Donald Trump for President?


Trouble with a capital "T"
Trump is popular among his followers because (IMO):

He's a loud mouth bully and people often equate that trait with self confidence and leadership ability. Think of some of the worlds most notorious leaders.

He seems tough, so it seems like he would be a tough take-no-crap president and that appeals to some as many want a tough, can-do president.

He's a non-politician who knocks the system and the media, so he appeals to anarchist and outsider types, who disdain D.C. politicians and mainstream media.

He's a bigoted, sexist, lout and seen as the 'great white hope', and that's where he gets his most support from, redneck Archie Bunker types.

And of course there's those who hate Hillary so much that they will vote for Trump just because they don't want her to win.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
And I've met more people voting Trump or third party or abstaining than I've met Clinton voters
Tons of Trump voters here unfortunately.

Ya Trump has more in common with Bernie, than most Republicans think
This is how I see it, and I hope it makes sense:

One of the biggest problems that I think socialism faces is just how far do we implement it. Do we just want socialism for our people, or for everyone?

Trump supporters and socialists have some issues in common, just as the left wing supporters have some elements in common with far-right labelled parties such as UKIP.

Both generally want to raise minimum wages and to create jobs. The problem is with the left is that they generally believe in more free movement yet believe in protectionism when it comes to international trade. Where as conservatives are tighter immigration controls and more free trade. Both are seen as different solutions to the same problem.

Trump is popular among his followers because (IMO):

He's a loud mouth bully and people often equate that trait with self confidence and leadership ability. Think of some of the worlds most notorious leaders.

He seems tough, so it seems like he would be a tough take-no-crap president and that appeals to some as many want a tough, can-do president.

He's a non-politician who knocks the system and the media, so he appeals to anarchist and outsider types, who disdain D.C. politicians and mainstream media.

He's a bigoted, sexist, lout and seen as the 'great white hope', and that's where he gets his most support from, redneck Archie Bunker types.
He's a real man.

To add to my argument, I was talking to my step-dad this morning. I think he voted for UKIP in the last general election, which are largely seen as a right wing anti-immigration party. Yet he said to me this morning he really enjoyed listening to Jeremy Corbyn (Labour leader seen as very left wing) today, and that he agrees with a lot of what he says about jobs and wages, and that he would consider voting for him if it wasn't for his attitude towards immigration.

Advice needed:
I only have 3 choices (and a couple sub-choices) for myself.

1. Vote for Trump (because I will not vote for Hillary no matter what)
2. Not vote at all (because I will not vote for Hillary no matter what)
3. Vote for a third party candidate (because I will not vote for Hillary no matter what)
Which leaves me with a choice between Johnson, Stein or McMullin.
So what should I do?
(And don't say vote for Clinton because... I will not vote for Hillary no matter what!)

Advice needed:
I only have 3 choices (and a couple sub-choices) for myself.

1. Vote for Trump (because I will not vote for Hillary no matter what)
2. Not vote at all (because I will not vote for Hillary no matter what)
3. Vote for a third party candidate (because I will not vote for Hillary no matter what)
Which leaves me with a choice between Johnson, Stein or McMullin.
So what should I do?
(And don't say vote for Clinton because... I will not vote for Hillary no matter what!)
Do this test - - see who you get, and vote for them?

Anyone who votes for Trump will be blessed.
Attached Images

That's one of the weirdest result sets I think I have seen, CR But I think it show it's a good tool and can show you a lot that you might not even realise yourself, it's cool that yours is unique and doesn't really conform to any one side or candidate. I think the last time I did it I got 100% Jill Stein and 97% Hillary Clinton, which I found surprising considering a lot of the attitude from left-wing supporters seems to be that Clinton isn't actually left-wing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Like I've said, I'm extremely conservative on some issues and considered Trump when he first announced his was running. I'm also extremely liberal on some other issues so that puts me in line with Jill Stein and Hillary Clinton. I've taken that test before and even did the much longer involved questions and I still get a near split between some of the candidates. I think it's a good test.

Judge finds Trump campaign responsible for voter suppression in Ohio

An Ohio judge on Friday issued a temporary restraining order against Donald Trump's campaign in response to the Ohio Democratic Party's lawsuit claiming Trump supporters planned to "watch" and intimidate minority voters in certain regions of the state, The Associated Press reports. While the original lawsuit also accused the Ohio Republican Party, the state party was ultimately dismissed as a defendant because "there was insufficient evidence that the Ohio Republican Party itself was planning the voter intimidation," Cleveland civil rights attorney Subodh Chandra told ThinkProgress. "Clearly [the judge] thought there was enough evidence about the Trump campaign." The restraining order prevents individuals from intimidating and harassing voters, and anyone found to violate the order could face contempt of court.

Trump's campaign unsuccessfully tried to defend itself by saying it was "absurd" to argue that "essentially half of the electorate … is engaged in a 'conspiracy' to suppress voter turnout." "At one point during Friday's hearing, according to Chandra, Trump's lawyer also tried to allege that Trump's voter fraud message happens all the time. When the judge asked for an example, the lawyer walked back the claim," ThinkProgress writes.

Trump operative Roger Stone was named in the restraining order; his Stop the Steal super PAC has organized Trump supporters to monitor polls in areas with high minority populations.

Trump has been widely criticized for encouraging his supporters on multiple occasions to "watch" for other voters. "And when I say 'watch,' you know what I'm talking about, right?" Trump asked the crowd in Akron, Ohio, in August. "You know what I'm talking about."

Do this test - - see who you get, and vote for them?
My results came back as Gary Johnson!

I wasn't surprised that I had to go to "other stances" for almost every question - and that for several, I had to "add my own" because the options provided were too limited (sometimes a caveat from a "Yes" and a "No" would combine to make a perfect solution), while I would choose attributes from multiple options to form a multi-pronged approach to solutions.

So now my only question is "What is a leppo?"

"It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's kind of like a Leopard and a Hippo mixed, bred for its skills in magic! "

I got

90% Trump
59% Johnson
24% Stein
24% Clinton
Yeah, what was nice on mine was that Clinton was last on the list - just like in my mind.
Actually, for me, she's not even on the list.

Now, what should I wear on Tuesday?


I took the test. I suggest all voters do.
I took it twice. Once Octoberish 2015 and the other when Bernie, Cruz, Kasich and Rubio were still in. The first time, I scored Bernie for 90 something and the republicans had very low scores. The second, I got Hillary for 70 something and everyone else was higher than a 60. Johnson was my second. Strange that I got a little more conservative since then.