50's HoF - Part Two


Regarding comparing that movie to Goodfellas, Sean. I read the same thing somewhere else, or that it was compared to something similar.

Actually I just remembered; it was Martin Scorsese's inspiration for Mean Streets.

Master of My Domain
I'd say I Vitelloni is a template for countless movies other than Goodfellas and/or Mean Streets as you can obviously see the influence it has. That's why I like it a lot too. It might be one of the easiest Fellini films to cruise through. Glad you enjoyed it Sean.
Letterboxd Profile: https://letterboxd.com/GatsbyG/

Yeah, I guess I shouldn't be surprised when you see thise influences. The narration at the beginning introducing all the guys. Then the way he plays music over some of his scenes. Goid stuff.

I Vitelloni reminded me of Diner. Or vice versa.
Hand to God after Goodfellas it was the other movie that came to mind. I'm sure you remember that Diner is one of my faves as well. I assume you like I Vitelloni Mark?

Hand to God after Goodfellas it was the other movie that came to mind. I'm sure you remember that Diner is one of my faves as well. I assume you like I Vitelloni Mark?
Mark doesn't care about your pathetic questions!

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The Hitch-Hiker (1953)

Directed by Ida Lupino,interestingly this was the first noir directed by a woman. Whilst I did enjoy this and would watch it again, I still ended up feeling somewhat disappointed. I expected so much more from this but found it did drag at times despite its short running time, which kind of put an end to any moments of suspense or tension for me. That said, I enjoyed the performances and some of the characteristics of the hitch-hiker worked really well. The backdrop of the desert was great and the scenes in the car gave a really claustrophobic feel. The film also benefitted from a strong ending that I did not see coming.

Overall like I said, I expected more although this may be due to my too high expectations as I really wanted to love this but there is certainly more than enough to merit a rewatch.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Great write up! The main thing I disagree with is the film dragging on. I honestly thought that every scene in the film was meaningful, and added to the suspense and tension.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Cheers Nope. Possibly a rewatch might affect me differently. Like I said, I will definitely watch again at some stage. I'm glad I got to see it though and was a great nomination. I love gritty films like that.

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Cheers Nope. Possibly a rewatch might affect me differently. Like I said, I will definitely watch again at some stage. I'm glad I got to see it though and was a great nomination. I love gritty films like that.
I definitely enjoyed the film more on a second watch. It made me see that lot's of the scenes are set up for something that would happen latter in the film.

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I Vitelloni (1953)

Ive yet to see a Fellini film that I haven't loved and I Vitelloni is no different. Playing almost like a character study of five loveable rogues, we watch their lives play out in typical Fellini melancholic fashion. Drinking, eating, sleeping and chasing skirt, Fellini has such a talent for making simple plots so sophisticated and vice versa.

Once again, his photography and direction is sublime and although I Vitelloni doesn't hit the heights of 8 1/2 or La Dolce Vita, its still a brilliantly dark and funny drama that has been hugely influential.

On a side note regarding Sean and a few others mention about a Goodfellas vibe, this actually reminded me of Bogdanovich's The Last Picture Show, which I loved also. Anyone else any thoughts on this?

Anyway, last week I watched this for the first time and gave it a
+ but after a very late rewatch last night its gets bumped up to a
. A serious contender for my 50's list.

Master of My Domain
All these nice write-ups are bringing a smile to my face.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Hitch-Hiker

I'm so happy this movie was nominated! I've seen Ida Lupino in earlier films and knew she had directed, but I had never seen one until now. She does a fantastic job as a director! I love the way she goes with down-angled closeup shots, during the opening credits. It's too bad the credits had to roll over her work as the opening shots of the hitch-hikers boots, the pavement of the road and the tires of the victim's car...are intense.

I love the way she keeps the film tense with close up shots in the car...it adds a sense of claustrophobia which is perfect for a story about two men held captive by a psycho. We also get a few beautiful wide shots, taken from up above on the rocks, as the car speeds along. The rock location is not only cool looking, but gives a sense of bleakness and isolation...as does the stories choice of location in the remote region of Mexico. Written by Ida and her husband Collier, this is a stark, no nonsense script and the cinematography matches that to a tee.

I always like Edmund O'Brien, he's particular good here. And William Talman as the psycho hitch-hiker made one helluva bad guy. Great choice for a nomination, Nope.

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Detective Story: I really loved this movie. To start it takes place mostly in one location, I tend to love films that do that. The script is really good and there are lots of characters. I love the juxtaposition between the three thieves that are all part of the extra threads in the film. I thought all of those threads played out in a really satisfying way. Douglas is great and his character's conflict is extremely intriguing. I will be interested to see how some mofos will feel about some of the films themes. Feels like they may feel antiquated to some, but I really connected with it. Great nom, if it doesn't make my 50's list that means I am going to watch a whole bunch of great movies in the next couple of months.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Glad to hear I nominated one, that someone really liked I too, like films that stay in one place, it makes me feel like for the duration of the film, I'm off in another world. I forgot how you felt about Kirk Douglas in Ace in the Hole? I liked him in that movie, but like you say his character has believable inner conflict that drives his performance here.

I wasn't that crazy about Ace In The Hole, only okay for me. Great concept but I thought it got kind of silly. Definitely liked him better here, I like him better in Out Of The Past as well.