The Election News and Predictions Thread


This year in general has been pretty surreal. Someone somewhere built a time machine, went back in time and stepped on a butterfly. Prepare for an Alien invasion.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Well if that's too extreme, how about this then -

Does anyone else fancy joining ISIS?

Just the President of the United States is also seen as the leader of the free world and of the West. Well if Donald Trump (and Hilary Clinton for that matter) is the best we can do then perhaps ISIS are right, maybe the West does need taken down a peg or two

And yes I'm aware posting that will probably see me placed on some NSA watchlist and on the no-fly list but I don't think it will really matter; I'm pretty sure the world will be gone by the weekend so I won't be overly affected

Are you serious?

We have gotten along well on the forum, but man, this statement is going too far. This is shameful posting man.

Prepare for an Alien invasion.
They'd leave. Theyd decide to return when theres real intelligent life, like when when whales grow thumbs.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave! Of course not.

Sorry everyone, I know that it's maybe quite difficult to make sense of the world today, and to try and recognise what is reality given what's happened, but I thought it was fairly obvious that I was in no way serious with that post. It was a ridiculous exaggeration just to make a point about how preposterous and unbelievable I find the whole thing. It was purely intended as a joke, though perhaps in poor taste I'll admit.

I mean I highly doubt I'm exactly ISIS material. They'd probably find a none-more-white guy from Scotland a somewhat suspicious applicant!

So again for anyone that I insulted or offended with that particular post I very much apologise. And I'll be happy to delete it if people believe that would be the right thing to do

I didn't like the whole thing about "we need to be extinct because of this" ..... but you know what? That and the ISIS thing -- it's all humor. And I can't be against that because if I had said it, I'd probably be torn apart for it (well, maybe). Some people would be temp banned.

Donald Trump is President. It's okay now to be more free with our expressions. My overreaction to "we should all be extinct" was very Obama-like for me. Even I have been affected. I need to be deprogrammed.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
At the request of others I have decided to delete the post in question.

I'm not trying to hide what I said or cover it up, I'll freely admit to posting it. However in no way am I looking to offend anyone and it seems that particular post is doing just that, at least for some people. So I've deleted it.

Again, I'm sorry

Now you see why I called you bitter and angry, though? After all that. It's okay, though. I understand.

Looks like Trump has trumped Clinton.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I will be the first to attempt to find some sort of common ground. The DNC needs to be overhauled. Bernie Sanders had all of the political movement, all of the passionate support, and by all right should've had the nomination had the DNC not been in the bag for Hilary. The only thing that kept Bernie out of the running as a serious nomination for all of the superdelegates who Clinton had a monopoly on.

You know, a lot of Democrats are saying "see, look how crazy the GOP is!" But watch what happens when they open up their own primary process. You're gonna see some really fringe-y leftists making some noise. Heck, they almost nominated a self-described socialist.

The last time they opened the process up they got McGovern, who lost to Nixon by more than 20 points.

Now you see why I called you bitter and angry, though? After all that. It's okay, though. I understand.
A bitter and angry Scotsman? No!?! Really? Get out of here.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Here’s Why We Grieve Today

I don’t think you understand us right now.

I think you think this is about politics.

I think you believe this is all just sour grapes; the crocodile tears of the losing locker room with the scoreboard going against us at the buzzer.

I can only tell you that you’re wrong. This is not about losing an election. This isn’t about not winning a contest. This is about two very different ways of seeing the world.

Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America; one where religion or skin color or sexual orientation or place of birth aren’t liabilities or deficiencies or moral defects. Her campaign was one of inclusion and connection and interdependency. It was about building bridges and breaking ceilings. It was about going high.

Trump supporters believe in a very selective America; one that is largely white and straight and Christian, and the voting verified this. Donald Trump has never made any assertions otherwise. He ran a campaign of fear and exclusion and isolation—and that’s the vision of the world those who voted for him have endorsed.

They have aligned with the wall-builder and the professed p*ssy-grabber, and they have co-signed his body of work, regardless of the reasons they give for their vote:

Every horrible thing Donald Trump ever said about women or Muslims or people of color has now been validated.
Every profanity-laced press conference and every call to bully protestors and every ignorant diatribe has been endorsed.
Every piece of anti-LGBTQ legislation Mike Pence has championed has been signed-off on.

Half of our country has declared these things acceptable, noble, American.

This is the disconnect and the source of our grief today. It isn’t a political defeat that we’re lamenting, it’s a defeat for Humanity.

We’re not angry that our candidate lost. We’re angry because our candidate’s losing means this country will be less safe, less kind, and less available to a huge segment of its population, and that’s just the truth.

Those who have always felt vulnerable are now left more so. Those whose voices have been silenced will be further quieted. Those who always felt marginalized will be pushed further to the periphery. Those who feared they were seen as inferior now have confirmation in actual percentages.

Those things have essentially been campaign promises of Donald Trump, and so many of our fellow citizens have said this is what they want too.

This has never been about politics.
This is not about one candidate over the other.
It’s not about one’s ideas over another’s.
It is not blue vs. red.
It’s not her emails vs. his bad language.
It’s not her dishonesty vs. his indecency.

It’s about overt racism and hostility toward minorities.
It’s about religion being weaponized.
It’s about crassness and vulgarity and disregard for women.
It’s about a barricaded, militarized, bully nation.
It’s about an unapologetic, open-faced ugliness.

And it is not only that these things have been ratified by our nation that grieve us; all this hatred, fear, racism, bigotry, and intolerance—it’s knowing that these things have been amen-ed by our neighbors, our families, our friends, those we work with and worship alongside. That is the most horrific thing of all. We now know how close this is.

It feels like living in enemy territory being here now, and there’s no way around that. We wake up today in a home we no longer recognize. We are grieving the loss of a place we used to love but no longer do. This may be America today but it is not the America we believe in or recognize or want.

This is not about a difference of political opinion, as that’s far too small to mourn over. It’s about a fundamental difference in how we view the worth of all people—not just those who look or talk or think or vote the way we do.

Grief always laments what might have been, the future we were robbed of, the tomorrow that we won’t get to see, and that is what we walk through today. As a nation we had an opportunity to affirm the beauty of our diversity this day, to choose ideas over sound bytes, to let everyone know they had a place at the table, to be the beacon of goodness and decency we imagine that we are—and we said no.

The Scriptures say that weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning. We can’t see that dawn coming any time soon.

And this is why we grieve.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Now you see why I called you bitter and angry, though?
No. I really, really don't. But I don't want to get into it again

A bitter and angry Scotsman? No!?! Really? Get out of here.
And what the F*CK is that meant to mean?!!! Well you little English ***** you, are you going to answer me?

Although given my run-in with Camo last night I guess I can't argue all that vehemently.