Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Juste la fin du monde [It's Only The End Of The World] (Xavier Dolan, 2016)

Nicely acted and shot but I didn't really buy into the family dynamics

Juste la fin du monde [It's Only The End Of The World] (Xavier Dolan, 2016)

Nicely acted and shot but I didn't really buy into the family dynamics
Yeah it's not his best but still worth looking at.


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.

Pasolini (Abel Ferrara, 2014)
L'enfant secret AKA The Secret Son (Philippe Garrel, 1979)

Too Skinny for Love (Bernhard Stephan, 1974)

Der Mond AKA The Moon (Lutz Dammbeck, 1977)

The Moon comes down to Earth and makes some friends.
Die Flut AKA The Flood (Lutz Dammbeck, 1987)

Clive Davis: The Soundtrack of Our Lives (Chris Perkel, 2017)

Einmart (Lutz Dammbeck, 1981)

The Farewell (Lulu Wang,2019)

A Chinese family gathers for a wedding but many know it's because matriarch Shuzhen Zhao is dying of cancer. It hits her granddaughter (Awkwafina) hardest.
From Beyond the Grave (Kevin Connor, 1974)
Die Entdeckung AKA The Discovery (Lutz Dammbeck, 1984)

Der Schneider von Ulm AKA The Tailor of Ulm (Lutz Dammbeck, 1980)

Black Sabbath (Mario Bava, 1963)

Scene from the first of three scary stories in what may be Bava's best ftlm - hosted by Boris Karloff.
Chamber of Horrors (Hy Averback, 1966)

Bloody Bloody Bible Camp (Vito Trabucco, 2012)
Three Peaks (Jan Zabeil, 2017)

1/1 (Jeremy Phillips, 2018)

After a tough few days, 20-year-old Lindsey Shaw and her mom Dendrie Taylor reminisce about the former's previous birthday.
The Hatred (John Law, 2018)
Pick Me Up (Larry Cohen, 2006)

Lebe! AKA Live! (Lutz Dammbeck, 1978)

Sick Girl (Lucky McKee, 2006)

Etymologist Angela Bettis has to find out if there's a connection between an aggressive Brazilian insect and her new lady love Erin Brown.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Muy caliente! Re-watch of an excellent movie. Gere in his prime.

Excellent documentary about the rape scandal in 2012 at Steubenville, Ohio high school. Ugh, so many creeps on the football team. Hope they turned out better than predicted.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Etymologist Angela Bettis has to find out if there's a connection between an aggressive Brazilian insect and her new lady love Erin Brown.
I was just thinking about Angela Bettis in May the other day. Love her in that.

Zombieland Double Tap (2019)

I should probably bump this rating a little higher, but it's simply not as good as the original. The jokes are almost on par, the story is only a small step back, however it would only be good as a rewatch in pieces for me. It was rather gimmicky, yet the gimmicks were usually funny and playful while they lasted.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Your Name (2016) - Rewatch on Blu-ray

I can't believe this outdated Insignia plasma - you can see the shape of the tube through the screen - with the screwed up sound, even trying to ruin Your Name. Still, though, it's Your Name, it's the best the film's looked outside of the theater - even better than the HD version on FunimationNow, and this is one Shinkai fan who's glad to finally own a copy.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Heilstätten (2018)

A German found footage horrors that copies Grave Encounters quite heavily. It tries to be meta with its Youtubers being aware of the horror cliches but it really doesn't help as it practically replicates every single one of them. The twist in the end isn't nearly as bad as some reviews seem to think. There are couple of nice scenes too but as a whole it's standard boring found footage movie (if that's your thing you may want to check it out, otherwise skipping is better option).


The Lighthouse (2019)

I want nothing to do with beans. Spilt or digested.

Parasite (2019)

I found this to be a bit over-rated I think the hype didn't necessarily match the quality of the film. The less said about the film the better in the sense that it's basically a genre mashup. It's very Hitchcockian but it needed to be more Hitchcockian for it to work as a classic in my opinion.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Alita battle angel.
Beautiful effects. Spectacular action. Great cast, including Chrisoph Waltz, Jennifer Connelly, Mahershala Ali and Ed Skrein (Deadpool). I would have given it 8 if I hadn't been let down by the ending (or should I say non-ending).

Parasite (2019)

Best movie of the century? Nah.
Best movie of the year? For sure.

Parasite (2019)

Best movie of the century? Nah.
Best movie of the year? For sure.

I think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is still firmly #1 for me...Parasite, Us, and Lighthouse are all in the top five

I think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is still firmly #1 for me...Parasite, Us, and Lighthouse are all in the top five
Haven't seen any of the ones you mentioned. In fact, looking at my seen log, I've only watched five from this year, ranked as such.

1. Parasite (By a long shot)
2. Toy Story 4
3. Avengers: Endgame
4. The Farewell
5. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World
Lists and Projects

The Verdict (1982)

This movie has a lot of acclaim; 5 Oscar nominations, the top 100 cheers list, #4 on AFI's courtroom drama list, etc. Frankly I just didn't see it. Paul Newman has had much better roles and Sidney Lumet has many other movies that are better. My wife and I both thought it was decent at best and we are very partial towards Boston based movies.

The Verdict (1982)

This movie has a lot of acclaim; 5 Oscar nominations, the top 100 cheers list, #4 on AFI's courtroom drama list, etc. Frankly I just didn't see it. Paul Newman has had much better roles and Sidney Lumet has many other movies that are better. My wife and I both thought it was decent at best and we are very partial towards Boston based movies.

Yeah that's one of those things that's very common The Verdict. It gets a lot better on repeat viewings so much of the impact of the story and performances are looks and inferences. Everytime I watch The Verdict it gets a little bit higher on my list of his works.

Sinister 2 (2015)

Pretty drab affair that didn't capitalize on the tension of the first film. Watcheable.