
HEY! CBS All-Access is giving folks a free month trial with coupon code GIFT. Since the season finale for Picard drops on Thursday, that means you can stream the whole season for free:
How cool, nice timing by cbs with everyone stuck in the house atm.
Now you can binge it after all, enjoy Austruck, thanks for sharing!

Has anyone actually seen this? It is a staggeringly awful television series. An insult to TNG and Star Trek in general.

I could go on a big rant about why it's so bad but I honestly can't be bothered - it would take too long. Instead I'll just say what I enjoyed about the show:

It was great to see Riker and Troi again; Johnathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis are brilliant as always. The last couple of episodes had some good moments. Jeri Ryan still looks hot for a 50 year old Borg. That's about it. Everything else ranges on a spectrum from mediocre to dreadful to bizarre.

If you haven't seen it I would recommend spending ten hours doing something more fun like lobotomizing yourself or cutting your hair with a chainsaw.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I saw the first two-ish episodes but wasn't engaged to stay past my free trial of CBS All Access to finish it. I'm not sure what I didn't like about it -- possibly just that we are expected to have this urgency about this female character (I've forgotten her name already), and I just never felt that urgency. I felt impatient at seeing other characters again. And the pacing felt "off," for some reason.

My trial expired. I don't feel sad.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Has anyone actually seen this? It is a staggeringly awful television series. An insult to TNG and Star Trek in general.

I could go on a big rant about why it's so bad but I honestly can't be bothered - it would take too long. Instead I'll just say what I enjoyed about the show:

It was great to see Riker and Troi again; Johnathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis are brilliant as always. The last couple of episodes had some good moments. Jeri Ryan still looks hot for a 50 year old Borg. That's about it. Everything else ranges on a spectrum from mediocre to dreadful to bizarre.

If you haven't seen it I would recommend spending ten hours doing something more fun like lobotomizing yourself or cutting your hair with a chainsaw.
I'm a huge Star Trek fan, well not the latest movies, but I love the canon stuff. I haven't seen Picard yet but plan on it. Too bad it's not being more well received. I can't image what the problem with it is? But I heard a lot of complaints about Discovery. which I haven't seen either. I'm currently re-watching Voyager...I'm on season 7 right now.

I'm a huge Star Trek fan, well not the latest movies, but I love the canon stuff. I haven't seen Picard yet but plan on it. Too bad it's not being more well received. I can't image what the problem with it is? But I heard a lot of complaints about Discovery. which I haven't seen either. I'm currently re-watching Voyager...I'm on season 7 right now.
Interesting... they had a little TNG All-Borg marathon on BBC channel last night (only Borg episodes shown in sequence - neat idea).

Despite the commercials, I stayed up late and watched the first episode with the Borg (I think it was called "Q Who"), followed by the two part episode "The Best of Both Worlds" where Picard is turned into Locutis. More Borg episodes followed throughout the night, but 3:00 am was my limit!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Interesting... they had a little TNG All-Borg marathon on BBC channel last night.
Despite the commercials, I stayed up late and watched the first episode with the Borg (I think it was called "Q Who"), followed by the two part episode "The Best of Both Worlds" where Picard is turned into Locutis. More Borg episodes followed throughout the night, but 3:00 am was my limit!
It's interesting how the Borg radically changed from their first appearance on Q Who to later episodes. On Q Who, Q tells Picard that the Borg are only interested in the raw materials from the Enterprise..and we see them cutting a slice out of the saucer section. Of course later the Borg are all about assimilating people.

It's interesting how the Borg radically changed from their first appearance on Q Who to later episodes. On Q Who, Q tells Picard that the Borg are only interested in the raw materials from the Enterprise..and we see them cutting a slice out of the saucer section. Of course later the Borg are all about assimilating people.
Yes! I was a bit befuddled in the first episode that there was no talk of assimilation.

Even Guinan (the Enterprise's only source of info on the Borg outside of Q) seems to elude to the fact that the Borg just decimated her people to get resources. (I guess retroactively we must assume she either meant "assimilated" or she was unaware that her people were assimilated.)

It would have been neat if they culminated the marathon with the "First Contact" motion picture, but they didn't. Maybe someone will put out an All-Borg box set containing First Contact + relevant Voyager episodes.

