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Last Activity: 6 hours ago


I am the Watcher in the Night
1,167 POSTS



11¾ years HERE

London Location
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Student Occupation
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"
Showing Comments 1 to 1 of 1
  1. 03-10-15
    Hi, I'm Destiny. I'm a mod, but I also run the Grill a MoFo thread. I've been away for a long time, but I am back in the evenings now. Anyway, just so you know . . . You are next.
Avengers: Infinity War   4/28/18
Spider-Man and the X-Men, Marvel's two biggest comic properties were in the hands of rivals, so they would hav

The Disaster Artist   1/16/18
When James Franco decided to make a movie about the most famous bad movie of them all, I expected something su

Star Wars: The Last Jedi   12/20/17
The opening sequence may be one of the best ever in the series, a fine space battle which also helps set up th

Foxcatcher   12/30/14
So here I was, not having written a review for a very long time, when I watched Foxcatcher and boy, is it the

View All Reviews (5)
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