VHS comedy era comedy Hall of fame III (1977-1989)


After Hours is Martin Scorsese's attempt at a sex comedy, if you though well that sounds weird it pretty much is. The basic premise of the film is a New York office drone decides to go out and hook up with a girl he met at a cafe. On his way to meet up with her his twenty dollar bill flies out of the window of a cab leaving him broke and stranded in New York.

Over the course of the evening he runs into a variety of weird situations with the strange people who live outside his yuppie world. For a film like this you have a series of episodes and naturally with that you end comparing them to each other. And the only issue I really had with the film is that at one point it becomes a bit too wacky. I think the film works at it's best when Hackett is dealing with sexual issues with women but when he branches out into the other aspects of nightlife society the film kinda ratchet's down. Cheech and Chong show up and they just feel incredibly out of place.

The Blues Brothers is my favorite movie in this HoF, but I don't rank it the highest for it's humor. I think the funniest movie here is A Fish Called Wanda.

Back to the Future

I love fish out of water movies and a good underdog story. This nails both of them right on the head. While it doesn't have any gut busting moments it has plenty of great chuckles and is one of those movies that you're just smiling all the way through and most of that has to do with the outstanding cast. The casting was perfect. Michael J. Fox is likable in just about everything he does (even liked him in the awful Secret of My Success) but I think this is the best he's ever been. He carries the movie but doesn't hog the spotlight. Lea Thompson is great as his somewhat hypocritical mother ("I think it's terrible...girls chasing boys"), Crispin Glover delivers in a role I couldn't picture any other actor of the day doing and Christopher Lloyd could do Doc Brown in his sleep. All the main cast have their moments to shine which is a testament to well written this is. When it comes to comedy if it makes me laugh I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to plot. That being said, this has a good, solid story. Favorite moment is when Darth Vader makes an appearance. Favorite line is "I don't wanna mess with no reefer addicts, ok?" It's a throwaway line by a nobody but it's oh so perfectly 50's.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seen them all and there is only one I'm dreading having to sit through again. Guess I'll have to get drunk for that one...
Ha! Now I'm real curious as to what one that would be? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I’ll have to look into it. I’ll also start next week, as I’m going away this weekend
Vacation? Hope you have fun whatever you do this weekend. Me...I'll be working

Trouble with a capital "T"
My top ten picks were...

Being There
Trading Places
My Favorite Year (1982)
Lennigrad Cowboys Go America

I decided to go with the films that fit this Hall better than the other ones
Those all are interesting films. I've never heard of Lennigrad Cowboys Go America, that would've be cool to see.

The trick is not minding
Seen them all and there is only one I'm dreading having to sit through again. Guess I'll have to get drunk for that one...
Ha! Now I'm real curious as to what one that would be? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I’ll have to look into it. I’ll also start next week, as I’m going away this weekend
Vacation? Hope you have fun whatever you do this weekend. Me...I'll be working
More like visiting friends this weekend.
Vacation isn’t until the week of New Year’s Eve where a bunch of us are renting a cabin in the Poconos

Trouble with a capital "T"
More like visiting friends this weekend.
Vacation isn’t until the week of New Year’s Eve where a bunch of us are renting a cabin in the Poconos
A cabin in the Poconos! Oh cool! I should've nominated The Great Outdoors

The trick is not minding
There’s a lot I should have nominated over my second pick (I’m ok with my first) but wrongly assumed the others would have already been nominated. That or I just forgot about them 😑

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Blues Brothers is my favorite movie in this HoF, but I don't rank it the highest for it's humor. I think the funniest movie here is A Fish Called Wanda.
I'm thinking about the same.
There’s a lot I should have nominated over my second pick (I’m ok with my first) but wrongly assumed the others would have already been nominated. That or I just forgot about them 😑
I did the same thing. Skipped over a few that I thought were going to be obvious shoe-ins. Still, pretty excellent list all the same.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

Back to the Future

The casting was perfect. Michael J. Fox is likable in just about everything he does
Very true. I think my favorite of his comedy films is Doc Hollywood.
"That's a fine pig, Doc."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
After Hours (1985)
Annie Hall (1977)
Back to the Future (1985)
Blues Brothers(1980)
Broadcast News (1987)
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)
A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
The Jerk (1979)
Parenthood (1989)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)
The Princess Bride (1987)
Real Genius (1985)
When Harry Met Sally . . . (1989)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

I won't go into specifics, but:

1) There are six movies nominated that are among my favorite movies. I've seen these six movies many times, and I'm always looking forward to rewatching them.

2) There are three movies nominated that I've only seen once, and I thought they were just okay. Hopefully I'll like them more this time around.

3) There is one movie nominated that I've only seen once, and I liked it a lot. I'm looking forward to rewatching it.

4) There is one movie on this list that I've seen twice, but I didn't like it either time. I'm not looking forward to rewatching it, but hopefully I'll like it more this time.

5) There are three movies nominated that I've never seen, so I guess it's about time that I see them.

Question...do you like Steve Martin films?
About Steve Martin, all I'll say is that I have six DVDs in my collection that have Steve Martin in them. If someone reminds me at the end of this HoF, I'll name them.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I can't resist guessing, because Resistances is futile So...

