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15¾ years HERE

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Florida Location

Showing Comments 13 to 16 of 19
  1. 06-27-17
    I meant the entire show. Either way, I'm not taking any chances.
  2. 06-27-17
    No matter how hard I try to avoid it, I keep coming across someone talking about the greatness that is episode 8 of Twin Peaks. Everywhere. I was going to wait until all the episodes came out before watching the show, but now my curiosity is on 11.

    And at this point I fear someone, somewhere, will eventually succeed in spoiling it all for me.
  3. 05-28-17
    You could try twerking. It's all the rage these days and I hear it does wonders for your glutes. That or synchronized swimming.

    I should look up if there's such a thing as synchronized water-twerking. This could be revolutionary.

    Needs a better name, though
  4. 05-27-17
    Heyooo. What's the dealio?

    I'm dabbling in poetry. Thought I'd share the results. <-- poetface
The Spanish Prisoner   4/23/21
I like David Mamet too, but the insulting contrivances, tacky ending, and shortsighted main character seem way

Soldier   3/01/21
The most interesting part of the movie (Todd's character arc amidst the township) should've been given a lot m

Death Race   2/26/21
made movies for teenage boys who blew out their ear drums listening to nu-metal and carved S into their desk

Oblivion   2/20/21
This is also one of those movies that makes me play decibel hockey with low mumbles and loud action scenes, pr

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