Were the Borg ever mentioned or hinted at on "Enterprise" even though it was a prequel?

Also... why do most Borg look like former earthlings? Have they ever depicted Klingon Borg? Andorian, Tellerite, Ferrengi or Vulcan (etc.) Borg? How about some Gorn Borg?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes! I was a bit befuddled in the first episode that there was no talk of assimilation.

Even Guinan (the Enterprise's only source of info on the Borg outside of Q) seems to elude to the fact that the Borg just decimated her people to get resources. (I guess retroactively we must assume she either meant "assimilated" or she was unaware that her people were assimilated.)
All take a more real world approach and say that the writers decided to change the Borg's nature to create more drama. I have all the ST series on DVD and there's lots of interviews with the writers and they will talk about the direction the show was going and how they wanted to change things.
Were the Borg ever mentioned or hinted at on "Enterprise" even though it was a prequel?
I should now that! I'm not sure but I do think that somehow the Borg were included on an episode of Enterprise. I'll be re watching that in a matter of weeks.

Also... why do most Borg look like former earthlings? Have they ever depicted Klingon Borg? Andorian, Tellerite, Ferrengi or Vulcan (etc.) Borg? How about some Gorn Borg?
That's a really good question! You're right Borg almost always look like assimilated humans.

All take a more real world approach and say that the writers decided to change the Borg's nature to create more drama. I have all the ST series on DVD and there's lots of interviews with the writers and they will talk about the direction the show was going and how they wanted to change things.
I should now that! I'm not sure but I do think that somehow the Borg were included on an episode of Enterprise. I'll be re watching that in a matter of weeks.

That's a really good question! You're right Borg almost always look like assimilated humans.
Didn't want to start a new thread... but did you happen to catch the new space suits worn by the astronauts on the SpaceEx mission on the news today? (Lift-off scrubbed for bad weather, btw.)

They look like something out of a really cheap sci-fi movie!

I guess "form follows function" ...but they are kinda dorky looking!

We make fun of how corny they made stuff look in 50's & 60's sci-fi movies... but maybe they were actually predictors of the future!

That went over my head, but I'll take your word for it that it was funny
The first celebrity to come to mind that the astronaught on the right looks a little bit like is actor Nathan Lane...

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Interesting... they had a little TNG All-Borg marathon on BBC channel last night (only Borg episodes shown in sequence - neat idea).

Despite the commercials, I stayed up late and watched the first episode with the Borg (I think it was called "Q Who"), followed by the two part episode "The Best of Both Worlds" where Picard is turned into Locutis. More Borg episodes followed throughout the night, but 3:00 am was my limit!

There are DVD sets that have been released that focus on different areas of Star Trek. One of the sets is a Borg Collective set.

Personally, I prefer the Q Collective and the Time Travel Collective.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Were the Borg ever mentioned or hinted at on "Enterprise" even though it was a prequel

I think the episode is called Regeneration. It's pretty good actually.

The premise is that scientists in the Arctic discover some of the wreckage from the Borg sphere in First Contact that was destroyed and one of the Borg thaws out, wakes up and goes about his business of assimilation. They steal a ship and escape earth. Archer and co. are ordered to hunt them down.

I won't spoil anymore but I recommend it. They wrote it in such a way so that it doesn't breach canon (this is back when writers actually cared about that) and the ending ties it in with TNG era Borg in a pretty clever way.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So...I just finished watching all of the 1st season of Picard. I liked it as an, on-going drama/sci fi mini series...but I wouldn't really call it Star Trek, at least not the Star Trek that I'm use to.

It was kinda fun to see some old favorites (emphasizes on old), Patrick Stewart of course is the main lead as Picard. We also see Riker & Troi Johnathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis in one episode. And Seven of Nine aka Jerry Ryan has a reacquiring role as the former Borg drone...the last episode seemed to set up her as a regular for the upcoming season 2.

Brent Spiner, the dead Data manages to make it back onto the screen. Then there's my favorite Hugh the Borg that Picard freed from the collective, Jonathan Del Arco is the actor and he is in a couple of episodes.

There's some really silly/stupid stuff that would make Gene Rodenberry spit blood wine Seems in the future Humans will still be smoking and doing drugs by vaping narcotics...oh and doing a lot of f bombs and just generally being antagonist and hostile...very un-Star Trek like.