Who Will be Our Next President?


I just watched the Mark Levin show where him and his guests had time to go through it with more detail. Of course these guys are Republicans who have a vested interest, but they know what they're talking about. In summary, much of the work the dems did over the last few months to change voting laws was unconstitutional. At least that is the argument and it seems to be a compelling one.

I just watched the Mark Levin show where him and his guests had time to go through it with more detail. Of course these guys are Republicans who have a vested interest, but they know what they're talking about. In summary, much of the work the dems did over the last few months to change voting laws was unconstitutional. At least that is the argument and it seems to be a compelling one.
Just an aside: Levin may be a Republican, but was not always a Trump supporter. Before the 2016 election Levin opposed Trump's candidacy and instead vociferously supported Ted Cruz (I agreed with Levin).

Just for those who may think Levin is a Trump puppet or "Trumplican" - he's actually just a Republican who would be saying the same things if any other Republican held the Presidency, and, as a constitutional lawyer, might be saying the same things if election misconduct was accused or evident if a Democrat held the Presidency.

Just an aside: Levin may be a Republican, but was not always a Trump supporter. Before the 2016 election Levin opposed Trump's candidacy and instead vociferously supported Ted Cruz (I agreed with Levin).

Just for those who may think Levin is a Trump puppet or "Trumplican" - he's actually just a Republican who would be saying the same things if any other Republican held the Presidency, and, as a constitutional lawyer, might be saying the same things if election misconduct was accused or evident if a Democrat held the Presidency.
That's the impression I got as the constitution seems to be his passion. I didn't know a lot about him.

That's the impression I got as the constitution seems to be his passion. I didn't know a lot about him.
Exactly. Not that I'm a fan, but I used to listen to the radio.. he'd be on in the late afternoon / early evening and I'd listen for a little while now and then. He disliked Trump for a lot of the same reasons Democrats dislike Trump and wasn't shy about saying so. Levin touted Ted Cruz on his radio show.

Of course, like with so many other Republicans (and many Independents), when all the other Republican candidates dropped out and it was narrowed down to Trump or Hillary... there wasn't much choice (for Republicans or conservatives and a lot of Independents like me).

You guys, this dude just busted this story wiiiide open:

You do realize the person tweeting just went on Google and pulled up Georgia as in the country of Georgia and not Georgia, one of the US states which has about 10.6mil people?

Kinda disappointed in you. I don't expect a lot from a random Trump twitterer, but I really thought you would check for facts at least on a basic level for a post that sounds so far out there. Unless, of course, you already knew it was false and just wanted to start something and drive up traffic?
“There's no place to hide, When you're lit from the inside” Roisin Murphy

The trick is not minding
You do realize the person tweeting just went on Google and pulled up Georgia as in the country of Georgia and not Georgia, one of the US states which has about 10.6mil people?

Kinda disappointed in you. I don't expect a lot from a random Trump twitterer, but I really thought you would check for facts at least on a basic level for a post that sounds so far out there. Unless, of course, you already knew it was false and just wanted to start something and drive up traffic?
I’m pretty sure Yoda was being sarcastic here.

Congrats to everyone who voted for Biden. I believe you guys are happy!
I don't fill confortable to share all my views about USA politics cause I don't live there, but as I said, I was hopping for Trump. But anyway, wish you guys the best of luck with this new governament and let's keep Biden out of the Amazon. Cheers!

Apparently some people didn't vote yet ..... I guess they are simply Biden their time.
Ha! I reckon ain't nobody gonna Trump that joke

(Leaves quietly - head down, eyes on the floor)

You do realize the person tweeting just went on Google and pulled up Georgia as in the country of Georgia and not Georgia, one of the US states which has about 10.6mil people?

Kinda disappointed in you. I don't expect a lot from a random Trump twitterer, but I really thought you would check for facts at least on a basic level for a post that sounds so far out there. Unless, of course, you already knew it was false and just wanted to start something and drive up traffic?
Yes, I posted it because the person in that tweet is so anxious to believe in this that they didn't notice the difference between the state and the country. I assume you hopped into the thread, saw only this, and didn't notice I'd spent the last dozen pages decrying glib accusations of voter fraud.

