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Showing Comments 2357 to 2360 of 2361
  1. 03-03-14
    I very much approve of your avatar.
  2. 01-28-14
    Yes, I've seen the remake. I actually saw it first. I don't hate it and I certainly don't hate it the way a lot of other people seem to, but there's no comparison in quality and audience experience. Hope you like it. Actually, I hope you like them both.
  3. 10-30-13
    Of those I've seen so far I'd certainly say it's one of his most under-rated. I don't remember a great deal about it, will need to give it another watch. I do remember it have a series of great set-pieces though. Don't know if you've seen it but Frenzy is another really good/great entry in his lesser known works
  4. 08-04-13
    I'll be sure to tell you what i think of it once i've seen it
Phantom Thread   2/12/18
That was a great conflict because the real Alma seemed interesting and he was trying to turn her into some pro

The Hunt   4/27/17
Maybe her parents had spoke to her about adults acting inappropriately, definitely think that contributes to s

Wings of Desire   4/25/17
Some of them were pretty spot on but others i thought were thinking a little too much, by that i mean if you c

Like Someone in Love   3/15/17
Weird starting place as it's his last film and it is not one of his most acclaimed i don't think, i watched it

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