The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Saw both Raging Bull and Amadeus when I was younger. Both were solid films (Raging Bull with its showcase of brutality in and out of the ring while Amadeus had that composer obsessed with trying to prove he's better than the natural genius), but both weren't in danger of making my top 25.

Raging Bull might make my top 100. Amadeus wouldn't have.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
The joke used to be that Fight Club was Persona for bros. It's a fine film and I make a point to never judge a film by its imitators. The worst thing about it might be that it convinced too many people that "Where Is My Mind?" is the best Pixie song. (It's "Tame", btw.)

There's a story for this (I'm sure I've posted it here before), but I'll just say that I absolutely hated the Pixies. That is until I learned that closing track was theirs. Then I bought a double-CD album and have enjoyed them since. "Hey" being my favorite. Still hate "Here Comes Your Man" with a passion though.

The obscene one was Raging Bull.
Reasonable, but (DEATH OF THE AUTHOR) I intended for that to refer to Amadeus, since he's seen as salacious/obscene (and his vocation ties into the "heard" part on the same line).

The strong but unsound was what I was thinking was Gravity. Strong referring to how Sandra Bullock grew in the course of the film. Unsound being a bit of a play of words towards space not having sound.
Did not even occur to me! But I love it when people make guesses that fit perfectly which I never thought of, and Gravity makes a lot of sense. Only thing pointing otherwise is the likelihood that it would appear at all (let alone so high), but that can be tougher to gauge. We are, however, fast approaching the point in the list where any surprises will be based on order or margin, and probably not appearance.

Tomorrow's hint:

One is black
The other dark

One is tropical
The other stark

One compelling
The other cold

Beware the stairs
But not the road

even the sleepy ones like Man Who Wasn't There, Burn After Reading or Serious Man.

I wouldn't call Burn After Reading sleepy. The other two mentioned, sure. But BAF was kind of a little firecracker.

I had a bet with my sister that my dad would like it (she bet he wouldn't). Easiest bet I ever won. Never saw my dad laugh that hard at a movie since I was a kid and we watched some old Pink Panther movies.

Tomorrow's hint:

One is black
The other dark

One is tropical
The other stark

One compelling
The other cold

Beware the stairs
But not the road
1st part - Iron Man or Tropic Thunder
2nd part - The Shining or Vertigo
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Trouble with a capital "T"
I tried to vote as much as possible for actual favourites, not submit a list of best movies ever made. They're not necessarily the same thing.
Careful, talking about this distinction makes people mad sometimes.

Also making people mad: people voting differently than they would!
I voted the same as I always would have. My voting list is my favorites, which also happens to be composed of 90% truly great films. That's probably why not many of my movies are making it

I voted the same as I always would have. My voting list is my favorites, which also happens to be composed of 90% truly great films. That's probably why not many of my movies are making it

Favourites tend to be a little more fluid, so I don't expect peoples' 10 favs on their profiles here to coincide with their favs submitted to the official list. I had a look at my top 10 here and they do appear on the list I sumbitted, but not in that order.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Favourites tend to be a little more fluid, so I don't expect peoples' 10 favs on their profiles here to coincide with their favs submitted to the official list. I had a look at my top 10 here and they do appear on the list I sumbitted, but not in that order.
Yup I can agree with that I think I had only a couple of my Top 10 profile movies end up on my voting list. I wish I could've included them! But I had to make some deep cuts to wittle my list down to only 25.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Tomorrow's hint:
Twist: These are not hints. Yoda simply decided to become a poet.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
For me, 99% of my favorites would rank along with "best"... The only exceptions are those movies I found unique, but only gave 8/10's for.. I didn't list them, so I'll name a few... "Sult" (Danish), "Fist in Pocket" (Italian), "Il Sorpasso" - because it was fun.

One is stark would be too obvious, so I'll assume it could be any Robert Downey Jr. film, and the one with the best shot by rule of popular directors would be Zodiac if it's not Avengers by listing different "one's."

As for the other one, I'll have to think about it.

Yup I can agree with that I think I had only a couple of my Top 10 profile movies end up on my voting list. I wish I could've included them! But I had to make some deep cuts to wittle my list down to only 25.

Mine was a late entry and as such, I went with whatever invaded my thoughts at the time of compilation. Not sure how different it would have looked had I had more time to think about it. But so far I have been able to rest assured that quite a few of the ones I love to bits but didn't include will make it anyway, since a couple have already pitched up on the final list.

Favourites tend to be a little more fluid, so I don't expect peoples' 10 favs on their profiles here to coincide with their favs submitted to the official list. I had a look at my top 10 here and they do appear on the list I sumbitted, but not in that order.
I just tried to strike a balance. Didn't really think about it too much, I disregarded a handful of "guilty pleasures" (even though I don't like using that term because I don't feel guilty about it) and childhood favourites that I love but I know have no business anywhere near a list like this, Jim Carrey's comedies for example. But my list top 10 is identical to my profile top 10.

I just tried to strike a balance. Didn't really think about it too much, I disregarded a handful of "guilty pleasures" (even though I don't like using that term because I don't feel guilty about it) and childhood favourites that I love but I know have no business anywhere near a list like this, Jim Carrey's comedies for example. But my list top 10 is identical to my profile top 10.

I don't believe in guilty pleasures that way either (music included). But I don't believe that anything doesn't deserve to be on the list if it's a favourite, no matter when it was a favourite.

For me, if it's a movie you've seen 10 times and love it to pieces it deserves a spot on your personal list even if every critic hated it.

Hot take: A Serious Man is the best Coen brothers film.
I do find myself thinking about it first when the Coens are mentioned

I too am a wee bit surprised that Amadeus was in the top 50. It was an enjoyable film, full of light-heartedness and silliness, along with high spirits. The writer correctly subtitled it "fantasia on the theme of Mozart and Salieri", since it had little basis in actual history except for the existence of the two characters, and the attribution of much of the music to Mozart.

I think it was the irrepressibility and good natured wackiness that attracted the public so much to Tom Hulce's portrayal. It was definitely a feel good film. This role was arguably the high point of Hulce's rather short acting career.

Raging Bull on the other hand made me think of it as a masterpiece. I don't know how this film could have possibly been any better done. The acting, the cinematography, the realism, and the story itself were of the highest quality, and were completely engaging. Much of it felt like a documentary or a reality representation. IMO it's one of Scorsese's finest.

I had Raging Bull ahead of Goodfellas in my top 25, but honestly their positions could arguably have been switched.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Sure there are differences between "favorite" and "best." One of those differences is that I don't give a crap about what's best. I'm voting favorite every time.
This was the way to think. There's one film I should have included and if I did it would be a legitimate 25 favorites.

Tomorrow's hint:

One is black
The other dark

One is tropical
The other stark

One compelling
The other cold

Beware the stairs
But not the road
The second one is definitely Game of Thrones.