1) There are six movies nominated that are among my favorite movies. I've seen these six movies many times, and I'm always looking forward to rewatching them
The Princess Bride (1987)
Real Genius (1985)
When Harry Met Sally . . . (1989)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Parenthood (1989)
Back to the Future (1985)

2) There are three movies nominated that I've only seen once, and I thought they were just okay. Hopefully I'll like them more this time around.
A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
The Jerk (1979)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)

3) There is one movie nominated that I've only seen once, and I liked it a lot. I'm looking forward to rewatching it.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

4) There is one movie on this list that I've seen twice, but I didn't like it either time. I'm not looking forward to rewatching it, but hopefully I'll like it more this time.
After Hours (1985)

5) There are three movies nominated that I've never seen, so I guess it's about time that I see them.
Annie Hall (1977)
Broadcast News (1987)
Blues Brothers(1980)

How did I do?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

The Jerk

Nathan: It was never easy for me. . . I was born, a poor, black child.

Oh the pathos!!
Never in my life have I witnessed such a profound sojourn into the human experience that we simple mortals label life!
A reincarnation of the Greek myth, Sisyphus, d@mned to roll a boulder up a hill only to return to the foothills and begin anew. Such arduous endeavors, such climatic adventures!!
And, MY GOD, Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly wished they were HALF the dancer this colossal exhibit of virtuosity is!

Armed with the purist of wisdom from his family: to know what is sh#t, what is shinola, that God loves a working man, to never trust Whitey, and see a Doctor and get rid of It; our gallant hero ventures out into the cosmos (aka St. Louis) with the noblest of quests: to BE somebody.
It's not long before he learns what his "special purpose" is and what it's for; this epic propels forward. Discovering both Everlasting Love and the unerring loyalty of a faithful canine, Nathan reaps treasures abound only to --- I'm sorry, this part is so heartbreaking. . . a moment please while i collect myself before continuing. . .

[heavy sigh]

Only to lose it all!!!!!

In that wretched darkness our hero garners true wisdom of what he truly needs:
WARNING: "and that's all he needs" spoilers below
an ashtray, this paddle game, this remote control and these matches. And that's all he needs. Oh, and this chair and that's it

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
1) There are six movies nominated that are among my favorite movies. I've seen these six movies many times, and I'm always looking forward to rewatching them.
The Princess Bride (1987)
Real Genius (1985)
When Harry Met Sally . . . (1989)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Parenthood (1989)
Back to the Future (1985)

2) There are three movies nominated that I've only seen once, and I thought they were just okay. Hopefully I'll like them more this time around.
A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
The Jerk (1979)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)

3) There is one movie nominated that I've only seen once, and I liked it a lot. I'm looking forward to rewatching it.
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

4) There is one movie on this list that I've seen twice, but I didn't like it either time. I'm not looking forward to rewatching it, but hopefully I'll like it more this time.

5) There are three movies nominated that I've never seen, so I guess it's about time that I see them.
Annie Hall (1977)
Broadcast News (1987)
Blues Brothers(1980)

I can't resist guessing, because Resistances is futile So...

How did I do?

You got five movies in the right places. I guess you don't know me as well as you think you do.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You got five movies in the right places. I guess you don't know me as well as you think you do.

I wonder how good any of us can do at guessing each other's noms? Anybody care to guess mine?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

I wonder how good any of us can do at guessing each other's noms? Anybody care to guess mine?

I usually try not to look at who nominated what at the beginning of the HoF because sometimes if I know their taste in movies, it could sway my feelings about the movie before I even watch it. I don't want the person who nominated the movie to affect my viewing of the movie.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

I liked it! I don't know who nominated it, but I'm glad you did as I'd never seen it before. It was a fun watch, I wouldn't say it was the greatest comedy ever, that would have to be something written by Billy Wider But Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was a very satisfying movie to spend time with. I especially appreciate that it ended strong. So many movies fizzy out in the last act, but this one had a very clever little scene at the end.

I liked the cast: Michael Caine, that's Sir Michael Caine! He always delivers the goods. He was right at home as a well mannered, impeccable groomed and wealthy con artist. I'd never seen Glenne Headly before, but what a gem she was! She was so good in her comic role that I don't know why she didn't have a bigger career? And I loved the character she did at the very end of the movie too, which she did so well. Then there's Steve Martin, is there really four noms with Martin in them? I like Steve Martin, I do...I remember watching him way back in the 1970s on Saturday Night Live...he totally cracked me up every time he hosted that show. I've like his movies, but here he was a little too Steve Martin and IMO needed to tone it down a notch. But not a deal breaker, just something I noticed.

You know they never make a comedy like this these days. Talk about high production values. I mean it was all shot on location...and such stunning sets! OMG I'll give this high marks just for the sets alone.

Good stuff.
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The trick is not minding
I’m On my way back home from the cabin my friends and I rented this past weekend!
I’ll be able to start reviewing tomorrow night, and should knock 2 of them out this week

Trouble with a capital "T"

Parenthood (1989)

I've been thinking all day about what I would write in my review and couldn't come up with much. Well except for I liked Mary Steenburgen in this! I usually like her, so that's a big plus. Steve Martin was good too and more sedate than in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. Strangely he was at his best when he was being zany doing the cowboy balloon guy at the party. I remember he had a comedy bit he did on Saturday Night Live where he use to make animals out of balloons. So I guess the balloon part was cool to see.

Then there's the OMG moment! when you see the dream sequence of the little disturbed kid who's now grown up and has become a mass school shooter. What the hell! Oh my! they would never do that seen today. Of course back then mass school shootings weren't really prevalent. Nor would they show a little kid fully nude as the movie does for a joke. Times have really changed since the 1980s, and I guess that's the best thing about Parenthood it's a time capsule back to the late 80s when all those self important baby boomers were having babies of their own and they needed to let the entire world know it. I swear having babies was as popular back in the 80s as tattoos and texting is today.

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