So I guess now it's my turn to be a little disappointed that you thought I'd do that?

I didn't realize about Pennsylvania, but the Dems put this all in motion before the U.S. got hit with the pandemic. I read an article talking about it from Feb 6. It was already happening.
Right, but can you tell me where you heard this/provide the evidence? This is really vague. For all I know "already happening" refers to some tiny expansion of mail ballots. I can't tell from your posts, which are themselves rough summaries of whatever happened.

And really, I'd just love to get everyone out of the habit of doing that: relaying half-remembered things, rather than citing specific facts. We can see in that thread how much latitude that gives people to believe things.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
For anyone who watched it, including democrats, her implication was quite clear. I refer to the issue she raised as Biden's racially questionable voting history, as I don't like to flat out call people a racist without evidence, something many others think is a perfectly decent thing to do. During the time alluded to by Harris, Biden did say he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle. You can decide for yourself how to interpret that statement. Watch the clip again and you will see that it was quite clear what she was doing.
I'm sorry Cricket....but I had to laugh at this. You talk about Trump not saying the things people claim he said, then you go and do the EXACT same thing here. You claim the implication....give me a break dude. Come on. The implications about what Trump says are CLEAR to everyone. Yet you choose to ignore that. I honestly feel like you pick and choose what to believe more so than what you claim you do.

In our arguments about race during the riots and "white privilege" I posted a few links to facts and you said something along the lines of "...I doubt those facts" Then claim the facts are the opposite. It just seems a little hypocritical to me.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I'm sorry Cricket....but I had to laugh at this. You talk about Trump not saying the things people claim he said, then you go and do the EXACT same thing here. You claim the implication....give me a break dude. Come on. The implications about what Trump says are CLEAR to everyone. Yet you choose to ignore that. I honestly feel like you pick and choose what to believe more so than what you claim you do.
Sounds like redirection to me since you won't comment on what you think her implication was. If you want to argue about something you think Trump said or implied, I'm ready. We need to judge these things on a case by case basis.

In our arguments about race during the riots and "white privilege" I posted a few links to facts and you said something along the lines of "...I doubt those facts" Then claim the facts are the opposite. It just seems a little hypocritical to me.
My recollection is that you posted links to theories. There are no facts about white privilege.

I don't really follow your response to TUS. He's making a pretty simple point: with Trump, you sometimes call things a "lie" because he did not literally say them, but you're happy to read implications from Biden even if he did not literally say a thing. It's a fair point.

Obviously, you can just say "that's different" each time, by saying you believe there is an implication in one case but not another, but that means you can't just say "he didn't say that" and leave it at that, either. And in plenty of cases, Trump's implication is pretty hard to mistake, IMO.

This is known in rhetoric as "special pleading," by the way: finding some reason a posited rule doesn't apply in a specific case. Technically it's hard to disprove, but it's also not worth much, because we can always find some difference between one thing and another which allows us to make out that any rule is still being applied fairly.

Right, but can you tell me where you heard this/provide the evidence? This is really vague. For all I know "already happening" refers to some tiny expansion of mail ballots. I can't tell from your posts, which are themselves rough summaries of whatever happened.
No I can't because it was a tidbit I noticed rather than something I was specifically looking for. I you don't want to believe it, that's fine. We know that the dems had a bill for mail in voting turned down back in March, just one month later. We also know that the dems and reps have been fighting over voting issues for years. We also know that 5 states, that happen to be democrat strongholds, already had mail in voting. I would say the thought, which I'm not saying you have, that dems haven't wanted more expansive mail in voting for long before the pandemic is naive. More likely, corona became a thing, and they saw it as their opportunity to pounce. You also have to wonder about the general outlook of shutdowns between dems and reps. I think for the average citizen, the more shutdowns you're dealing with, the more mail in voting makes sense. It could be a coincidence but it makes me wonder.

And really, I'd just love to get everyone out of the habit of doing that: relaying half-remembered things, rather than citing specific facts. We can see in that thread how much latitude that gives people to believe things.
I remember having conversations back in the days before the internet. People had to rely on their thoughts rather than facts they could prove. It wasn't half bad.