1961 Best Picture Nominees


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Well, I don't like Jules and Jim as much as I should because I really like Truffaut, but the ending pretty much lets it down for me. Lawrence was love at first sight.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Jules and Jim and Lawrence of Arabia. I'd be willing to give Lawrence another try, but I'm pretty firm on my Jules and Jim dislike.

I tried watching Jules and Jim recently when it was on TCM, but I just couldn't get into it. It's still on my DVR, so I'm going to give it another chance.

I watched Lawrence of Arabia yesterday, and it was good, but it's probably not top ten for me.

Well, I don't like Jules and Jim as much as I should because I really like Truffaut, but the ending pretty much lets it down for me. Lawrence was love at first sight.
Same here with Lawrence .

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Well, I don't like Jules and Jim as much as I should because I really like Truffaut, but the ending pretty much lets it down for me. Lawrence was love at first sight.
I love The 400 Blows and I've liked some of his other stuff, but Jules and Jim just rubbed me the wrong way.

I really should give Lawrence of Arabia another chance. It's been a few years since I've seen it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Can I ask you guys a question? About how many films a week do you watch? I watch at the most 6 films a week.

I think you guys might watch much more that I do. Just to get through some of the recommendations list would take me like a year.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Can I ask you guys a question? About how many films a week do you watch? I watch at the most 6 films a week.

I think you guys might watch much more that I do. Just to get through some of the recommendations list would take me like a year.

It varies depending on how much work I have to do, whether or not hubby is home, and how many TV shows were DVRed the night before. Sometimes I can only watch 1 or 2 movies a day, other times I can watch 3 or 4 movies a day.

Harakiri and La Jetee are also from 1962 - not seen anyone mention them (but I might have missed it). I'm not a huge fan of La Jetee but Harakiri is excellent.

Harakiri and La Jetee are also from 1962 - not seen anyone mention them (but I might have missed it). I'm not a huge fan of La Jetee but Harakiri is excellent.
Had no idea La Jetee was from 1962 thanks, that's now five i love from that year.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Can I ask you guys a question? About how many films a week do you watch? I watch at the most 6 films a week.

I think you guys might watch much more that I do. Just to get through some of the recommendations list would take me like a year.
I go through binges and purges. Right now, it's a good thing I have tournaments and such or I'd barely watch anything. I'm probably at three to five a week right now but at least three of those are social watches, so I don't get to watch exactly what I want.

I'm going to set myself up with a personal challenge here pretty soon, because that seems to be the only way I get things done.

I'm making movie watching sound like a chore and I don't mean to, but I'll fool around with other stuff until there isn't any time left in the day to watch something so I kind of have to structure it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
"...but I'll fool around with other stuff until there isn't any time left in the day to watch something so I kind of have to structure it"

Godoggo, that sounds like what I do too.

It's 8pm on the west coast and I won't be having dinner and a movie until at least another 30 minutes. Last week I only watched a couple movies as we were watching a mini series.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
"...but I'll fool around with other stuff until there isn't any time left in the day to watch something so I kind of have to structure it"

Godoggo, that sounds like what I do too.

It's 8pm on the west coast and I won't be having dinner and a movie until at least another 30 minutes. Last week I only watched a couple movies as we were watching a mini series.
Yeah, I hate schedules as in having to do things at a certain time, but if I don't structure things in a certain way I end up not doing anything I meant to do. Sad that I have to do that with my hobbies and things I enjoy, but I do.

I'm going to set myself up with a personal challenge here pretty soon, because that seems to be the only way I get things done.

I'm making movie watching sound like a chore and I don't mean to, but I'll fool around with other stuff until there isn't any time left in the day to watch something so I kind of have to structure it.
I've thought about doing this a few times. Good luck with whatever it is.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
A few British film recommendations for 1962 Dr No, The L Shaped Room, The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

I tried watching Dr No recently, but I turned it off at the part with the spider. I like the James Bond movies, so I'm going to try watching it again, but skipping that scene.

No love for Cape Fear? I watched that the other day and thought it was very good.

I'll second recommendations for: Lawrence of Arabia, La Jetée, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr. No and Jules and Jim (although I agree it's not great, but I like it enough).

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
No love for Cape Fear? I watched that the other day and thought it was very good.

I'll second recommendations for: Lawrence of Arabia, La Jetée, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The Manchurian Candidate, Dr. No and Jules and Jim (although I agree it's not great, but I like it enough).

I just looked up Cape Fear, and it sounds like a good movie. I'll have to watch that before submitting my list. (I knew about the 1991 version, but I didn't know that it was a remake.)
