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Mumbai/Bombay Location
History , military and defence , writing movie reviews Interests
doctor ( general practitioner ) Occupation
Showing Comments 5 to 5 of 5
  1. 10-17-15
    Have you ever seen The Far Pavilions? I was wondering what your thoughts were on it, as you're so keen to discuss entertainment as it relates to India. I haven't found a review for it anywhere else on the site.

    An Englishman named Ash (Ben Cross) was orphaned at the age of four, but was saved from the Indian Mutiny by a Hindu foster mother who brought him up as her own. Only on her deathbed did she reveal Ash's true origins to him, and he finds himself torn between the British and Indian establishments as he tries to win the hand of Anjula (Amy Irving), his childhood friend, now an Indian princess already betrothed to a local ruler.
ashdoc has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
The Kerala Story   5/05/23
The plans to bring them into the jehadi fold are elaborate to say the least--from regular verbal bombardment a

The Kashmir Files   6/07/22
For it is in Kashmir that he gets to meet his grandfather's friends who show him the files which tell the real

Sir   11/17/20
The movie is about the chemistry between an upper class guy named Ashwin played by Vivek Gomber and his maid n

Malang   9/08/20
Not only does Disha Patani who plays Sara have a stunning body which is exposed in short clothes and bikinis ,

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