anymore, and it will skew the results.

IMO, everyone should get only one vote. That keeps it an even playing field.
It doesn't actually lead to any unfairness, either, because even though some people can vote more than others, they can still only vote once per option. So the people who vote 4-5 times are not influencing the eventual winner any more than people who vote 1-2 times.

Let me know if I've misunderstood this position, of course.

I think it does affect the winner because there's no way to know how many of the votes aren't actually first place votes. For example, if one genre gets 20 votes, but 10 of them were second place or lower votes, and a different genre gets 15 votes, but they're all first place votes, then the winner in this poll would be the genre that got 20 votes, even though the other genre would have won with only 15 votes if it were only one vote per person.

It's like the difference between voting for a talent show contestant, (like American Idol, which allows multiple votes per person), versus voting for a political candidate, (which only allows one vote per person). Which is the more important vote?

However multiple votes would be okay if it were at least a ranked vote because then the votes would be weighted, and a lower place vote would only get the value of wherever it was placed in the ranked list.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

However multiple votes would be okay if it were at least a ranked vote because then the votes would be weighted, and a lower place vote would only get the value of wherever it was placed in the ranked list.
Ranked choice is also very flawed. I want musical, and even though foreign would probably be my #2, I would put it last because I know foreign is the favorite. With ranked choice you get a lot of people that vote strategically rather than honestly.

I think it does affect the winner because there's no way to know how many of the votes aren't actually first place votes. For example, if one genre gets 20 votes, but 10 of them were second place or lower votes, and a different genre gets 15 votes, but they're all first place votes, then the winner in this poll would be the genre that got 20 votes, even though the other genre would have won with only 15 votes if it were only one vote per person.
Oh, I thought we were talking about whether it's fair. It certainly agree that it will potentially change the winner, though my guess is that in practice it won't have a major effect (particularly this time, given that the winner seems likely to win with a lot of room to spare). I think in this case the manner of voting wouldn't matter, though we should still discuss this for future votes, to be sure.

I don't think there's a clear argument that one is better, fairer, or produces fairer results, particularly since we first need to decide what we're measuring. Obviously if your goal is to find out what everyone's first choice is, this won't do that very well, but that's not the only way of voting. I think it's also reasonable to vote to select something the most people find acceptable, which is what I think this does.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I voted Foreign Language and Musicals, those being the two I am most interested in. I would hope for a general countdown, rather than a region-specific one, as it seems most likely to get more voters and a more interesting selection of films. I think that while the foreign films from the all-time 100 will make a strong showing, there will also be a lot of people who filled their all-time list with Lord of the Rings films and their Foreign language top 25 isn't going to be all Tarkovsky, so it should be fun.

I will almost certainly participate in the others, but wouldn't even know where to start with Noir, and I'd be worried that Action and War will involve a lot of preliminary arguing over what counts.

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I voted Foreign Language and Musicals, those being the two I am most interested in. I would hope for a general countdown, rather than a region-specific one, as it seems most likely to get more voters and a more interesting selection of films. I think that while the foreign films from the all-time 100 will make a strong showing, there will also be a lot of people who filled their all-time list with Lord of the Rings films and their Foreign language top 25 isn't going to be all Tarkovsky, so it should be fun.

I will almost certainly participate in the others, but wouldn't even know where to start with Noir, and I'd be worried that Action and War will involve a lot of preliminary arguing over what counts.
I think when action and war eventually come into play it should be through a "common sense self-definition" as to what each individual thinks qualifies.

I think when action and war eventually come into play it should be through a "common sense self-definition" as to what each individual thinks qualifies.
Which is a lousy way to get a consensus. You'll get lots of, "Oh, gosh, if I had known that counted I totally would have voted for it"s after the fact.
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Which is a lousy way to get a consensus. You'll get lots of, "Oh, gosh, if I had known that counted I totally would have voted for it"s after the fact.
There would just be a lot of debate then I guess. Far more than any other countdown we've had.

There would just be a lot of debate then I guess. Far more than any other countdown we've had.
Yes. Which is the problem with the genre lists. But since I am not going to be running them it's not my headache. But headaches it will surely cause.

Yeah, ultimately up to whoever Curates (hopefully heavily augmented by community consensus), but I can't imagine something as niche as Noir is going to find it viable to exclude too much.

there will also be a lot of people who filled their all-time list with Lord of the Rings films and their Foreign language top 25 isn't going to be all Tarkovsky, so it should be fun.
you actually just described both of my lists
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Nobody volunteering to maybe Curate a Foreign Films list, eh?

How about we just put together a list of people who WILL if the alternative is the runner-up wins the poll?

I'm mostly kidding but, well, technically that's what would happen if literally nobody is willing to run something, even if it wins. So keep voting, that second place spot might matter.

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User

How about we just put together a list of people who WILL if the alternative is the runner-up wins the poll?
I think there must be a typo here. Are you saying a list for people if foreign doesn't win? I'm lost.

I think there must be a typo here. Are you saying a list for people if foreign doesn't win? I'm lost.
This took me a moment to parse, but I think I get it now: I was emphasizing people who are willing to do it, as opposed to people who want to.

I'm still a bit bummed that it's not a decades but out of these foriegn wakes me up in the morning the most, should be a great list- looks like it's running away with it. Would this just be english not primary language?
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it