My Sexiest Female Movie Characters List


One thing I've learned from years of going to the movies and the years that I have spent on this website is that sexy is definitely in the eye of the beholder and that it is a completely subjective thing that even though people attempt to argue about, they really can't, all they can really say is that their opinion is different. The following is a list of female movie characters that I thought were sexy. I will not be talking about the actresses who portrayed the characters because every actress at some point has played a character that I didn't consider sexy. Granted, there will be actresses whose work will appear more than once on this list and there might be some who only appear once and, obviously, the list will definitely be affected by what films I have seen and what films I haven't. Once again, this is my opinion and my opinion only and I will be referring to character names so that it is clear that I'm not talking about the actresses who played them. Here we go...this is my list of the sexiest female movie characters:

Trouble with a capital "T"
I better see Wendy from The Shining on this list.
Wendy from The Shining? She'd be a candidate for Most Greasy Female Movie Characters List

I'm rooting for Mercy from The Warriors to make the list!

I better see Wendy from The Shining on this list.
Hadn't thought about Wendy but off the top of my head, no, I did not consider the character sexy. Sorry.
I can't believe it.
Wendy from The Shining? She'd be a candidate for Most Greasy Female Movie Characters List
Poor Shelley Duvall! I liked her in Roxanne .

I will not be talking about the actresses who portrayed the characters because every actress at some point has played a character that I didn't consider sexy.
That's an interesting question – would I still find a character sexy because of the actress playing her or not?

This might just do nobody any good.
That's an interesting question – would I still find a character sexy because of the actress playing her or not?
How do you feel about Theron's Aileen Wuornos?

How do you feel about Theron's Aileen Wuornos?
Good example. Haven't seen the film properly but I'm not mad keen on Theron anyway. Her character in Prometheus is pretty easy to hate.

Wendy from The Shining? She'd be a candidate for Most Greasy Female Movie Characters List

I'm rooting for Mercy from The Warriors to make the list!
I'm voting for almost any characters played by Ann Margaret or Natalie Wood!

This might just do nobody any good.
Good example. Haven't seen the film properly but I'm not mad keen on Theron anyway. Her character in Prometheus is pretty easy to hate.
Vickers (actual name) is closer to what I would consider a good example. A role that doesn't make any attempt at "ugly-fying" an actress but uses the character's personality to deflect attraction.

I can't think of one immediately. Not a female character, at least. Theron's co-star, Michael Fassbender, has a good male example with Brandon from Shame.

He's handsome, successful, charming and well endowed but these attributes aren't supposed to be attractive. Just means to self harm. All we're meant to see is self destruction and selfishness.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Vickers (actual name) is closer to what I would consider a good example. A role that doesn't make any attempt at "ugly-fying" an actress but uses the character's personality to deflect attraction.

I can't think of one immediately. Not a female character, at least. Theron's co-star, Michael Fassbender, has a good male example with Brandon from Shame.

He's handsome, successful, charming and well endowed by at no point do this attributes make him attractive. All we're meant see is self destruction and selfishness.
Pretty much how I felt about Mads Mikkelsen in Coco and Igor.

Pretty much how I felt about Mads Mikkelsen in Coco and Igor.
Yeah, and how I felt about Anna Mouglalis. Unpleasant character but definitive screen sex appeal.

I can't think of one immediately. Not a female character, at least. Theron's co-star, Michael Fassbender, has a good male example with Brandon from Shame.

He's handsome, successful, charming and well endowed but these attributes aren't supposed to be attractive. Just means to self harm. All were meant to see is self destruction and selfishness.
Just for the record, I will be doing a list of sexiest male characters after this one.

Vickers (actual name)
Seems to be a name for villains. One of the late Tim Pigott-Smith's best roles was as the corrupt police officer Vickers in The Vice.

is closer to what I would consider a good example. A role that doesn't make any attempt at "ugly-fying" an actress but uses the character's personality to deflect attraction.
Yeah, that's what I was most fascinated by, examples where the actress is still recognisable. Haven't seen it but I'm guessing Young Adult would be another Theron example.

I've thought of another one — Elizabeth Banks in The Uninvited. Still fancy her like mad .

I can't think of one immediately. Not a female character, at least. Theron's co-star, Michael Fassbender, has a good male example with Brandon from Shame.

He's handsome, successful, charming and well endowed but these attributes aren't supposed to be attractive. Just means to self harm. All were meant to see is self destruction and selfishness.
I would think Christian Bale in American Psycho would be another good one.

Controversial – in Dredd Lena Headey still manages to make Ma-Ma sexy.