Western Hall of Fame II


Trouble with a capital "T"
I vaguely remember a conversation with Camo about Westerns and along with watching Yellow Sky that was in his original three considerations, Ox-Bow was brought up with a unanimous appreciation of it. To the point of me checking it out and agreeing with what was said about it.
Daniel and possibly cricket may, or may not have been involved as well. Possibly sean or raul as well.
I just watched Yellow Sky for the second time and was very impressed with it. I loved the set of the abandoned mining town and the water hole location where the bad men were held up...and the entire story was great.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Precisely why I join these HOFs
It gives me a chance to watch films I might otherwise hadn’t considered previously, not because I don’t want to, but rather there are so many films it’s hard to keep track.
It's like a Movie of the Month Club that sends you films to watch and you can't go forward unless you watch them. I have loved, hated, endured and have been enthralled so many times and continue to be.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Haven't seen The Cowboys but I will check it out for this. I think Ox-Bow is practically a masterpiece while the other 3 have varying degrees of excellence.
Love to hear what ya think, should you do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't know if there's any fans of the original Star Trek series here, but I remember spotting a number of Star Trek guest stars on The Cowboys. Just a FYI for fun.

The trick is not minding
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - ahwell
Oh hell no.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Sergio Leone, 1966)
I am not watching that again.

Haha. It could have been worse. Someone could have nominated the Quick and the Dead 😜

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - ahwell
Oh hell no.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Sergio Leone, 1966)
I am not watching that again.

Well, like I said, I can change my nom. I have a lot of options for blind noms so if that’s the main reason you’re not joining I’m happy to change it!

The trick is not minding
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - ahwell
Oh hell no.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Sergio Leone, 1966)
I am not watching that again.

Well, like I said, I can change my nom. I have a lot of options for blind noms so if that’s the main reason you’re not joining I’m happy to change it!
Shouldn’t feel obligated to change because someone doesn’t like a film nominated, as that goes against the spirit of these doesn’t it?
It seems a little rude to come here and post about a film being nominated that you don’t like and stating you won’t join as a result, when she could have just said nothing and not joined. Which is a shame because I like reading her reviews.

Well, like I said, I can change my nom. I have a lot of options for blind noms so if that’s the main reason you’re not joining I’m happy to change it!
It was Keyser’s first choice though, so it would only be fair for him to get it if you change yours.

I also have zero desire to watch anything starring John Wayne.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
what the heck, I'll just post the noms right now and see what people think.
So an "unofficial" reveal:

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - ahwell
The Cowboys - edarsenal
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Wyldsyde19
The Ox-Bow Incident - Citizen Rules
Rio Bravo - Keyser Corleone

I watched three of these movies within the last few weeks, and I liked all three of them. One of them is pretty much a lock to make my list, and the other two are strong contenders. The three movies are The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Ox-Bow Incident, and Rio Bravo, but I won't say which is the lock to make my list.

I've seen The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly twice, and I didn't like it either time. I don't have any desire to watch it again.

@ahwell didn't list the years for these movies, so when I saw the movie The Cowboys listed in this reveal, my first thought was that it was the 1958 movie Cowboy starring Glenn Ford and Jack Lemmon, which was only okay. But when I Googled the movie to check if that was the movie, I found out it's a different movie. I haven't seen the 1972 movie The Cowboys, but it sounds interesting, so I added it to my Westerns watchlist.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

It seems a little rude to come here and post about a film being nominated that you don’t like and stating you won’t join as a result
It’s not the only reason why I’m not joining. In any case, “Oh hell no” is far less rude than what I would have said if I had joined and actually reviewed it.

The trick is not minding
It seems a little rude to come here and post about a film being nominated that you don’t like and stating you won’t join as a result
It’s not the only reason why I’m not joining. In any case, “Oh hell no” is far less rude than what I would have said if I had joined and actually reviewed it.
This I don’t doubt.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think we have five awesome films...and I just requested 4 of them from my library and had to 'find' the other one. So I'm rearin' to go, yahoo!

The trick is not minding
I think we have five awesome films...and I just requested 4 of them from my library and had to 'find' the other one. So I'm rearin' to go, yahoo!
I’m lucky that I own 2 of them.
I can check for the others later and the local rents and library, but first need to finish the comedy HOF.
Hopefully a few others who were on the fence will join and we can have a decent amount.
As it is, this is a pretty strong list.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't know if there's any fans of the original Star Trek series here, but I remember spotting a number of Star Trek guest stars on The Cowboys. Just a FYI for fun.

I haven't seen The Cowboys yet, but I know that De Kelley was in a bunch of westerns. I recently saw him in a minor role in the movie Warlock (1959). It was a good movie starring Richard Widmark, Henry Fonda, and Anthony Quinn, and IMO it's worth watching.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think we have five awesome films...and I just requested 4 of them from my library and had to 'find' the other one. So I'm rearin' to go, yahoo!
I’m lucky that I own 2 of them.
I can check for the others later and the local rents and library, but first need to finish the comedy HOF.
Hopefully a few others who were on the fence will join and we can have a decent amount.
As it is, this is a pretty strong list.

I think this is the problem for me. I agree that this is a strong list with some great films, but most of them are movies that are so well known that most people would have known to watch them before turning in their list for the Westerns Countdown.

I was hoping for some lesser known "hidden gem" movies that I wouldn't have thought to watch if they hadn't been nominated.

The trick is not minding
Haha. It could have been worse. Someone could have nominated the Quick and the Dead 😜

I liked The Quick and the Dead (1995).
Well, I’ll forgive you for that one 😉
Just this once.
That aside, it’s a shame you aren’t joining us for this!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well, I’ll forgive you for that one 😉
Just this once.
That aside, it’s a shame you aren’t joining us for this!

I might have joined if there were some lesser known movies nominated, but aside from one movie, these are all movies that I've already seen at least twice.

I just checked my list, and I've watched 37 western movies since the countdown was announced. I still have to finish the Comedy HoF, so this may be a good time for me to take a break from westerns for a while anyway.

The trick is not minding
I think we have five awesome films...and I just requested 4 of them from my library and had to 'find' the other one. So I'm rearin' to go, yahoo!
I’m lucky that I own 2 of them.
I can check for the others later and the local rents and library, but first need to finish the comedy HOF.
Hopefully a few others who were on the fence will join and we can have a decent amount.
As it is, this is a pretty strong list.

I think this is the problem for me. I agree that this is a strong list with some great films, but most of them are movies that are so well known that most people would have known to watch them before turning in their list for the Westerns Countdown.

I was hoping for some lesser known "hidden gem" movies that I wouldn't have thought to watch if they hadn't been nominated.
Posted as I was haha. Serves me right.
I understand, which was why I went with Liberty Valance as I felt there weren’t many who have seen it.
The Cowboys and Rio Bravo are 2 I haven’t seen yet so it works out for me (and I’m not terribly familiar with The Cowboys, only a review I read from Ebert years ago)
In the case of Rio Bravo, I’ve seen it’s first remake El Dorado, so I’m familiar with the story.
I’m not terribly familiar with many of the obscure westerns before the 1970’s, so I was limited in my knowledge of them, which was a reason why I joined to begin with.
There were 3 I considered that are available on Amazon prime I have saved I could have nominated, such as The Big Country, Little Big Man and Buffalo Bill and the Indians but I don’t like to nominate anything I haven’t seen yet.
Perhaps that was my mistake