Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Trouble with a capital "T"
CR, you keep surprising me...

I understand you are not the type to check out all the new movies, so that you hadnt seen Harry Potter for example wasn't a biggie to me. But that you hadnt seen the Godfather series AND neither The Graduate!?!?! Oh my

Edit: NOT TAXI DRIVER EITHER!?!?! God dammit, Citizen, I can't be seen talking to you on this forum anymore...
So far for 2017 I've only seen a couple new movies, L.I.F.E is the only one I can think of right now. But I'm fairly well watched in newer films. I've seen all of these 2016 movies:

A Hologram for the King
Hello, My Name Is Doris
The Finest Hours
Hail, Caesar!
Elvis & Nixon
Mother's Day
Cafe Society
Wild Oats
The Jungle Book 2
Eddie the Eagle
Hell or High Water
The Shallows
Free State of Jones
Pete's Dragon
Hunt For The Wilderpeople
Swiss Army Man
Florence Foster Jenkins
Nine Lives
Love & Friendship
Hacksaw Ridge
Love & Friendship
Light Between Oceans
The Founder
La La Land
Hidden Figures
The Run of His Life: The People v. O.J. Simpson
American Pastoral
Rules Don't Apply
To Walk Invisible
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage
Sophie and the Rising Sun
My Bakery in Brooklyn

So I get around a bit Yup, one of these days I'll fill out the rest of my resume and catch up on the missing classics.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Psycho III

Def gotta review this one...very interesting second sequel and my 4th watch since it came out.
Cool, Psycho III is up next for me too, soon as my library gets the DVD in.

I just watched Psycho II thanks to your review of it....Psycho II is good fun! It was great to see Anthony Perkins back as the quirky but likeable Norman Bates. Loved the lines that Bates has and the way he delivers them. Golden.

@Citizen Rules I wasn't trying to put you down as a movie dude who only watches old movies and doesn't know the classics. I know you see new movies too, but it's just that your preference, so to speak, seem to lay more with the old classics than new movies, big modern blockbusters and superhero movies.

But I'm looking forward to some of those reviews when you get there. Get to it, CR!!!!

Psycho III

Def gotta review this one...very interesting second sequel and my 4th watch since it came out.
Cool, Psycho III is up next for me too, soon as my library gets the DVD in.

I just watched Psycho II thanks to your review of it....Psycho II is good fun! It was great to see Anthony Perkins back as the quirky but likeable Norman Bates. Loved the lines that Bates has and the way he delivers them. Golden.
Are you gonna review part 2?

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Citizen Rules I wasn't trying to put you down as a movie dude who only watches old movies and doesn't know the classics.
Totally cool MM I just wanted to brag a bit about the 2016 movies I've seen.

I know you see new movies too, but it's just that your preference, so to speak, seem to lay more with the old classics than new movies, big modern blockbusters and superhero movies.
Oh yeah, so true. The 30s,40s & 50s are my favorite movie decades. Superhero movies nope not doing it!

But I'm looking forward to some of those reviews when you get there. Get to it, CR!!!!
Those were all reviewed in my thread That's why I had a list. BTW I like how you did a master list in your review thread, I'll have to do that sometime too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Are you gonna review part 2?
Yup, maybe today. I've had a flu/cold this holiday weekend (fun...not!) so I had more time to write some overdue reviews. Psycho II should be next.

Totally cool MM I just wanted to brag a bit about the 2016 movies I've seen.
Yeah, I kinda got that feel too.

Those were all reviewed in my thread That's why I had a list. BTW I like how you did a master list in your review thread, I'll have to do that sometime too.
Whoops, I realise that wasn't too clear... I meant the movies we talked about in the past (and now) Godfather, Taxi Driver, Harry Potter etc... I guess it's easy to mess that up because the movies should've been reviewed ages ago! (just kidding)

Yeah man, I think it looks good and it makes it easier to get an overview and navigate around the thread. I'm glad I did the list as I went, because if I had to sit down and post titles, years and links like that for 300+ movies I would DIE.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
OMG the two bumbling rednecks trying to bash Jack in the bath with baseball bats. HILARIOUS!

Gran Torino

Beautiful movie, in which I see what is in almost every film Eastwood. A story about a child who goes into adulthood and is devoid of male patterns. 9.8 / 10
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All I knew about this film was 'Marilyn Manson'(who I'm a fan of) had a role in it but for some reason I thought this film was about a religious cult with 'Marilyn Manson's' character as the leader and was looking forwards to that a lot but it turned out to be a totally different film and unfortunately he wasn't in it much but when he was it was worth watching.


One scene with 'Marilyn Manson'(warning a spoiler starts around 1.09 when he finishes speaking):

Screw rules and embargos...

I'm bringing a full review of IT in a few hours or a day tops.

I'll post it in my Cinema Review thread and bring that back...

Psssst... tel nobody... but it's here... REVIEW OF IT

You can't win an argument just by being right!

All I knew about this film was 'Marilyn Manson'(who I'm a fan of) had a role in it but for some reason I thought this film was about a religious cult with 'Marilyn Manson's' character as the leader and was looking forwards to that a lot but it turned out to be a totally different film and unfortunately he wasn't in it much but when he was it was worth watching.


One scene with 'Marilyn Manson':

I've only ever seen him in SoA and for me, he was pretty terrible which was disappointing.

^ I've only seen series 1 of Sons of Anarchy so far, so think I'm a bit off from when he joins. Shame to hear as I was looking forwards to seeing him in it.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
^ I've only seen series 1 of Sons of Anarchy so far, so think I'm a bit off from when he joins. Shame to hear as I was looking forwards to seeing him in it.
I dont know his music but from a doco I saw he comes across as a super smart guy which impressed me. I just found his acting very flat. Fortunately his role was over before SoA completely nosedives in the final season. Dont take my word for it, though. You might like him. I;m just very picky, especially when it comes to Kurt Sutter's stunt casting with singers.