
So after re-watching The King of Comedy the other day, I logged on here to read some of the reviews, as I sometimes do after watching a notable film. And in JayDee's review (linkage), he mentioned some girl who got fifteen minutes of fame for posting a video of herself eating her own used tampon. Being the curious sort, I naturally had to seek out said video, which then resulted in 2+ hours traveling down a dark, disgusting rabbit hole of watching people eat nasty, gnarly sh*t (literal sh*t, in some cases). So, um, yeah . . . thanks for that, @JayDee. Most intense orgasm I've had in awhile.

Me and my friend, Sam, who worked with me to create my short film The Job Hunt shot a short promotional video recently for the Labour party in our constituency. Pretty pleased with the result - largely down to him, and there's a short appearance from me in there too if anyone spots it

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Ha - I was going to add as a note: No political comments please

It was my first opportunity to make something film/video related since I made my short film, and I had a great time meeting some great people and being able to film all that. The main guy is a Guardian journalist who my friend coincidentally sat next to on his train down from London, so he got to know him and said we could make a video of him and basically follow him for the day.

I'm really pleased with the end result, I think it works really well.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
So after re-watching The King of Comedy the other day, I logged on here to read some of the reviews, as I sometimes do after watching a notable film. And in JayDee's review (linkage), he mentioned some girl who got fifteen minutes of fame for posting a video of herself eating her own used tampon. Being the curious sort, I naturally had to seek out said video, which then resulted in 2+ hours traveling down a dark, disgusting rabbit hole of watching people eat nasty, gnarly sh*t (literal sh*t, in some cases). So, um, yeah . . . thanks for that, @JayDee. Most intense orgasm I've had in awhile.
You know that lil thing called the international date zone,Cap?Yeah well it's currently breakfast time where I live, but not any more

That's not a rubix cube. That's a rubiks cube. Everyone knows what a rubiks cube is. I want to know what the rubix cube TheUsualSuspect taught himself to use is.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Oh I think I saw Miss V's mofo awards. I di8dnt see the mofies,

Thank you both.