Breaking Bad vs Game of Thrones


Arya Faceless Man
Didn’t that arc go on & on & on? I slipped into a coma a few times there whichever season it was.
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Powering through Better Call Saul right now. On the beginning of season 4. I was a big BB guy but I always tried to get into BCS and just couldn't for some reason. Knew I'd like it once I got going. Got sucked in with this staying at home stuff and of course I love it. Just like Breaking Bad, possibly a notch below but Odenkirk's SNL chops really shine it's funnier, without sacrificing the story.

But BCS is flawlessly executed just like BB and the prequel really freaking works as it's fun to dig deeper into some of the BB characters.

Combine Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul and El Camino and you have an imo the best collection of drama TV ever put to the little screen. It's amazing what Gilligan has done here. It's not based on some existing property either, which gets even more points in my book. Completely original. He has basically created a Star Wars catalog of characters in this universe.

Heres the rub. I do not like TV dramas. I started Homeland and lost interest. Ozarks lost interest. House of Cards ditto. Dramas just lose me when they get to ridiculous. BB world keeps it's focus on the characters which keeps me interested even if it feels too ridiculous.

Now GOTs is about the only other show that I stuck with. I finally broke and come on right before the last season. Binging the first 4 seasons was an experience. It may have surpassed even peak BB but the last few seasons just fell apart to me. That's because they had no more source material, which makes BB even more impressive.

I know GOTs are going have a bunch of spinoffs so we will see how that world gets developed. But the world created by Gilligan it's no contest right now, it's BB.
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We've gone on holiday by mistake
Didn’t that arc go on & on & on? I slipped into a coma a few times there whichever season it was.
yea cleaning floors for about 13 seasons or something

Lets not forget there are several episodes of GOT that have perfect ratings and delivered us some of the most astonishing moments we've ever seen on screen.
Speak for yourself. Nothing in GoT comes even close to Tarkovsky. For me the highlight was Arya in seasons 2-4. But all those parts were still way better in the books. GoT is to me just a mediocre show.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Speak for yourself. Nothing in GoT comes even close to Tarkovsky. For me the highlight was Arya in seasons 2-4. But all those parts were still way better in the books. GoT is to me just a mediocre show.
It has ended as a mediocre show, certainly. Yes the books are better as they are in almost every adaptation, that goes without saying.

Game of Thrones provided us with some truly shocking moments over the decade, and actually raised the bar for surprising your audience which is a very difficult thing to accomplish. Killing your main character in S1, Red Wedding a bunch of main characters hacked to death in S3, Hardholme, Hold the Door, absolutely awesome moments as a viewer, if you don't think so that's fine but millions would disagree.

Game of Thrones Season 1-4 > Breaking Bad

Game of Thrones production values pretty much trump anything that's ever been on TV. Watching it again it looks better than other epics (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings) so visually it has a huge advantage.

Breaking Bad actually starts off horribly it's like reading a good book that improves with each chapter.

But we all know the true peak of Game of Thrones happened in Season 6.

Welcome to the human race...
I could definitely feel myself starting to check out of GoT during season 4, but season 5 more or less clinched it. I stuck it out anyway, but not even the alleged peaks of subsequent seasons did much (if anything) for me. Even the Battle of the Bastards had a real "well I guess that whole thing's finally over" vibe to it. Even the prospect of revisiting the "good" seasons isn't remotely enticing (though in fairness I rarely go out of my way to revisit shows in the first place). Can't even care about it allegedly being the best-looking show on TV (which is still a questionable claim considering how muddy-looking the Battle of the Bastards and the final battle against the wights got).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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I could definitely feel myself starting to check out of GoT during season 4, but season 5 more or less clinched it. I stuck it out anyway, but not even the alleged peaks of subsequent seasons did much (if anything) for me. Even the Battle of the Bastards had a real "well I guess that whole thing's finally over" vibe to it. Even the prospect of revisiting the "good" seasons isn't remotely enticing ...
I agree. I saw the entire thing, I have all the GOT DVDs, but I would not revisit a single season let alone re-watch the entire thing. Done & dusted.

Breaking Bad I have watched twice & might watch again if not just for the final season, which was brilliant.

Ralphthemoviemaker makes some very good points about Game of Thrones in general, and the final season. He gives the show more praise than I would, but nevertheless he makes very good comparisons, arguments, and criticisms.

I just started watching Breaking Bad. The first episode was pretty good, and I didn't mind the low budget cinematography.

Not even a competition. Breaking Bad wins hands down. You could argue that the first season was slow, but I think it sets up Walter and Jesse's initial struggles perfectly. And in terms of consistency, I can't remember even one poor moment or plotline blunder in Breaking Bad.

Game of Thrones' quality nosedived once it went ahead of the books.

A better comparison would be Breaking Bad V/S The Wire, and even here I would hold Breaking Bad slightly ahead because The Wire's last season had few poor concepts.

Right, but aside from talking about both shows, has anyone chosen Game of Thrones over Breaking Bad? Is it even a contest? Isn't in unanimous that Breaking Bad is the better show? This is just a threat to talk about both shows, and they don't seem like a good pair. No one is contesting which is better, as far as I can tell.

A better comparison would be Breaking Bad V/S The Wire, and even here I would hold Breaking Bad slightly ahead because The Wire's last season had few poor concepts.
I prefer The Wire to Breaking Bad. The Wire is my 2nd fave show ever after The Sopranos.

Right, but aside from talking about both shows, has anyone chosen Game of Thrones over Breaking Bad? Is it even a contest? Isn't in unanimous that Breaking Bad is the better show? This is just a threat to talk about both shows, and they don't seem like a good pair. No one is contesting which is better, as far as I can tell.
This is the OP: “What TV Series do you prefer, which is better?

Welcome to the human race...
Right, but aside from talking about both shows, has anyone chosen Game of Thrones over Breaking Bad? Is it even a contest? Isn't in unanimous that Breaking Bad is the better show? This is just a threat to talk about both shows, and they don't seem like a good pair. No one is contesting which is better, as far as I can tell.
I mean, there was that one guy who kept going on about how GoT was better because of all the boobs, but he's banned now so I guess he doesn't count anymore.

I prefer The Wire to Breaking Bad. The Wire is my 2nd fave show ever after The Sopranos.
I have only seen clips of The Sopranos, and I haven't watched The Wire.

I mean, there was that one guy who kept going on about how GoT was better because of all the boobs, but he's banned now so I guess he doesn't count anymore.
I vaguely recall. He didn't seem worth responding to.

It's fine, I just thought it was a bit of an odd comparison. I guess it's fair enough to just ask people which they like better between two random popular shows.

Edit: Have you guys seen The Last Kingdom? It feels very similar to Game of Thrones, but in a real historical setting, and is way better in my opinion.

A funny skit with the Game of Thrones cast: Game of Phones.

An SNL skit with Zack Galifianakis: Game of Game of Thrones.